
céng jī yún
  • stratocumulus;cumulostratu
层积云[céng jī yún]
  1. 层积云覆盖的海洋边界层云详细微物理过程的数值模拟

    Numerical study on cloud microphysics of stratocumulus - topped marine boundary

  2. 它包含起伏的绿色山丘和层积云和卷云与蓝色的天空。

    It contains rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds .

  3. 结果表明:夏季,NEP和NWP都有正的稳定度,有利于层积云的形成和维持。

    It is shown that the two regions , NEP and NWP , both are with positive moist static stability , which is favorable of the formation and persistence of Sc.

  4. 目前已通过利用层积云降雨的方式来缓解庄稼的旱情。

    There are technologies to alleviate drought of crops by precipitating rainfall .

  5. 北太平洋夏季的两个典型层积云区与海温和大气低层热力过程的关系

    Relationships Between Stratocumulus , SST and Low Level Atmospheric Thermodynamical Processes over Two Typical Summertime Sc Regions in the Northern Pacific Ocean

  6. 层云与层积云在春、夏、秋三个季节出现较多,冬季相对出现少,特别是层积云更是少见。

    The stratus and stratocumulus frequently appeared in spring , summer and autumn , but were seldom seen in winter and particularly stratocumulus was even less .

  7. 华北地区气溶胶分布和层积云结构特征研究堆浸萃取工艺中,困扰生产的两大难题是浸出速率及萃取中的絮状物。

    Observational Studies on Aerosol Distribution and Stratocumulus Structure over North of China In heap leaching and extraction process , the leaching rate and floccus bottlenecked production .

  8. 层积云粒子等效半径、数浓度及水含量均大于层云,从这方面看,层积云更适合作人工增水对象。

    Cloud particle effective radius , number concentration and water content were greater in stratocumulus than in stratus , so that stratocumulus is a better artificial precipitation object for this reason .

  9. 层云/层积云和卷云是分布最为广泛的主导云类型,其中卷云主要分布在中低纬度带及北半球干旱半干旱地区。

    Global dominant cloud types are analyzed in each region , of which cirrus and stratocumulus are the most widely distributed ones . Cirrus is mainly located in equatorial regions , low latitudes and the arid and semi-arid regions of the Northern Hemisphere .

  10. 第二,每个数据的类别标签参考国家卫星气象中心的云分类产品结果,将实验数据划分为地表、混合像元、高层云或雨层云、卷层云、密卷云、积雨云以及层积云或高积云7类。

    Secondly , the research data , which use the cloud classification productions of National Satellite Meteorological Center as types ' labels , are divided into Land , Mixed cloud , Altostratus or Nimbostratus , Cirrostratus , Cirrus Spissatus , Cumulonimbus and Stratocumulus or Altocumulus .