
  • 网络AHP;Analytical Hierarchy Process;analytic hierarchy process;ANP;APH
  1. 运用改进的层次分析法和改进的TOPSIS法相结合的方法来评价合作伙伴。

    And it uses the improved AHP and modified TOPSIS method to evaluate copartners .

  2. 本文在于结合BP神经网络、层次分析法两种方法,利用层次分析法确定各变量的权重并作为神经网络的输入单元。

    This is combined with BP neural network and AHP , using AHP to determine the weight of each variable , which is the neural network input unit .

  3. 层次分析法(AHP法)在金矿勘查中的应用&新疆金窝子金矿床为例

    Application of hierarchical analysis process ( AHP ) to gold exploration

  4. MIS需求分析的层次分析法

    The Hierarchical Method of the Requirement Analysis on the MIS

  5. 本文提出一种评价和改良层次分析法(AHP)中成对比较相容性的方法,并用实例验证了其有效性

    This paper proposes the method to evaluate and improve the consistency of pairwise comparison

  6. 层次分析法(AHP)在效益评价中的应用&1995年河南省各地市工业经济效益综合评价

    The Application of AHP in Economic Efficiency Evaluation

  7. 在定性与定量相结合的方法中,AHP(层次分析法)是最常用的方法。

    In these combination of qualitative and quantitative methods , the AHP is the best .

  8. 本文采用GIS技术与层次分析法相结合的方法,进行地质灾害风险评价管理研究。

    The paper combine GIS technology and Analytic Hierarchy Process to assess the risk of slope geological disasters and do research on risk management .

  9. 采用模糊集合论(Fuzzy)与层次分析法(AHP)相结合的方法,建立了一个对我国企业内部冲突状态进行综合量化评价的数学模型。

    By using the theories of Fuzzy and AHP , the paper established a mathematics model to appraise the internal conflict in an enterprise .

  10. 在专家打分后,我们运动层次分析法,借助Matlab软件对指标体系进行了分析。

    After scored by experts , we use analytic hierarchy process and in the help of Matlab software to analyze the index system .

  11. 方法应用层次分析法(AHP法)综合评判襄樊市血液安全政策执行情况及AIDS流行与控制效果。

    AHP method was applied to evaluate the implementation of blood safety policy and the effect of HIV / AIDS control .

  12. 基于GIS和改进层次分析法的耕地土壤肥力模糊评价&以贵州省普安县为例

    Fuzzy Evaluation on Soil Fertility of Cultivated Land Based on GIS and Improved AHP & A Case of Pu ` an County in Guizhou Province

  13. 对于CIM评价的多重性特点,则用AHP法(层次分析法)来处理。

    The multiple criteria aspect of CIM justification is treated with Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method .

  14. 本文提出了基于区间层次分析法和TOPSIS方法的负荷指标优选模型。

    This article proposed load index optimization model based on Interval AHP theory and TOPSIS theory .

  15. 主要依据AHP层次分析法的原理,探讨了指标权重的确定和评价的过程、步骤及方法。

    The thesis discusses how to make sure the Index Weight and the evaluation process , steps and ways on the basis of AHP theory .

  16. 基于DPS数据处理系统的层次分析法在评价体系中的应用

    Application of Hierarchy Analysis Method in DPS Data Processing System on Forest Evaluation System

  17. 正基于此,本文通过分析E公司这个跨国制造企业的供应链管理模式,提出了供应链环境下基于顾客满意度的物流服务质量体系,并选择模糊层次分析法(模糊AHP)进行了评价。

    Therefore , a logistics service quality system based on customer satisfaction under supply chain environment has been established by analyzing the supply chain management mode of E-Company .

  18. 首先,采用层次分析法(AHP)构造分层评价指标体系,并确定各项指标的权重。

    Firstly , the layered evaluation index system is established and the evaluation indexes ' weight values are determined by Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  19. 用层次分析法(AHP)得到不同目标和限制的重要性排序,从而建立目标规划模型。

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) is used to obtain the sequence of importance of different requirements and constraints . Then the goal programming model is introduced .

  20. 该模型评价指标的选择参考了其他供应商评价理论中的质量指标,并结合了ABC公司所处行业的有关特点,指标权重的确定采取了层次分析法,使该评价模型更加科学、更加准确。

    The index selection of the evaluation model used quality index in other supplier evaluation theory for reference , and combined related industrial characteristic of ABC Company .

  21. 为了保证用户对不同QoS参数设置权重的合理性,采用层次分析法进行一致性校验、。

    In order to guarantee that different QoS parameters ' weights which are set by users are reasonable , AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) is introduced to do coherence test .

  22. 运用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,通过调查问卷的方式获得四类人群对非营利组织CRM绩效的评价。

    AHP was applied to determine the weight of each index . By way of the questionnaire , four kinds of people did CRM performance evaluation on the NPO .

  23. 企业战略目标的制定和选择以及企业战略目标的实施过程和控制。重点则是结合云南锡业某集团公司的实际情况进行定性和定量分析,以及SWOT矩阵分析和AHP层次分析法。

    It puts emphasis on the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis with the methods of SWOT and AHP on the basis of the actual conditions of Yunnan 's tin industry .

  24. 然后,在上述指标体系建立的基础上,使用可拓层次分析法对DL经济型酒店竞争力进行了评价。

    And then , on the basis of establishing index system , evaluate DL economy hotel competitiveness using analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) .

  25. 在确定评价指标的权重时采用了AHP层次分析法+熵值法综合赋权法,使得评价指标权重确定的过程更加科学合理。

    In determining the weight of evaluation used the " AHP AHP + entropy " comprehensive weighting method , which makes the determination process of evaluation index weights more scientific and rational .

  26. 使用AHP层次分析法对评价指标体系赋权重,使用模糊综合数学模型进行案例分析,证明了评价方法的可行性。

    The AHP method is used to define the coefficient of valuation target system appropriately . A case is analyzed by fuzzy mathematical model , which proves the feasibility a of evaluation method .

  27. 制造业;供应商选择;层次分析法;熵权系数法;TOPSIS法;

    Manufacturing industry ; Supplier selection ; Analytic Hierarchy Process ; Entropy Coefficients ; Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ( TOPSIS );

  28. 计算结果表明,基于层次分析法的网通城域网IP改造方法能够很好地考虑各种必要的定性和定量因素,体现专家的决策意图,得到合理的决策结果。

    The results show that the level of analysis based on the IP MAN Netcom transformation can be a good way to consider the necessary qualitative and quantitative factors , experts of the decision-making intent , a reasonable decision-making results .

  29. 采用层次分析法和Delphi法相结合的综合赋权方法计算各要素评分值及内外部环境因素总加权评分值,构建SWOT分析矩阵;

    A new method of the integration of AHP and Delphi is put forward to calculate the point of each element and the two matrixes , and to construct SWOT analytical matrix .

  30. 然后运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对初创期高新技术企业进行价值评估,最后选取初创期高新技术企业H公司,通过实际案例证明该模型的适用性及可操作性。

    Then use AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on the value assessment of the start-up stage high-tech enterprise , finally choose the start-up stage high-tech enterprise H Corporation to show the applicability and operability of the model through actual case .