
duō tiē
  • polyterpene
多萜[duō tiē]
  1. 用高效液相色谱方法测定各组动物脑组织中胆固醇、多萜醇和辅酶Q含量。

    Cholesterol , dolichol and coenzyme Q in animal brain tissues were determined by high performance liquid chromatography .

  2. 目的:BCT系从中药乳香中提取的多萜类单体成分。本研究观察了BCT的抗肿瘤作用,并初步探讨了其作用机制。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of a polyterpenes compound , extract from a kind of traditional Chinese herbs of boswellin on antitumor effect and its mechanism .

  3. 从苦楝籽中提取多萜类化合物的研究

    Studies on the extraction of terpene compound from chinaberry seeds

  4. 银离子配位萃取银杏叶中多萜长链化合物的研究

    Complexing Extraction of Ginkgo Leave Polyprenols with Silver Iron

  5. 自然界中的萜类物质非常普遍,包括甾醇类、类胡萝卜素、多萜醇、植物激素和醌类等。

    Terpenoid substances , including sterols , carotenoid , dolichol , plant hormones and quinines , are widespread in the nature .

  6. 实验结果显示,慢性氟中毒大鼠脑组织中胆固醇和多萜醇含量与正常对照组相比,未见异常改变。

    Results showed that no significant difference of cholesterol and dolichol contents in brian tissues between rats with fluorosis and normal controls were detected .

  7. 综述了国内外银杏叶聚戊烯醇分离与分析的研究近况,对其化学结构、提取分离、分析方法、应用及多萜醇的合成等方面进行阐述,并对其研究前景作了展望。

    The paper reviewed the research progress of separation and analysis of polyprenols from Ginkgo biloba leaves . Their chemical structures , extraction and separation , analytical methods , application and the syntheses of dolichols are investigated deeply . The research prospect was forecasted .

  8. 鉴定出的化感物质多为萜类、聚乙炔类、酚类、有机酸类等,这些化感物质对多种受体植物表现出程度不同的抑制或促进的效应。

    The allelochemicals identified from different parts of Compositae plant included mainly terpenoids , polyacetylenes , phenolics , organic acids , which inhibited or stimulated the growth of certain treated plants .

  9. 其种子中含有脂肪油、甾醇等成分,叶中多为二萜、倍半萜、黄酮等化合物。

    The seed is rich in fatty oil and sterol . The components in the leaves of the genes Torreya plants are sesquiterpenoids , diterpenoids and flavonoids .

  10. 茶薪菇同时生产多糖和三萜类物质的发酵工艺

    Fermentation technology for simultaneous production of polysaccharide and triterpene by Agrocybe aegerita

  11. 灵芝子实体不同生长阶段多糖与三萜类物质含量的研究

    Study on the contents of polysaccharides and triterpenoids of Ganoderma lucidum at different growth stages

  12. 灵芝多糖与三萜类的提取纯化工艺研究进展

    Advance in the Study of Extraction and Purification Technics of Polysaccharides and Triterpenoids from Ganoderma spp

  13. 灵芝品种的菌丝体多糖和三萜含量分析评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Polysaccharides and Triterpenes Contents of Submerged Culturing Mycelium of Strains of Ganoderma Lucidum

  14. 真菌激发子对灵芝液体发酵生产多糖和三萜类物质的影响

    Effect of Different Fungal Elicitors on Production of Polysaccharide and Triterpenoid in Liquid Fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum

  15. 其主要化学成分为多糖、三萜、脂肪酸、甾醇等。

    The mainly chemical composition of Poria cocos are polysaccharides , triterpenoids , fat acid , daucosterol , Enzyme .

  16. 综述了从灵芝中提取多糖和三萜类物质的提取工艺及含量检测的研究进展。

    The status and tendency of research on extraction technics and detection methods of polysaccharides and triterpenoids from Ganoderma lucidum are summarized in the paper .

  17. 现代药理研究表明,茯苓具有抗肿瘤、调节免疫功能的良好生物活性,其主要有效成分为多糖和三萜类物质。

    Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Poria has good biological activity of anti-tumor and regulating immune functions . Its main active components are polysaccharides and triterpenoids .

  18. 其主要药效成分是多糖类和三萜类化合物。由于其明确而显著的临床疗效,茯苓用量逐年加大,野生品采挖有增无减,资源面临严重挑战。

    Polysaccharides and triterpenes compounds are two effective components of Poria cocos for its prominent effective clinics . The resource was faced with serious challenge due to the wild largely used .