
  • 网络Doppler Principle
  1. 生命探测雷达依据多普勒原理工作,可在一定距离范围内、隔一定介质、不接触目标的情况下探测生命目标。

    Life detection radar is based on Doppler principle to detect life information in non-contact way .

  2. 利用多普勒原理设计的测速系统可靠稳定,实时性强,有较高的实用价值,并且和电脑等相关显示设备连接起来后,就可以形成一套监控系统。

    The designed velocity measuring system based on Doppler principle is reliable stable , real-time , and with high practical value . It can connect with computers , display devices to form a monitoring system .

  3. 利用多普勒原理对Cr原子束进行横向准直。

    Laser collimation of Cr atomic beam was studied using a transverse Doppler cooling scheme .

  4. 超声Doppler防盗报警器是基于多普勒原理研制的一种新型防盗报警器装置。

    An ultrasonic Doppler acoustic burglar alarm is a new type of burglar alarm equipment developed based on Doppler principle .

  5. 该方法首先利用最大熵谱估计的方法对雷达宽带测量数据进行外推处理,然后对经过外推处理后的数据采用距离-多普勒原理进行ISAR成像,最后采用仿真数据和实际测量数据进行实验验证。

    A maximum-entropy based spectrum estimation method is adopted to extrapolate data first ; then , Range-Doppler method is used to obtain ISAR image .

  6. 基于外差激光多普勒原理,设计并实现了一套光纤结构的外差式激光多普勒振动计(LDV)。

    Base on the heterodyne laser Doppler theory , a heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometer ( LDV ) with fiber structure was designed and implemented .

  7. 声学多普勒原理在测量海流中的某些问题

    Some experiments on the Doppler methods of water current measurement

  8. 雷达波生命探测技术主要基于多普勒原理。

    The technology of radar life-detection is mainly based on the principle of Doppler .

  9. 炮口振动速度测试可以采用激光测振仪,它是基于多普勒原理的激光非接触测振技术而研制的。

    With the laser scanning vibrometer , based on the Doppler effect , the muzzle vibration velocity is measured .

  10. 在分析目前常用的各种路面平整度测试方法的基础上,提出利用超声多普勒原理对路面平整度进行测定。

    A method for pavement flatness detection using Doppler Ultrasound has been proposed and compared with methods used by other equipment .

  11. 方法:利用超声多普勒原理,采用彩色多普勒监测肾囊肿穿刺抽液,注液时所产生的彩色多普勒图像,从而确定穿刺针最佳位置。

    Methods : Using the color Doppler ultrasound to monitor the centesis of kidney cysts and to orientate the best position in the process of centesis .

  12. 通过对超声多普勒原理、路面变形的分类研究及测试信号谱分析的详细讨论和研究,给出了一种连续、快速检测沥青路面变形情况的方法。

    Following discussions on the principle of Doppler , the classification of the deformation , and analysis of signal spectrum , a continuous and rapid method for the measurement is presented .

  13. 在研究血流量传感器的基础上,根据多普勒原理和课题研究的要求,设计了一种适用血流量检测的新型皮肤光纤血流量传感器,实现了对大白鼠耳部血流量信号的无创伤检测;

    Firstly , after investigating sensors for blood flux , according to Doppler theory and what the project requires , a new skin fibre-optic sensor is designed to detect blood flux without damage .

  14. 利用多普勒原理设计而成的微波干涉仪,用于测量弹丸在炮膛内的运动参数,此项工作是提高火炮及弹丸性能的重要保障。

    Microwave interferometer designed according to Doppler Effect is used for measuring the motion parameters of pellets in gun bores , which is the important guarantee in improving the performance of guns and pellets .

  15. 混合噪声调制毫米波脉冲多普勒引信原理

    Principle of millimeter pulse Doppler Fuse modulated by mixed noise

  16. 深入研究了逆合成孔径雷达成像的距离&多普勒成像原理和模拟方法。

    Studies the principles of range-doppler radar imaging , and give some simulation results .

  17. 描述了一种利用多普勒雷达原理进行脱靶矢量测量的方法。

    A way to measuring the miss distance vector by doppler radar theory is described .

  18. 论述了多普勒的原理,分析了双光束激光多普勒技术,并对其进行了实验研究。

    The theory of Doppler is analyzed and experimental research is done on it in this work .

  19. 雷达测速仪是利用多普勒测速原理,获得运动目标的频率偏移信号。

    Police traffic radar uses the theory of Doppler speed detection to measure the offset of the frequency .

  20. 论文的主要工作概括如下:1、介绍了微动及微多普勒的原理。

    The main work of this dissertation is as follows : 1.The principles of the micro-motion and micro-Doppler are introduced .

  21. 本文在讨论相控阵多普勒计程仪原理的基础上,提出了相控接收和宽带系统移相的方案。

    From the array theory , a phased receiving and wide-band phase-shift scheme for this kind of Doppler log is proposed in this paper .

  22. 本文在分析了线性调频信号距离&多普勒耦合原理的基础上,提出了一种高耦合系数条件下径向速度估计的新方法。

    On the basis of the principle of range-Doppler coupling of linear frequency modulation signal , a new method of radial velocity estimation for high coupling coefficient is presented .

  23. 本课题在分析多普勒测速原理的基础上,利用多普勒频率法设计出一套可行的速度监测系统。

    The task of this research wants to use the Doppler navigation for designing a workable speed monitoring system , and make deepen researches on the speed measurement principle .

  24. 采用激光多普勒测速原理直接测量了透明旋流器内的流体径向速度分量。通过因次分析方法导出了径向速度雷诺数的经验公式。

    Radial velocity component of water was measured directly by laser Doppler measurement in a transparent hydrocyclone , and an empirical formula of the radial velocity Reynold 's number was derived from the dimensional analysis method .

  25. 介绍了一种干涉仪测向机中相位差提取的方法和多普勒测向原理相结合的双通道多普勒测向机,它可以采用两部独立同型号的接收机实现对宽带信号测向。

    This paper introduces a dual-channel Doppler direction finder which combines the Doppler principle with the phase difference picking method used in the interferometer direction finder . The finder can be implemented with two independent receivers of same model for direction finding of broadband signals .

  26. 机载SAR实时多普勒中心估计原理及硬件实现

    Doppler centroid real-time estimation and its hardware implementation for air-borne SAR

  27. 同时,根据激光多普勒振动测量原理,分析了在波数σ<1后采用频率分析方法测量的合理性,并实测了小到90nm的超声微小振动。

    The principle of laser Doppler vibration measurement is introduced . The pertinence of measuring small vibrations with the frequency analysis method when the wave number σ < 1 is analyzed , and the small ultrasonic vibration with only 90 nm amplitude is measured through the method .

  28. 基于多普勒频移原理的紫外线灭菌室智能监控系统

    Intelligent monitoring system for ultraviolet sterilization room based on Doppler shift

  29. 详细研究了多普勒流量测量原理和和影响流量测量的因素,并对流量测量公式进行了修正;

    2 , Detailed investigations are performed on Doppler theorem applied to flow measurement .

  30. 空间探测激光距离多普勒雷达系统原理设计

    Design principle of laser range Doppler imaging radar system based on detecting space target