
dà shì gù
  • Major accident;major break down
大事故[dà shì gù]
  1. 如果一个大事故发生在如此遥远的地方,Petrobras、巴西海军和私营航运公司都难以展开人们在墨西哥湾见到的那种大规模紧急反应措施。

    If a big accident were to occur so far out , neither Petrobras nor Brazil 's navy nor private shipping could mount an emergency effort on the scale seen in the Gulf of Mexico .

  2. 以美国WSCC系统1996年两次大事故为例,建议利用分层(表层、内层、深层)方法分析事故原因和区别地决定采取对策的途径。

    In this paper a layers built method ( surface , innermost and deep lying layers ) for power system major failure analysis and different layer 's decision making of failure countermeasures is proposed , taking WSCC two outages in 1996 as an example .

  3. 电机轴承早期故障的有效诊断是实现安全生产、避免大事故的技术前提。

    Incipient fault diagnosis in bearings is the technical prerequisite for safe production and to avoiding accidents .

  4. 抗议人群较分散且未发生大事故,警察通过催泪弹及分散搜索将他们驱赶。

    Crowds dispersed with little incident , but police sped the protest 's end with tear gas and sporadic searches .

  5. 我告诉他,他把两个骑自行车的人撞倒了,差点儿出了大事故。

    I told him that he had knocked two people off their bicycles and had nearly caused a bad accident .

  6. 高处坠落事故是威胁建筑工人安全的四大事故之首。

    Falling from high place is the most serious construction accident of n four big hurtsllwhich are threatening building workers .

  7. 这些研究结果可用于控制碰摩后电磁轴承的稳定性,避免大事故的发生。

    The study results can be used to control the instability of the RMB system with rub between rotor and stator .

  8. 近年来,在世界范围内电网连续发生了几起大事故,给国民经济造成了严重损失。

    In recent years , there are several consecutive major accidents around the world , causing serious damages to the national economy .

  9. 苏联乌克兰中北部城市;是年月日的一场核能大事故的所在地。

    A city in north central Ukraine ; site of a major disaster at a nuclear power plant ( 16 April 1986 ) .

  10. 机械师们对安全条例只是口头上表示遵守,总有一天要出大事故的。

    The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident .

  11. 质量事故按其严重程度和损失大小,划分为特别重大事故、重大事故、大事故和一般事故。

    Quality accidents can be classified into extraordinarily serious accidents , serious accidents , major accidents and ordinary accidents according to severity and amount of loss .

  12. 能记起某一次有个傻瓜从不知何处飞过大街,整个朝你扑过来,几乎引起一次大事故?

    Remember that one time when that jerk came flying down the street out of nowhere , totally cut you off and almost caused a huge accident ?

  13. 据统计运输事故在煤矿生产中是仅次于顶板事故的第二大事故,其中斜井跑车事故占运输事故的22.1%。

    Transporting an accident on the grounds of counting is to be next only to second major breakdown of roof accident , roadster accidents among them account for 22.1 % of accident transportation .

  14. 不到一年驾驶经验的新手现在需要有经验司机陪同如果他们想上高速公路,那里大事故频繁,警方说。

    Rookies with less than one year of driving experience are now required to be accompanied by experienced drivers if they want to take expressways , where severe accidents are more frequent , police said .

  15. 大规模互联电力系统(LIPS)在长期动态中由于频率和电压的慢动态可能引发生存性危机,最终造成一些大停电事故。

    In the long-term dynamics of large-scale interconnected power system ( LIPS ), some crises may occur due to the slow-frequency dynamics and the slow-voltage dynamics .

  16. 而N-k故障作为大停电事故最关键的一个环节,对其给电网带来的影响进行全面评估具有十分重要的意义。

    As N-k contingency is one of the most critical parts of blackout , it is extremely significant to conduct a comprehensive assessment of its impact on the grid .

  17. 研究了大停电事故后输电系统的重构优化问题,提出了一种求解最优目标网的离散粒子群优化(DPSO)算法。

    The reconstruction of transmission networks after blackout is thoroughly studied , and a method of network reconfiguration based on discrete particle swarm optimization ( DPSO ) algorithm is proposed .

  18. 新的防止大停电事故的后备保护减载控制策略

    New Load Shedding Control Strategy for Backup Protection Against Cascading Outages

  19. 设计了一个应用于大停电事故恢复的基于案例推理系统。

    Case-based reasoning method for fault recovery with expanded similarity space ;

  20. 一年以后对美加8.14大停电事故的反思

    Rethinking over ' 8.14 ' us-canada blackout after one year

  21. 英国大停电事故中公众信任度的定性研究(英文)

    A Qualitative Study of Public Beliefs about Blackouts in the UK ;

  22. 近年来,世界范围内发生了几起大停电事故。

    In recent years , several large-scale blackouts occurred around the world .

  23. 欧洲大停电事故的起因、发展及恢复情况。

    The origin , spread and restoration of large-scale blackout occurred on Nov.

  24. 台湾省7月29日大停电事故的教训和启示

    Lessons and Enlightenment from the Blackout in Taiwan Province in July 29th

  25. 大损失事故过程的一种模型

    A Model for the Processes of Heavy Loss Accidents

  26. 从复杂网络的观点看大停电事故

    Brief Review of Blackouts on Electric Power Grids in Viewpoint of Complex Networks

  27. 近年来频发的电网大停电事故,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , many people are concerning about frequent power blackouts .

  28. 重(特)大泄漏事故统计分析及事故模式研究

    Analysis on Important Release Accidents and Modes Studying

  29. 虽然大停电事故发生的概率极小,但从根本上讲,大停电事故是不可避免的。

    Though the blackout is not probably happened , fundamentally the outages are inevitable .

  30. 电网复杂性及大停电事故的可靠性研究

    Survey of the Research on the Complexity of Power Grids and Reliability Analysis of Blackouts