
  • 网络Multiple fracture
  1. 目的分析多发性骨折后全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)的监测因素。

    Objective It is to analyze the monitoring factor of systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) after multiple fracture .

  2. 多发性骨折后全身炎症反应综合征的监控

    Monitor of systemic inflammatory response syndrome after multiple fracture

  3. 形态学改变A组为单纯局部损伤,B组为较严重的多发性骨折,C组为局部粉碎性骨折、骨缺损合并眼和脑组织损伤。

    The animals in Group A , Group B and Group C represented respectively single fracture , multiple fractures and severe maxillofacial injury associated with brain and eye injury .

  4. 股骨Singh指数在Ⅰ°~Ⅲ°时,多发性骨折的危险性高。

    It was higher risk of multiple fractures when the X-ray of proximal femoral showed Singh Index between ⅰ°~ⅲ° .

  5. 颈横切口在下颌骨多发性骨折治疗中的应用

    The Transcervical Incision for Use in Multi-fracture of Mandible Surgical Procedures

  6. 下颌骨多发性骨折一期手术失败后的二期治疗

    The second period-treatment for mandible multiple outmoded fracture after operation failure

  7. 上、下颌骨、颧骨、颧弓多发性骨折内固定术式的探讨

    Research on Rigid Internal Fixation of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex and Mandibular Fracture

  8. 严重多发性骨折并发脑型脂肪栓塞综合征1例

    A case of brain - type fat embolism syndrome after severe multi-fractures

  9. 重度颅脑损伤伴多发性骨折的急救护理

    Emergency nursing care of severe craniocerebral injury patients complicated with multiple fractures

  10. 坚固内固定术在颌面骨多发性骨折治疗中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Strengthening Internal Fixation in Compound Fracture of Facial Bone

  11. 应用损害控制策略治疗下肢多发性骨折

    Application of damage control strategy to treat multiple fractures in lower limb

  12. 口腔颌面部多发性骨折及并发症的治疗

    Treatment of buccal and gnathic multiplex fractures and complications

  13. 四肢多发性骨折及其合并内脏伤的手术治疗

    The Operative Treatment of Limbs Multiple Fracture Accompanied with the Internal Organs Injury

  14. 交通伤致多发性骨折的急救与早期治疗

    The first aid and early treatment of multiple fractures caused by traffic injuries

  15. 头皮冠状切口加口内切口坚固内固定治疗面中份多发性骨折

    Rigid Internal Fixation through Coronal Scalp Incision and Intraoral Incision Treating Midfacial Multiple Fracture

  16. 进一步提高严重多发性骨折的救治水平

    Improving the remedy level in severe multiple fractures

  17. 多发性骨折合并休克的临床处理(附28例分析)

    Clinical treatment of multiple fracture combined with shock ( analysis of 28 cases )

  18. 颌面部陈旧性、多发性骨折的治疗

    Treatment of fracture of the maxillofacial skeleton

  19. 自发性骨折8例及多发性骨折2例,均为恶性肿瘤所致。

    Cases of spontaneous fracture and 2 cases of multiple fracture were all malignancy sufferers .

  20. 目的:回顾性分析复杂的同侧下肢体多发性骨折的治疗方法及疗效。

    Objective : To analyse the effective treatment of lower limb multiple fractures with operation .

  21. 多发性骨折诊治分析

    Diagnosis and treatment of multiple fractures

  22. 目的:探讨老年人低能量损伤引起多发性骨折的临床特点。

    Objective : To discuss the clinical features of multiple fractures caused by low-energy injury in elderly .

  23. 目的:评价坚固内固定术在治疗颌面骨多发性骨折的临床应用效果;

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of strengthening internal fixation on compound fracture of facial bone .

  24. 颌间牵引在下颌骨多发性骨折坚强内固定手术中的应用

    The application of intermaxillary traction in the surgical treatment of rigid internal fixation of mandible multiple fracture

  25. 结论:微型钛板内固定可有效的治疗髁突多发性骨折。

    Conclusion : Treating multiple fractures of condyle through rigid internal fixation with mini titanium plate are effective .

  26. 目的了解下肢多发性骨折内固定治疗的意义。

    Objective To understand the significance of internal fixation in the treatment of multiple fractures in low extremities .

  27. 目的:探讨多发性骨折脱位伴休克的救治措施及效果。

    Objective : To study the treatment and outcome of patients who suffer from multiple fracture-dislocation with shock .

  28. 目的:探讨在模型外科指导下,对下颌骨多发性骨折一期手术失败病例进行二期治疗。

    Objective : To investigate the way of the second period-treatment for mandible outmoded fracture on the ba-sis of model surgery .

  29. 多发性骨折的住院费用明显高于单发性骨折,椎骨骨折住院费用最高。

    The hospitalization expenses of compound fracture was more the single facture 's and the vertebra fracture is the most of each position fracture .

  30. 不用但多发性骨折后,得多休息避免剧烈运动也不能咳嗽,或者大笑祝你好运

    Nope . But with multiple fractures , he needs to rest . Avoid any abrupt movement and not cough or laugh . Good luck .