
  • 网络Advertising information;advertisement information;advertising messages
  1. 广告信息开发利用研究

    A Study on the Development and Utilization of Advertising Information

  2. 企业广告信息传播有效性研究

    Study on the Effectiveness of Business Advertising Information Transmission

  3. 基于民俗文化的POP广告信息传达教学模式研究

    Study on Teaching Approach of POP Ad Message Communication Based on Folk Culture

  4. 下面的代码示例演示包含前一示例的广告信息的xml文件的文件格式。

    The following code example demonstrates the file format for an XML file that contains advertisement information for the previous example .

  5. 参赛者输入自己的E-mail地址之后每周会收到两个很平常的问题,每个问题都附带着广告信息。

    After they input their E-mail addresses , contestants receive two trivia questions , each accompanied by advertising , once a week .

  6. 基于WWW的广告信息系统的设计

    AD Information System on WWW

  7. 在现代广告信息传播中,DM的传播和其他广告形式不同,是通过邮寄,以信函形式告之消费者,传达其广告内容。

    In modern advertisement information propagation , that the advertisement form is unlike the DM propagation sum other , is by mail , the form sues that consumer , communicates whose advertisement content with letters .

  8. DM的造型要有个性、制作精美,使人爱不释手,这样DM的广告信息才可以进行多次传播,其广告效果更好。

    The DM model is going to have individuality , to exquisitely made , make person be unable to tear self away , such the DM advertisement information can carry out many times propagation just now , whose advertisement effect is much better .

  9. 自2011年来,Facebook一直在采用这种“地理围栏”技术。它能够让商家招揽临近的客户,这些客户实际上可能也想获得提供特别优惠和特价商品的广告信息。好处是,你可以获得更多相关的广告和推销信息。

    This kind of " geo-fencing , " which Facebook has had since 2011 , enables businesses to court nearby customers who might actually want to get ads offering special deals , in-store specials , etc. The upside : more relevant ads and promos you can actually use .

  10. 真要求广告信息符合事实;

    To be " true ", advertisement information must reflect impersonal facts .

  11. 广告信息传播模式的研究要适应经济发展不断创新

    Advert Information Communication Modes Need Constant Innovations to Meet the Economic Development

  12. 基于广播数据系统的城市公交广告信息传输

    City Bus Advertisement Information Transmission Based on Radio Data System

  13. 这些公司可以向其粉丝推送广告信息。

    those companies can send promotional messages to their followers .

  14. 专业期刊广告信息的传播利用效果

    Spread and Utilization Effect of Advertisement Information on Specialized Periodical

  15. 在带有广告信息的表中插入新记录。

    Insert new records into the table with AD information .

  16. 加强广告信息服务促进学术期刊市场化

    Strengthening the Advertising Information Service and Promoting the Marketing of the Academic Periodicals

  17. 广告信息传播的有效性要靠对整个传播过程的全面管理来保证。

    Advertising effectiveness depend on the overall management to the whole transmission process .

  18. 影响力是指媒体对广告信息和产品的宣传价值。

    Impact is the value of the medium to the message or product .

  19. 成功运作的网站把促销宣传与其它内容融为一体,巧妙地把广告信息传递给受众。

    Successful sites blend promotional and non-promotional information indirectly delivering the advertising messages .

  20. 提升广告信息的传播力

    Resolving the Spreading Capacity of Advancing the Advertisement Information

  21. 此外,它还是开发全球市场最好的广告信息来源。

    It is the best advertising material to develop global markets as well .

  22. 这说明未取得用户许可就擅自向用户发送移动广告信息的行为是非常不明智的,用户往往会忽略掉这些信息。

    This shows sending mobile to consumer ads without permission is very unwise .

  23. 分类广告信息量大,而且非常方便。

    Classified Ads are very convenient and informative .

  24. 广告信息传播方式研究&基于信息坐标分析法的应用

    The Study of Dissemination Mode of Advertisement information

  25. 农村受众常常从电视媒体上获取较多的商品广告信息。

    Usually the rural audience obtained the more commodity information from the TV media .

  26. 同时,该中心句组所承载的广告信息量也最大。

    Meanwhile , the central sentences pare contain the richest information about the advertised product .

  27. 对广告信息加工的性别差异

    Gender Differences in Information Processing to Advertising

  28. 应用服务隐私政策需要讲清楚的是网络需要收集哪些广告信息和为什么要收集。

    App privacy policies should spell out what information ad networks are collecting and why .

  29. 消费者卷入水平与认知完善程度对广告信息加工模式的影响

    Effect of Consumer 's Involvement and Cognitive Perfection on the Mode of Information Processing of Advertising

  30. 航空公司广告信息战略定位分析

    Analysis on Airline Message Strategic Positioning