
  • 网络Hierarchical Model;LOD;hierarchical data model
  1. 最后构建出web软件非功能需求层次模型。其次,消解Web软件非功能需求冲突。

    Finally construct web software non-functional requirements hierarchical model . Secondly , web software non-functional requirements conflict resolution .

  2. Agent交互层次模型

    The Hierarchical Model on Agent Interaction

  3. 一种开发CAD应用系统的层次模型

    Hierarchic Model for Developing CAD Application System

  4. 层次模型Markov链的观测与统计

    Observation and statistics of hierarchical Markov chain

  5. 多媒体CAI软件层次模型

    Multimedia CAI software level model

  6. 因此,在文中k重覆盖算法基础上,本文提出一个层次模型的移动传感器网络路由算法。

    Therefore , based on the k-coverage algorithm , this paper proposes a hierarchical model routing algorithm ( HMRA ) for mobile wireless sensor network .

  7. 为了提高粒子系统进行自然场景仿真应用的效率,提出了频率层次模型(LevelofFrequency,即LOF)。

    To improve the efficiency of simulation of nature view , it is presented a new concept of Level of Frequency ( LOF ) .

  8. 文章从安全的企业内部网络(intranet)集成工程出发,建立了企业网络集成安全层次模型,并探讨了安全系统应用软件开发中的软件工程方法问题。

    This paper constructs an integrated hierarchical square model of intranet . Issues related to software engineering in developing secure application is also discussed .

  9. 在介绍了MRPⅡ的计划层次模型,具体算法和相关概念的基础上,详细阐述了为重庆超力电器股份有限公司(中小配套型企业)开发的计划与控制系统。

    The levels of planning model of standard MRP II are listed , the algorithms and related conceptions are described .

  10. 然后深入研究了多维QoS技术和通用多维QoS(MQoS)层次模型;

    Second , it researches multi-dimension QoS ( MQoS ) technology and universal layered model for MQoS in depth ;

  11. 结合客户满意理论在房地产开发领域里应用方法的分析,得出了实施开发方案CSI调查和评价的方法,构建了完整和针对性强的CSI评价指标层次模型。

    Then analyses the application of Customer Satisfaction theory in Real Estate , and build an integrated CSI assessment Hierarchy Model .

  12. 提出一种开发CAD应用系统的层次模型,分析了模型的层次结构特点,对图形程序设计中的特殊问题提出了解决方案,研制了通用的层次模型处理函数库。

    A hierarchic model for developing CAD application system is presented . The features of the hierarchic structure of the model are analyzed . The special problems in the graph programming are discussed and solved .

  13. 实证表明,属性层次模型AHM方法是一种有效的股票选择方法。

    A practical example shows that AHM is a useful and efficient method .

  14. 提出了对相似3D物体识别与检索的算法,在这个算法中,首先使用细节层次模型对3D物体进行三角面片约减,然后提取3D物体的特征。

    In this paper , an algorithm is presented to implement the similar 3D object recognition and retrieval . In this algorithm , 3D features are first obtained after the meshes of a 3D object are reduced through level of detail .

  15. 本文介绍了数据库转换的概念和方法,并介绍了一个数据库转换系统,该系统将数据库及应用程序从层次模型的IMS系统转换到关系模型的ORACLE系统。

    In this paper , we introduce the concept and several methods of database conversion . Then we present a database conversion system , which converts information system from IMS to ORACLE .

  16. 该算法采用层次模型转发数据,先比较目标网格与当前网格的ID号,以确定报文转发的方向。

    The main idea of the algorithm is to use the method of hiberarchy with longitudinal to route data , thereby source sensor nodes determine the direction of packet forwarding by comparing the current grid ID with destination grid .

  17. 文章根据远程计算系统的结构,分析了它的安全问题,并结合基于角色的访问控制方法,提出了一种适合于该系统的RBAC层次模型。

    This paper discusses the security problem of Remote Computing System according to its architecture , and presents the Role-Based Access Control ( RBAC ) hierarchy model applied to Remote Computing System .

  18. 论文介绍了activexautomation技术,AutoCAD和Excel的对象层次模型,主要对象的属性及方法,以及明细表自动导入的实现方法和关键代码。

    The ActiveX Automation technique , the object model of AutoCAD and Excel , the attributes and methods of some primary objects are introduced , and finally the complementation method of the automatic transferring and key codes are presented in this paper .

  19. 最后提出了三种相关的评估法:层次模型评估法、承载力与协调度确定法和差异度(DP)分析法。

    And finally , method of stratified model evaluation , and method for determining bearing capacity and degree of coordination , and method for analysing degree of difference as three correlated methods of evaluation are put forward .

  20. 为此,以国产加气机生产运行现状为切入点,从技术性、安全性、可靠性、经济性等方面出发,建立了国产CNG加气机技术水平评价指标体系层次模型。

    According to the current status of manufacture and operation of china-mode CNG dispensers , with the considerations on techniques , security , reliability and economy , the level model of the evaluation index system is developed .

  21. 阐述了移动通信网络管理功能模型,面向业务的NSA体系结构,并以此为基础设计了移动通信网络管理系统的层次模型。

    This paper expatiates on the mobile communication network management function model and the service-oriented structure of NSA system , then devises the hierarchical model of the mobile communication network management .

  22. 提出了基于数据库远程访问(RDA)、数据库远程调用(DBRPC)规范的ODP层次模型;

    Based on RDA ( Remote Database Access ) and DBRPC ( Database Remote Procedure Call ) specifications , a hierarchical model of ODP is also provided .

  23. 对细节层次模型(LoD模型)不同层次之间的精度进行研究。

    In this paper , the accuracy for level of detail ( LoD ) model in different level is studied . A concept that is called as simplifying rate is put forward to represent the simplified level of LoD model .

  24. 接着,本文研究了广域网络存储虚拟化形成的拓扑结构,指出现有简单层次模型的不足,提出了层次式存储网络拓扑模型HSNT用以发现网络拓扑并设计Fabric。

    Then we studied the topology formed by wide area network storage virtualization , found out the shortage of existing simple hierarchical models , and designed Hierarchical Storage Network Topology ( HSNT ) to discovery topology and design fabric .

  25. 在对三种比较流行资源管理模型:层次模型、抽象所有者模型和市场经济模型的思想及实现方式进行了分析与研究之后,提出了P2P-Grid环境下的资源管理系统的构架。

    After discussed the hierarchical , abstract owner , and computational economy models of grid resource management architecture , we put forward architecture of resource management in P2P-Grid environment .

  26. 针对多波束测深数据集,采用改进的距离反比权重算法和多细节层次模型技术来建立海底数字地形模型(DTM)。

    In this paper , we discuss a method based on inverse distance weighted ( IDW ) algorithm to construct seafloor digital terrain model ( DTM ) using multi-beam soundings , and the application of level of details ( LOD ) technology .

  27. 本文对以下方面进行了探讨:1.阐述EJB技术的相关概念:J2EE的体系结构和层次模型,讨论了FJB的调用机制以及适用环境,以及EJB开发的一般开发步骤。

    This essay discusses the problems from hereinafter four aspects : ( 1 ) The chapter introduces the concepts about EJB : the architecture and model of J2EE , discuss the transfer mechanism and the applicable environment of EJB , and the process of development .

  28. 介绍了HLA的基本思想,分析了网络对抗仿真系统,给出了网络对抗系统的层次模型以及基于HLA-RTI的实现方法。

    The fundamental principle of HLA is introduced . The network confrontation simulation system is analyzed . The layered modl of network confrontation and the method to implement it based on HLA-RTI are given in the end .

  29. 地震活动性的层次模型及推导的地震活动经验公式和分维性质

    Hierarchy Model of Seismicity and its Empirical Formulas and Fractal Nature

  30. 基于层次模型和融合决策的多姿态人脸识别技术

    Multi-pose face recognition based on a hierarchical model and fusion decision