
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào jì huà
  • Advertising Plan;publicity boost
  1. CNET帮助商人开发与他们的目标顾客一起共振的发送消息的策略和广告计划。

    CNET helps marketers develop messaging strategies and advertising programs that resonate with their target customers .

  2. 的后续行动的原始广告计划模型捕捉高清视频质量,并能观看的高清电视通过DLNA组织的技术。

    The follow up to the original Omnia model captures video in HD quality , and enables viewing on an HD TV via DLNA technology .

  3. 这是一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划。

    This is an advertising campaign for a new product .

  4. 这项广告计划是以年轻人为对象的。

    The advertising plan is aimed at young people .

  5. 广告计划是好的广告建立的基础。

    Ad planning is the basis upon which all good advertising is built .

  6. 如果你能帮我做这个广告计划,我会非常感谢。

    If you could help me with the presentation , I 'd be grateful .

  7. 萨丽:那对我们的销售和广告计划会有影响么?

    Sally : Will they have an affect on our sales and marketing campaign ?

  8. 成功的市场策略必然包括能够推动企业发展的广告计划。

    A successful marketing strategy includes an advertising plan that will grow the business .

  9. 他们还要在管理部门审批广告计划之前估算广告费用。

    They also make an estimate of the costs before management approves the plan .

  10. 我们也许可以重新评估最初的广告计划,调整预算的分配。

    Perhaps we could reevaluate the initial campaign and revise the allocations of our budget .

  11. 有组织的大规模的广告计划。

    An organized program of advertisements .

  12. 为了改进广告计划,我们的市场调查小组收集了现有客户的统计资料。

    Example : Our market research department gathered demographics on all our current customers to improve our advertising plan .

  13. 它们也与「英文扶轮月刊」共用部份内容,也正在推动联合广告计划。

    The magazine 's feature stories all include Rotary-related angles . They also share some editorial content from The Rotarian and are developing joint advertising plans .

  14. 在那之后,央视受到暴风一样的批评指责从而决定在接下来的2011年春晚发起零广告计划。

    After that , CCTV faced a storm of criticism and decided to carry out a plan of Zero Advertising in the following 2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala .

  15. 将两种均衡策略加以比较,结果显示合作广告计划是供应链系统中的一种协调和激励机制,可以提高两个渠道成员以及整个供应链系统的利润。

    The comparison between the two scenarios shows that the cooperative advertising program is a coordinating and incentive mechanism in the supply chain and players receive higher payoffs .

  16. 第一,制定了广告计划,对广告的目标、预算、媒体选择作出了具体的分析与决策,制定了具体计划及执行方案。

    First , the development of advertising plans , advertising objectives , budget , media choose to make a concrete analysis and decision-making , developed a specific plan and the implementation plan .

  17. 被称之为“社交媒体品牌广告计划”的新方案不仅延伸了之前的付费位置广告模式,而且加入了全新的定价模式和高级分析系统。

    The new product , which the company calls a " social media brand advertising program ," is an extension of its existing paid placement option , but with new tiered pricing and advanced analytics .

  18. 由于可能面临反垄断诉讼,谷歌(google)已放弃与雅虎(yahoo)的搜索引擎广告合作计划。

    Google has abandoned its search advertising partnership with Yahoo in the face of an antitrust lawsuit aimed at blocking the deal .

  19. 大部分的B2C网站提供购物优惠,购买和回报,也有可能增加其市场所达成的一部分,网络旗帜广告交换计划,与其他网站的零售商。

    Most B2C sites offer shoppers incentives to buy and return and may also increase their market reach by being part of Web banner advertising exchange programs with other Web retailers .

  20. 此广告促销计划的目的在于提高产品的知名度。

    The advertising campaign has been planned to raise awareness of the product amongst the public .

  21. 不过,做了两次的平面广告,计划下一次拍采用短片形式。

    However , the ad made the plan form twice , I plan next film using video form .

  22. 熟能生巧:一旦你知道了整个工作程序,你可以开始建立更大的广告宣传计划和广告组来吸引你的潜在客户。

    Grow from what works : once you know what works , you can start to build more campaigns and ad groups to attract your potential customers .

  23. 供应链中为了做好产品的销售工作,往往要对产品进行有效的宣传,有一个对制造商与代理商都适宜的广告宣传计划。

    In order to make good selling , it is necessary to have an advertising plan about sales promotion for manufacturer and agent to take effective advertising for products .

  24. 在那之后,央视受到暴风一样的批评指责从而决定在接下来的2011年春晚发起“零广告”计划。

    After that , CCTV faced a storm of criticism and decided to carry out a plan of " Zero Advertising " in the following 2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala .

  25. 雅虎的经理们说,公司还没有视频显示或商业化搜索广告的计划,也不准备在未来推出商业化搜索。

    While Yahoo has no plans for display or commercial search ads yet , the company hasn 't ruled out commercial search in the future , Yahoo executives said at the trade show .

  26. 但天空广播公司的竞争对手也有推出定向广告服务的计划。

    But rivals have their own plans for launching targeted advertising .

  27. 英国天空广播公司正试行一项名为“精准广告”的计划,将用户收看的广告存储在“天空电视高清”机顶盒中。

    BSkyB is trialing a plan called AdSmart , which will store advertisements on their customers'Sky + HD set-top boxes .

  28. 例如,博雅去年代表软件供应商微软(microsoft)进行幕后游说活动,以反对互联网巨头谷歌(google)拟收购在线广告公司doubleclick的计划。

    For example , Burson has recently been conducting a behind-the-scenes campaign on behalf of Microsoft , the software provider , to generate opposition to the proposed takeover of doubleclick , the online advertising company , by Google , the Internet giant .

  29. 广告行业反感这个计划,但似乎也在某种形式上妥协接受了它。

    The advertising industry dislikes it , but seems resigned to accepting it in some form .

  30. 英国将耗资300万英镑通过电视广告来宣传该计划,这样的电视宣传在英国历史上也是首次。

    The scheme will be promoted by a 3 million television advertising campaign the first of its kind in the UK .