
dà xìng
  • surname of an aristocratic family;the biggest clan;large and influential family;surname used by an unusually large number of people
大姓 [dà xìng]
  • (1) [large and influential family]∶指世家大族

  • 故家大姓时有被诬负屈者。--《明史.海瑞传》

  • (2) [surname used by an unusually large number of people]∶人多的姓,如张、李、王等

  • (3) [the biggest clan]∶在某范围内人数最多、势力最大的家族

大姓[dà xìng]
  1. 陈姓在台湾为第一大姓。

    The family name Chen in Taiwan is the first major name there .

  2. 陈姓在台湾为第一大姓,占11%强。

    The family Chen in Taiwan is the first major and occupies 11 % strong .

  3. 谢朓,是出身世族大姓、受过良好文化教养、拥有多面才华的人物。

    Born in a noble family , Xie Tiao was well educated and had super talent .

  4. 一项新的研究表明,“李”并非中国第一大姓,“王”姓出人意料地蟾宫折桂。

    A new study has debunked the notion that Li is China 's most popular surname .

  5. 西南本土籍边吏中,部分来自当地大姓。

    Four , the southwest side official inside of native , part come from to be the big surname of ground .

  6. 秦朝时期,甘肃地区分布着一些世家大姓,这些望族对后来的甘肃历史具有一定的影响。

    In period of Qin Dynasty , some families were distributed in the area of Gansu , and these big clans had certain influence on Gansu history later on .

  7. 中华叶姓是目前中华姓氏中人口排名第49位的大姓,也是徽州的一个古老大姓,名列明代《新安名族志》。

    Ye is the49th family name in China and an old large family name in Huizhou recorded in A History of Illustrious Families in Xin'an in the Ming Dynasty .

  8. 东汉末年的大姓名士是魏晋士族的前身,但并不是所有的大姓名士都能成为士族。

    The celebrities in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were the predecessors of the nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties . However , not all the celebrities could become nobles .

  9. 由于大姓的出现,使西南地区形成了以内地政权、大姓、夷帅为主体的三元势力结构。

    With the emergence of the influential families , southwest China was under the control of three powers , that is , the inland regime , the influential families and the minority chieftains .

  10. 此文主要剖析了在汉族门第婚观念的影响下,胡人贵族与汉族高门大姓之间的通婚表现,探讨了胡汉门第通婚在政治与社会文化方面的影响。

    This paper analyzes the intermarriages under the influence of the ideal of the marriage based on the social status from the Han people and explores how it effected the polity and social culture .

  11. 来自加州圣约瑟推荐高中的8名女生,用她们的毕业年鉴搞了一出关于她们姓氏的恶作剧。她们同属的姓氏是世界上大姓中的一个:阮(越南姓氏)。

    Eight girls from Presentation High School in San Jose , California , used their yearbook to make fun of the fact they all share one of the world 's most popular surnames : Nguyen .

  12. 除这三大姓外,姓氏人口数超过2000万的姓依次为:刘、陈、杨、黄、赵、吴和周。

    Aside from the top three , the survey found that a further seven names are each used by more than 20 million people : Liu , Chen , Yang , Huang , Zhao , Wu and Zhou .

  13. 两汉社会的治安问题主要集中于三个方面:一是以豪强大姓为主、对社会治安严重破坏的地方恶势力;

    The problem of public order of the Han dynasty is concentrated mainly on three aspects : the first one is mainly with despotic big surname , which is for the local vicious power of the serious damage of security of society ;

  14. 中国人的姓相对较少(100个大姓就占了所有中国人的85%,而英国人有2.5万个常用姓),许多华人移民也不愿把家世告诉已经被异乡同化了的子女,这两点让寻根变得更加困难。

    The task is complicated by the short list of Chinese family names ( the top 100 account for about 85 per cent of all Chinese , compared with about 25000 relatively common British surnames ) and the unwillingness of many emigrants to confide in their assimilated children .