
  • 网络polymyositis;polymyositis,PM
  1. NF-κB在多发性肌炎中的表达与作用

    The Expression and Function of Nuclear Transcription Factor Kappa - B in Polymyositis

  2. 多发性肌炎的CT应用价值

    Clinical Applied Value of CT in Polymyositis

  3. MRI诊断皮肌炎与多发性肌炎的探讨

    Value of MRI in diagnosis of polymyositis and dermatomyositis

  4. 肌炎自身抗体谱和肌肉MRI对多发性肌炎及皮肌炎的诊断价值研究

    The Study of Myositis Autoantibody and Muscle Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

  5. 概述多发性肌炎(PM)、皮肤炎(DM)。

    Summarize dermatomyositis ( DM ) / polymyositis ( PM ) .

  6. 多发性肌炎患者肌肉组织Myostatin基因mRNA的表达

    Expression of Myostatin gene mRNA expression in the skeletal muscle of patients with polymyositis

  7. 目的了解多发性肌炎(PM)和皮肌炎(DM)的中医证候分布特点。

    Objective To study Chinese medical pattern distribution of polymyositis ( PM ) and dermatomyositis ( DM ) .

  8. 目的:本研究旨在采用免疫组织化学技术及电镜技术对多发性肌炎(PM)的发病机制进行研究;

    Objective : To study the pathogenesis of polymyositis ( PM ) by using immunohistochemistry staining and electron microscope technique .

  9. 目的探讨多发性肌炎(PM)和皮肌炎(DM)患者临床分期与实验室诊断指标的关系。

    Objective To analyse the lab diagnosis guideline in the patients with PM and DM , and guide the clinical diagnosis .

  10. 抗Ku抗体对系统性硬化症并多发性肌炎的特异性为99.4%。

    The specificity of anti Ku antibodies for diagnosis of SSc PM was 99.4 % .

  11. 目的探讨皮肌炎(DM)/多发性肌炎(PM)的Th1/Th2/Th3细胞功能性极化。

    Objective To investigate the polarization of Th1 / Th2 / Th3cell function of dermatomyositis / polymyositis ( DM / PM ) .

  12. 结果发现其与人类多发性肌炎(PM)在肌酶、肌电图(EMG)、病理上的改变有相似之处。

    Results There were similarities in serum muscle enzymes , EMG and muscle biopsy between experimental myositis and human polymyositis .

  13. 结论抗Ku抗体是系统性硬化症并多发性肌炎重叠结缔组织病的相对特异性抗体。

    Conclusion The anti Ku antibody is relatively specific for systemic sclerosis polymyositis overlap connective tissue disease .

  14. 【目的】探讨单纯性多发性肌炎(PM)活动期的临床表现及实验室指标变化,并综合分析两者对活动性的评估价值,从而正确、客观地判断疾病活动性,进一步指导治疗。

    【 Objective 】 To investigate clinical manifestation and laboratory indexes of polymyositis ( PM ) in active stage and their assessment value , and then judge the disease activity correctly .

  15. 目的:比较泼尼松联合疗法和单用治疗多发性肌炎(PM)和皮肌炎(DM)的疗效。

    Objective : To compare the therapeutic effectiveness of prednisone combined with other drugs with that of prednisone alone in the treatment of polymyositis ( PM ) and dermatomyositis ( DM ) .

  16. 目的:探讨多发性肌炎(PM)皮肌炎(DM)的外周血单一核细胞(PBMC)活化和凋亡的状态。

    Objective : To investigate the status of activation and apoptosis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) in patients with polymyositis ( PM ) and dermatomyositis ( DM ) .

  17. 方法统计本院发生无菌性骨坏死住院的29例SLE病人,同时随机抽样不伴有无菌性骨坏死的40例SLE和20例皮肌炎/多发性肌炎(DM/PM)病人作为对照组。

    Methods Twenty nine SLE patients with AVN of bone , 40 SLE patients and 20 polymyositis ( PM ) / dermatomyositis ( DM ) patients without AVN were selected randomly from the inpatient .

  18. 结论临床上Kennedy病多被误诊为多发性肌炎、肢带型肌营养不良,甚至Charcot-Marie-Tooth病等,AR基因检测是诊断本病最可靠的方法。

    Conclusions Clinically , Kennedy disease was easy to be misdiagnosed as polymyositis , limb-girdle muscular dystrophy , even Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease . AR gene testing is the most reliable diagnosing method .

  19. 结果438份CTD患者血清中12例Ku抗体阳性,其中系统性硬化症多发性肌炎重叠结缔组织病(SScPM)占9例。

    Results Among the 438 CTD patients , 12 had positive Ku Ab , and among the 15 systemic sclerosis polymyositis ( SSc PM ) overlap syndrome , 9 had positive Ku Ab.

  20. 分别用不同量的柯萨奇病毒B1、2、3感染和兔肌匀浆加完全弗氏佐剂免疫正常豚鼠;拟建立多发性肌炎模型。

    Guinea pigs were infected with unequal quantity of coxsackievirus B 1 、 2 、 3 respectively and immunized with rabbit muscle homogenates in complete freund 's adjuvant to produce a polymyositis model .

  21. 多发性肌炎患者肌肉MRI影像主要表现为炎症水肿信号,可有两种信号混合存在,STIR序列中病变肌肉信号不抑制或部分抑制。

    The MRI image of polymyositis was featured as the signal of inflammatory edema . Sometimes the mixture of two kinds of signals was presented . While the signal of damaged muscles in STIR sequence was not restrained or only partly restrained .

  22. 结缔组织病(CTD)包括许多种疾病,如红斑狼疮、硬皮病、类风湿关节炎、干燥综合征、皮肌炎/多发性肌炎及血管炎等。

    Connective tissue disease ( CTD ) includes many diseases . For instance , lupus erythematosus , scleroderma , rheumatoid arthritis , sjogren syndrome , dermatomyositis / multiple myositis and vasculitis .

  23. 对29例神经肌肉疾病(包括多种肌营养不良,多发性肌炎,多种神经原性肌肉病变与DMD可能递体)的120处随意肌进行了临床与超声检查。

    A clinical and ultrasounic examination was made on 120 sites of voluntary muscle from 29 cases with neuromuscular diseases , including varied muscular dystrophy , polymyositis , diversified neuro-genic myopathy and DMD possible carrier .

  24. 以多发性肌炎(PM)、皮肌炎(DM)和包涵体肌炎(IBM)3个亚型最为多见。腺苷是细胞自分泌或旁分泌途径中的信号分子,在维持内环境稳定方面起重要作用。

    The most prevalent subtypes are multiple polymyositis ( PM ), dermatomyositis ( DM ) and inclusion body myositis ( IBM ) . The adenosine is the signaling molecule of autocrine or paracrine pathway , and plays an important role in maintaining the internal environment stability .

  25. 目的摇对69例多发性肌炎/皮肌炎(PM/MD)病人抗Jo-1抗体进行检测,了解抗Jo-1抗体阳性与PM/DM临床症状的相关性及对PM/DM的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine the anti-Jo-1 antibody and its clinical features correlation in patients with polymyositis or dermatomyositis .

  26. 抗Mi2抗体在DM和多发性肌炎中的阳性率分别为261%(1246)和45%(244)。

    The positive rate of anti Mi 2 antibodies was 26 1 % ( 12 / 46 ) in dermatomyositis and 4 5 % ( 2 / 44 ) in polymyositis respectively .

  27. 应用免疫印迹技术测定52例皮肌炎和多发性肌炎病人血清可提取性核抗原(ENA)多肽抗体,其中Jo-1抗体的阳性率分别为13.3%和31.8%。

    The ENA polypeptide in sera of 52 patients with dermatomyositis ( DM ) / polymyositis ( PM ) were measured by immunoblotting technique , the positive rate of Jo 1 antibody is 13.3 % and 31.8 % respectively .

  28. 目的总结1例异基因造血干细胞移植后并发与慢性移植物抗宿主病(cGVHD)相关的多发性肌炎的诊治体会。

    Objective To summarize the diagnostic and therapeutic experience of a patient with chronic graft versus host disease ( cGVHD ) related polymyositis ( PM ) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( allo-HSCT ) .

  29. 方法:分析80例多发性肌炎、皮肌炎患者肌电图检查中自发电活动,MUP时限、波幅及多相波,最大随意收缩时的募集形式,以及NCV检查及肌肉活检资料。

    Methods : EMG of 80 patients with PM and DM were analyzed including fibrillation , mean duration of MUP , mean amplitude of MUP , polyphasic , recruitment pattern of maximum voluntary contraction , NCV and musele biopsies .

  30. 对皮肌炎和多发性肌炎(DM/PM)72份、硬皮病(PSS)48份和混合性结缔组织病(MCTD)78份血清亦无交叉反应出现。

    There was no cross reaction in the sera from 72 patients with dermatomyositis or polymyositis ( DM / PM ), from 48 patients with progressed systemic scleroderma ( PSS ), and from 78 patients with mixed connective tissue disease ( MCTD ) .