
  • 网络large-scale scientific facility
  1. 多年来,NTSC的守时系统以完美的表现满足了国家大科学装置&长、短波授时系统的发播控制任务的要求。

    Since its establishment , the time-keeping system of NTSC has greatly satisfied the broadcast of time signals of long and short-wave standard time service system .

  2. 我国大科学装置发展战略研究和政策建议

    Strategy research and policy proposal of our large scale scientific Facilities ' development

  3. 本文介绍一种大科学装置&同步辐射装置。

    The synchrotron radiation faciliry ( SRF ) is a huge scientific equipment .

  4. 合肥同步辐射光源是国家级大科学装置。同步辐射光源稳定性对光源的性能很重要。

    Synchrotron radiation light source is a national scientific device and its stability is very important to the performance .

  5. 北京同步辐射装置是一种利用同步光源开展多学科研究活动的大科学装置。

    The Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( BSRF ) is a large scale experimental facility for multi purposes scientific research action based on the synchrotron radiation light source .

  6. 大科学装置中的关键零部件经常处于高温、高压和强辐射的极端环境中,承受着疲劳载荷,容易发生疲劳破坏,在设计阶段就需要重视疲劳破坏问题。

    Usually , the key components of large scientific facilities work in the extreme environment with high temperature , high pressure , intense radiation and fatigue loads , and prone to fatigue failure .

  7. 大科学装置是为解决重大科技中基础性、前瞻性的问题而投资兴建的基础科学研究和多学科交叉研究的公共平台,对促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展和国家安全有着重要作用。

    Large scale scientific facilities are public platforms for basic and multidisciplinary researches , which aim toto solve the fundamental and forward-looking issues in the major technological fields . It plays an important role in the comprehensive , coordinated and sustainable economic and social development and national security .