
  • 【医】polydactyly
  1. 鸡多趾候选基因的SNPs及表达差异研究

    Study on the SNPs and Expression Difference of Chicken Polydactyly Candidate Genes

  2. 多趾畸形并第5跖骨发育不全1例

    A case of polydactylia associated with the fifth metatarsal maldevelopment

  3. 鸡多趾性状和候选基因

    Polydactyly Phenotype and Candidate Gene in Chicken

  4. 已有杂交试验证明鸡多趾性状为常染色体显性遗传但外显率不同。

    Although previous hybridization tests proved that polydactyly trait belonged with an autosomal dominant inheritance but the penetrance is difference in offspring populations .

  5. 多趾是脊椎动物常见的肢体异常,在不同物种间具有相似的表型。

    Research shows that polydactyly has a similar development mechanism , and this kind of polydactyly character seems to be controlled by homologous genes among species .

  6. 鸡的常见趾型为四趾,多趾是丝羽乌骨鸡和一些地方鸡种的品种特征,鸡多趾性状为不完全显性。

    Four-toed is the common digit phenotype in chicken , polydactyly ( Po ) is the breed characteristic of Silkies and some native breeds , which is an incomplete dominant trait .

  7. 报告中提到,唇腭裂、神经管缺损、多趾症、先天性心脏病和脑积水是困扰我国新生儿的五大出生缺陷。

    Cleft palate , neural tube defects , excessive numbers of fingersortoes , congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies , the report said .

  8. 作为多指趾畸形患者,Hernandez的情况相对来说比较普遍,但多余的指头长得这么完美,他还是头一个。

    Known as polydactyly , Hernandez 's condition is relatively common , but it 's rare for the extra digits to be so perfect .

  9. 双手双足轴后性多指(趾)畸形1例报告

    Postaxial polydactyly of both hands and feet : a case report

  10. 先天性四肢异常是人群中较为常见的遗传缺陷,其中多指(趾)是最常见的先天手(足)畸形。

    Polydactyly is the most frequently observed congenital limb malformation .

  11. 非综合征型轴后多指(趾)畸形全基因组扫描分析

    Genome-Wide Scanning for a Nonsyndromic Autosomal Dominant Postaxial Polydactyly in a Six-Generation Family

  12. 非综合征型轴后多指(趾)家系相关基因的精细定位及关键区域分析

    Fine Mapping of a Novel Non-Syndromic Postaxial Polydactyly Locus and Critical Region Analysis

  13. 汞砷等元素在多指(趾)畸形发生中的作用

    Studies on the effects of mercury , arsenic , and several other elements with relations to human polydactyly

  14. 先天性心脏病、多指(趾)、先天性脑积水发生率呈上升趋势。神经管畸形发生率呈下降趋势。

    The incidence rate of congenital heart disease , multi-finger ( toe ) and congenital hydrocephalus raised while the neural tube defect decreased . 3 .

  15. 患有侵袭性外阴和宫颈癌妇女多指(趾)博温病中检测出人类乳头瘤病毒58型

    Detection of human papillomavirus type 58 in polydactylous Bowen 's disease on the fingers and toes of a woman-Concurrent occurrence of invasive vulval and cervical carcinomas

  16. 发生率最高的出生缺陷疾病前五名排序为:外耳畸形、多指(趾)畸形、先天性心脏病、肢体短缩、唇裂并腭裂。

    Five birth defects most commonly seen were arranged in following orders : deformity of external ear , polydactyly , congenital heart disease , extremities shortness , cheiloschisis and palatoschisis .

  17. 该家系2代4人患有并指(趾)缺指(趾),同时伴有掌(跖)骨缺少。产前长骨弯曲合并多指(趾)畸形1例

    There are four sufferers , suffering from syndactyly and adactylism , with the lack of metacarpus and metatarsus in two generations . Long bones with polydactyly ( mean ) abnormal in prenatal : case report

  18. 这四年,长春市几大高发出生缺陷类型为:多指(趾)、先天性心脏病、唇裂合并腭裂、脊柱裂、先天性脑积水和唇裂。

    During the four years , the five high-risk birth defects in the city of changchun are : the congenital hydrocephalus , much point to ( foot ), congenital heart disease , spina bifida and cleft palate with cleft lip .

  19. 前5位缺陷种类依次为:多指(趾)、唇腭裂、地中海贫血、马蹄内翻足、先天性心脏病,发病率分别为:1.70‰、1.48‰、1.13‰、0.87‰、0.79‰。

    The main 5 types of the defect are polydactyly , cleft palate , the Mediterranean Sea anemia , the horse 's hoof club foot , the congenital heart disease and the disease incidence rate respectively are 1.70 ‰、 1.48 ‰、 1.13 ‰、 0.87 ‰、 0.79 ‰ .

  20. 已有的研究表明鞭毛/纤毛的结构和调控异常与多种人类疾病的发生密切相关,如组织的左右不对称、Kartagener综合症、多囊肾、多指/多趾等。

    The dysfunction of flagellum / cilium is bound up with several human diseases , such as left-right asymmetry in the organization , Kartagener syndrome , polycystic kidney disease , Multi-fingered or polydactyly and so on .