
  1. 观众的人数之多让所有人措手不及。

    The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared .

  2. 亲爱的!你来到这里多让人高兴啊!

    My darling ! How sweet of you to come !

  3. 在纽约的一次mba展会上,参展课程的数量之多让我惊诧。

    At an MBA fair in New York I felt daunted by the number of programmes .

  4. 我看到各种各样的新漫画、新观念得到了大量读者的全力支持,与漫威(Marvel)和DC的长篇连载漫画相比也不遑多让。

    I am seeing across the board new comics , new concepts being supported wholeheartedly by the readership in droves , pretty much at equal levels with long-running marvel and DC titles .

  5. 拿到的工钱和小费之多让他吃了一惊。

    There the salary and the tips he received astonished him .

  6. 你知道节日有多让人紧�

    You know how stressful the holidays can get .

  7. 抱怨太多让你从一个飞行常客计划启动?

    Can complaining too much get you booted from a frequent flier program ?

  8. 这小房间的书得多让人无法想像。

    The number of books in the tiny room was out of all knowledge .

  9. 多让人意外啊!他说他要离开公司!

    What a surprise ! He said he 's going to leave the company !

  10. 他为这个项目投入的精力和热情之多让人惊讶。

    It 's amazing how much energy and enthusiasm he brought to this project .

  11. 那些在拥挤场合下说使用很低劣语言的人数之多让我感到震惊。

    I 'm astonished by how many people use very bad language in crowded situations .

  12. 那家伙多让人泄气呀!

    What a downer that guy is !

  13. 住在马赛的好处就是不会像在巴黎一样,有那么多让人分心的事。

    The advantage of Marseilles is that it won 't have the distractions of Paris .

  14. 这是种多让人感动的事情啊!

    What inspiring things it is !

  15. 那你就应该多让他来看你的比赛,大明。

    Then you should ask him to come and watch some of your matches , daming .

  16. 奥运会的观看模式统计表明,欧洲和美国也不遑多让。

    The Olympic Games viewing patterns suggest that Europe and the US are getting there as well .

  17. 我从没想过我挣钱多让她不爽了,看来我是错了。

    I never thought she resented how much money I made , but I guess I was wrong .

  18. 更有效的办法是:真正对他人生活感兴趣,多让别人开口讲话。

    Its far more effective to take a genuine interest in the lives of others and get them talking about themselves .

  19. 如果人多让你烦心,那么在队伍不算太长的时候去超市。

    For example , if crowds bother you , go to the supermarket when you know the lines won 't be too long .

  20. 黑莓10手机即便与市面上的其它高端手机相比也不遑多让,而且系统也很流畅,相对来说比较好用。

    The phones were comparable to other high-end phones on the market , and the operating system was smooth and relatively easy to use .

  21. 为了完成一个手势,一个行为必须多让别人观察,并与他们去交流观察后的一些信息。

    To become a gesture , an act has to be seen by someone else and has to communicate some piece of information to them .

  22. 尽管当晚我会呆在办公室(是的,我在办公室里有间卧室,多让人伤心啊?)

    Although I was staying in the office that night ( yes , I have a bedroom in the office , how sad is that ?)

  23. 彼得伯勒的一名30岁的男子就挂科了86次,伯明翰的一名41岁的男子也不遑多让,挂科了80次才最终通过。

    A 30-year-old man from Peterborough has failed the driving theory test 86 times , while a 41-year-old learner from Birmingham passed on his 80th attempt .

  24. 身心两受创的人民也将利用残缺向世界展现人类惊人的恢复力及许许多多让人难以置信的奇迹。

    People being physically and mentally injured will use their privilege to exhibit an amazing resilience and witness the incredible miracles that can happen in human lives .

  25. 为要保留那么多让回想起象征着痛苦经历、酸甜苦辣或仅仅结束的关系的物品。

    But why do we keep so many other objects that remind us of something that is painful , bittersweet or , at the very least , simply over ?

  26. 然而传统的诗歌阅读方式却完全不适合梅利尔那看似传统的诗歌,因为在他传统的形式下掩藏着太多让人意想不到的指涉和语言碎片。

    However , traditional style of reading is completely unfit for his deceptively traditional poems , since beneath the traditional forms , there are so many unpredictable references and language fragments .

  27. 这是一个地狱般的胡同;那么多让人简直不敢相信的那种赤裸裸的野蛮,那种残暴。我觉得这个现象是中国社会病的一个集中反映。

    This place is like an alleyway in hell ; with so much naked savagery and violence , it gives us a concentrated glimpse of all the sicknesses in Chinese society .

  28. 兴趣和爱好方面的谎言也不遑多让,超过半数受访男性称他们只会说约会对象想听的东西。

    Hobbies and interests were next in the list of whoppers told with more than half of all men polled saying they believed in telling women what they wanted to hear .

  29. 奇怪的是,那些应该避免的事情却有很多人仍然在做,而且人数之多让人瞠目&尽管这些人在内心深处可能很清楚自己的做法实际上有多愚蠢。

    Weirdly enough , they are things that a surprising number of people are still doing ─ even though they probably know , in their heart of hearts , how foolish they really are .

  30. 如果你发现自己身边有一个甚至更多个这些让人讨厌的同事,他们的行为让你快疯了,那么可能就是时机重新找一份能给你带来更多的满足感,也没有那么多让人厌烦的怪同事的新工作了。

    If you find yourself subject to one or more of theseannoying types and they 're driving you batty , it may be time to find anew job that offers greater job satisfaction , with fewer obnoxiouscoworkers .