
  • 网络multiple coverage;Multifold
  1. 共反射面元(CRS)叠加考虑了反射层的局部特征和第一菲涅耳带内的全部反射,更充分挖掘了多次覆盖数据的潜力。

    Common reflection surface ( CRS ) stack concerns the local feature of the reflector and all reflection response within the first Fresnel zone , so it fully use the potential of the multiple coverage seismic data .

  2. 浅层反射多次覆盖技术在滑坡勘探中的应用

    Application of multiple coverage technique of shallow reflection in Landslide Exploration

  3. 弯曲测线多次覆盖资料处理中的校正叠加方法

    A stacking method for slalom line data-processing by curved-to-straight correction

  4. 等偏移多次覆盖在探查地下构造中的应用

    Application of equal offset multiple coverage in the prospecting of subsurface structure

  5. 自多次覆盖叠加技术问世以来,速度分析就已经成为地震数据处理中的一个必要环节。

    Since the advent of multiple coverage since the stacking technique , velocity analysis of seismic data processing has become an essential part of processing .

  6. 探地雷达多次覆盖技术在堤防隐患探测中的应用我国堤坝隐患探测技术及面临的问题与建议

    Application of GPR Multi-fold Technology to Detecting the Hidden Danger in Dam Detective techniques and problems of hidden troubles of dams and dikes in China

  7. 目前野外施工所采用方法有检波器组合、多次覆盖、三维勘探;

    At present , we have several methods to remove surface wave in the field data acquisition , such as geophone combination , multiple coverage , 3D exploration etc.

  8. 工程反射地震常规的多次覆盖系统、排列和炮点的同时滚动,导致了施工效率的低下。

    The conventional layout for CDP reflection survey in engineering geophysics , in which the receiving arrays and the shooting points are moving simultaneously , often causes lower efficiency .

  9. 多次覆盖反射波法观测系统可以增加同一反射点的重复观测次数,从而起到压制干扰、提高有效波信号的作用。

    The observation system of the reflection method with high covering number can increase repeat observation number at same reflect point , thus depressing interference and enhancing signal of effective wave .

  10. 二维多次覆盖用于普查,获油气之后,用井下接收三维单次覆盖替代二维多次覆盖详查,可降低采集成本;3、审判方式方面(1)审理重心和方向偏离。

    After using 2-D multiple coverage for reconnaissance and detecting oil and gas , using previous single 3-D exploration with downhole receiving rather than 2-D multiple coverage for detail survey can greatly reduce acquisition cost ;

  11. 近二十年来,地震技术获得了巨大的发展,目前,以多次覆盖为核心的三维数字地震技术得到普遍的应用。

    Since the last twenty years , the seismic exploration technology has acquired the enormous development . Currently , the 3D seismic exploration technology with the multiple coverage technique as the core gets the widespread application .

  12. 在滇、黔、桂山区采用弯线多次覆盖技术之后,地震资料的质量仍然没有显著的改善。

    The use of crooked line multiple coverage technique in the mountai - nous areas of Yunan , Guizhou and Guangxi has not brought about marked improvement of the quality of seismic data in the region .

  13. 在结构光三维测量系统有效视场范围内,空间靶平面多次改变并覆盖整个有效视场。

    In the field of view , the target plane has been rotated and shifted for times to cover the entire efficient measurement range .