
  • 网络Advertisement Subject
  1. 试谈平面广告中广告主体的市场分析与设计创意的实现

    On Market Analysis and Realization of Design Creativity in Plane Advertisement Subject

  2. 但网络广告主体复杂交错,如何界定仍是目前尚存争议的问题,侵权发生后责任承担就更难明晰。

    However , the main complex online advertising staggered , the definition is still the remaining controversial issues , tort occurred accountability more difficult to clear .

  3. 比如,网络广告主体身份界定问题、网络虚假广告问题等都是影响网络广告发展的重要因素。

    For example , online advertising as defined in the main problem , network problems are the impact of false advertising network advertising an important factor in development .

  4. 笔者运用SWOT法对公益广告供给主体多元化发展存在的优势、劣势,面临的机会和威胁进行了清晰的界定。

    The author using the SWOT method to the government , enterprises and the third sector as the main body of the supply of public service ads strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , has carried on the comprehensive analysis .

  5. 论刑事悬赏广告的主体

    On the Subject of Criminal Advertisement Offering A Reward

  6. 因此,从历史和现实层面来说,公益广告供给主体的多元化发展也是必要的。

    Therefore , from historical and realistic level , the supply of public service ads subject diversification is necessary .

  7. 作为广告的主体和传播介质,跨文化传播中的障碍主要体现在各国文化差异上。

    As the principal part and transmission medium of ads , the main block of cultural-span transmission is the cultural differences of each country .

  8. 广告节主体活动包括媒体展览会、广告高峰论坛、广告作品展等。

    A series of activities will be involved in the advertising festival , such as media exhibition , advertising summit forum , and advertisement exhibition .

  9. 本文基于手机特点,以广告发布主体为分类方式,提出了四大类方法,五种模式。

    Base on the characteristics of SMS , the author puts forward four kinds of advertisement releasing methods and five advertising modes by classifying ad owner .

  10. 提出由于我国成文法的僵硬性使商业广告代言主体不能受到现有法律的调整。

    To our country because of the rigidity of law so that commercial advertising spokesman should not be the main advocate of the adjustment of existing laws .

  11. 公益广告供给主体的多元化发展即是政府、企业和第三部门在明晰自己角色的基础上,进行合作,以实现公益广告的公益性价值的最大化。

    The Development of Diversified Subjects in Chinese Public Service Advertising Supply depends on the cooperation of the government , enterprises and the third sector on the basis of a clear understandings about their role .

  12. 造成这些困境的根本原因在于我国公益广告供给主体的失衡,即政府主导的供给机制,政府扮演了从决策到生产的全能角色,压缩了其他主体的参与空间。

    And the Root cause is the imbalance between the supply of public service ads subject . The government played a " universal " role from decision-making to the production and compressing the other main body space for development .

  13. 第二章名为虚假广告罪的主体认定。

    Chapter two is named after subject of false advertising crime .

  14. 对广告中的主体定位进行批评性分析可以揭示隐藏于广告背后的意识形态。

    The critical analysis of subject positioning in advertisements can provide people with insights into the ideologies embedded in the advertisements .

  15. 在民事责任主体方面,虚假广告的行为主体包括广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者、其他参与者。

    On the subject of civil liability , false advertisement behavior main body includes advertisers , advertising operators , publishers , other participants .

  16. 通常情况下广告标语创作主体总是遵循一定的标准,采取一定的创作手段,力图使广告标语变得更具吸引力并能够广为传诵。

    As is often the case , advertising professionals would adopt certain techniques and conform to certain criteria to compose advertising slogans which are quite attractive and popular so as to make sure that they have the ability to circulate .

  17. 目前,我国广告的利用主体和执行范围不断扩张,这不仅左右整个商业社会的价值取向,甚至开始影响人们对于政府公器和社会主张的判断支持。

    At the present , the available main body of advertisements of our country and its implementation scope are expanding continuously , which manipulates the value orientation of the whole commercial society and even influences public judgment and support to the government 's utility and the social opinions as well .

  18. 广告意识形态对受众主体建构的影响

    The Influence That Ideology of Adverting Does to Subject Construction of Audience

  19. 尤其是对于广告违法的责任主体的认定上,仅规定了广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者三个责任主体。

    Advertisements Law was also comparatively simple on such aspect , especially on the determination of the illegal advertising responsibilities , which only regulated three responsibility subjects , namely advertising clients , advertising operators and advertising rel (?)

  20. 由于广告的相关法律法规不完善,广告主体缺乏法律意识和社会责任感,虚假广告发布的媒体越来越广泛,且出现了高层化倾向;

    On account of the imperfect advertising laws , and the shortage of the lawful consciousness and the sense of social responsibility in the advertising subjects , the media releases deceptive advertising and more and more extensive , and their layer is higher and higher ;

  21. 广播广告文稿的话语结构成分有二:广告文稿主体,广告主题宣讲,两者进行多种有效组合。

    There are two components in discourse structure : the body of advertising scripts and the propaganda of the advertising topic . The two can make various effective combinations .

  22. 加强博客广告监管,打造博客媒体公信力,理顺博客广告主体关系,完善博客广告效果评测体系是有效解决博客广告问题的途径。

    Strengthen the supervision of Blog ads , create blog media credibility , rationalize the relationship between the main Blog advertising , improve performance evaluation system of Blog advertising , these are effective ways of Blog advertising issues .

  23. 随着网络广告投入的不断加大,企业作为网络广告活动的主体,对网络广告效果的评价越来越重视。

    Because of the increasing investment in web advertising , the enterprise , as the owner of web advertising campaign , pays more and more attention to the web advertising effect evaluation .

  24. 植入式广告因发展不规范而引发的种种问题必将对广告相关主体尤其是消费者的权益以及社会公共利益和现行广告法律规制体系造成损害。

    The problems caused by the development of product placement must damage advertising related subjects especially the rights and interests of consumers and social public interests and the current advertisement law regulation system .

  25. 本文正是从批判的维度反思广告的对受众的影响,本文的着重点在于广告意识形态对受众主体建构的影响。

    The article considers influence that adverting does to audiences from crucial view , and emphasizes on influence that Ideology of adverting does to subject construction of audience .

  26. 我国相关法律明确规定广告主、广告经营者、公告发布者、商品推荐者作为虚假广告行为主体应承担虚假广告民事责任。

    Law of our country make sure that advertisers , advertising agents , announcement , commodity is recommended as the false advertisement behavior main body should assume civil liability for false advertisement .

  27. 该部分主要介绍虚假广告罪的含义以及其构成要件,细致而准确的分析了虚假广告罪的主体、客体、主观方面和客观方面的特征。

    This part mainly introduce the meaning of " False advertising sin " and its constituents , accurately analysis the features of its subject , object , subjective aspects and objective aspects .

  28. 博客广告的商业价值也在广告主、博主、博客服务托管商和博客读者等广告主体中得到了体现。

    Blog advertising business value embodies in the advertisers , Blog master , BSP and Blog readers .

  29. 对网络广告的政府监管源于网络广告活动的市场失灵,网络广告活动市场失灵的原因在于网络广告活动主体所拥有的注意力资源的产权界定不清。

    Government supervision over these activities is a countermeasure for the Internet market failure caused by the ambiguity of the operating definition of property rights to the attention resources .

  30. 本文通过对网络广告费用构成的分析,指出广告费用绝大部分由媒体使用费用构成,从而明确了网络广告的定价主体&网络媒体。

    Analysing the ad-rate of network , the paper points out that the ad-rate is mainly related to cost of the utilized media , so the main part of pricing the network ads is web media cost .