
dà zhòng qì chē gōng sī
  • Volkswagenwerk
大众汽车公司[dà zhòng qì chē gōng sī]
  1. 据《国际商业时报》报道,随着大众汽车公司从碳排放丑闻中恢复元气,电动汽车的销量有望增加。

    According to the International Business Times , electric car sales are expected to increase as Volkswagen is still recovering from its emissions scandal .

  2. 大众汽车公司的机械式G型增压器

    Volkswagen 's G Type Mechanical Supercharger

  3. 德国大众汽车公司的Polo型轿车是欧洲汽车市场上经济型轿车的主导车型。

    VW Polo is the guiding type car in European car market .

  4. 大众汽车公司(VW)还拥有铃木汽车公司(Suzuki)19%的股权。

    VW owns a 19 % stake in Suzuki .

  5. 虽然欧洲依然在经济危机的苦海里挣扎,但至少有一个欧洲之子仍在蓬勃发展,它就是德国大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)。

    As Europe wallows in economic doldrums , at least one native son is thriving .

  6. 而对于欧洲最大的汽车生产商大众汽车公司(VolkswagenAG)来说,去年中国就已经成了它销量最大的地区。

    For Europe 's largest auto maker , Volkswagen AG ( VLKAY , VOW . XE ), China became its largest sales region last year .

  7. 德国的大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)已经开始每天关闭黑莓邮件服务器12小时,让员工进行休息。

    Volkswagen in Germany has started switching off their Blackberry email servers for 12 hours a day to let people rest .

  8. 本文介绍了德国大众汽车公司设计、生产的采用螺旋推进压气原理工作的G型增压器,对其原理、结构及应用作了详细的分析说明。

    G-type supercharger designed and manufactured by Volkswagen Motor Company , based on the spiral compression principle is described in the paper . Its working principle , structure and application to supercharging of automotive engine are illustrated and discussed in detail .

  9. 这家日本汽车制造商并不打算轻易将自己的“全球第一”称号拱手让人,在德国大众汽车公司(VolkswagenAG)这样的竞争对手向前迈进时,丰田似乎并不甘于坐困愁城。

    The No. 1 automaker from Japan doesn 't intend to give up its title easily , and doesn 't seem content to sit in idle while competitors like Volkswagen AG races ahead .

  10. 上海市大众汽车公司新建试车场,部分专用路基高达6~14m,出于测试汽车性能的需要,对路基的工后沉降提出了高标准的要求。

    In Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Testing Yard , a lot of subgrades 6 ~ 14m are embanked on the softground .

  11. 大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)则凭借特别设计的全新的帕萨特(Passat)异军突起,成为这一细分市场的有力竞争者,誓与日本最佳汽车一较高下。

    Volkswagen ( vlkpy ) is also suddenly a factor in the segment thanks to an all-new Passat specifically designed to contend with the best Japan can offer .

  12. 本月初,大众汽车公司美国区负责人迈克尔·霍恩(MichaelHorn)告诉一个国会小组,他提出的维修方案将花费几年时间,并需要使用大量新设备,它可能会导致柴油车的最高速度稍有降低。

    Michael Horn , head of Volkswagen 's American unit , told a congressional panel this month that the repairs he outlined - which will take years and require significant new equipment - might result in a slightly lower top speed in the cars .

  13. 奥迪A21.2TDI型轿车是大众汽车公司继LUP3LTDI型之后的第二种百公里油耗3L的轿车。

    Audi A2 1.2 TDI cars are the 2nd type of cars with fuel consumption of 3L / 100km in Volkswagen AG automotive company in Germany after its Lup 3L TDI cars are put into market .

  14. 依据德国大众汽车公司汽车发动机复合橡胶燃油软管标准,研制了CA488发动机燃油管。

    Fuel tube for the CA488 gasoline engine has been developed according to the norm of Volks Wagon Automotive Company , Germany for flexible fuel hose made of composite rubber .

  15. 一旦大众汽车公司研究了我们的收支帐目表,他们就后退了。

    Once Volkswagen studied our balance sheet , they pulled back .

  16. 德国向中国的技术转移&上海大众汽车公司案例研究

    Technology Transfer from Germany to China - A Case Study on Shanghai Volkswagen

  17. 德国大众汽车公司早年汽油车改柴油车案例分析

    Reformation of Gasoline Car to Diesel Car in VW

  18. 可行的梦想:概念一个视觉理想的大众汽车公司。

    Viable dream : The Concept A is the vision of an ideal Volkswagen .

  19. 感谢海湾城大众汽车公司。

    Thank you , Bay City volkswagen .

  20. 一段时间以后,保时捷和大众汽车公司的第一家合资企业必须认真对待。

    It took some time for Porsche and Volkswagen 's first joint venture to be taken seriously .

  21. 大众汽车公司的竞争对手对排放作弊丑闻做出了明确回应:我们不这样。

    Volkswagen 's rivals have had a clear response to the emissions cheating scandal : not us .

  22. 中国车类上市公司股权结构与公司绩效关系的实证研究公司的主要客户为上海通用及大众汽车公司。

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance of Automobile Industry of Chinese Listed Companies ;

  23. 并以上海大众汽车公司为例,说明公司访谈所搜集的资料在经济地理研究的应用价值。

    Then , company case studies were used to illustrate how to use the qualitative approach properly in economic geography .

  24. 一家专门讨论汽车话题的部落格,汽车真相,表示,德国大众汽车公司将在今后几天里宣布将给予购买了该公司汽车的一些美国客户、或者说是汽车买主,予以现金补偿。

    The blog " The Truth About Cars " says an announcement from Volkswagen is expected in the coming days .

  25. 据大众汽车公司董事长马蒂亚斯·米勒介绍,数字化和环境需求是推动汽车产业转移的主要因素。

    According to Volkswagen CEO Matthias Muller , digitalization and environmental needs are the major factors that drive the transfer of automobile industry .

  26. 近日,大众汽车公司、宝马汽车公司和福特汽车公司计划携手打造一个覆盖欧洲的电动汽车电池快速充电网络。

    Volkswagen AG , BMW AG and Ford Motor Co plan to set up a European network for the speedy charging of electric-car batteries .

  27. 对上海大众汽车公司的两种车型做了蛇行试验并对试验结果做了分析计算。

    Have done pylon course slalom tests about two kinds automobile of Shanghai VW Auto Corporation , and made some analysis about the result .

  28. 该机械闲置于德国大众汽车公司,又来生产汽车排气管道加紧固。

    Machine worked at VOLKSWAGEN and was used to produce a piece that fixed the exhaust pipe to the ground plate of the vehicle .

  29. 大众汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司即特合并的传说是汽车工业的周刊《汽车新闻》泄露出去的。

    The rumor of an imminent merger between Volkswagen and Chrysler was leaked by Automotive News , the weekly trade journal of the car industry .

  30. 电动汽车领域最大的单笔投资来自大众汽车公司,大众计划到2030年前投入400亿美元,以打造旗下全球300多款全球车型的电动版。

    The largest single investment is coming from Volkswagen AG , which plans to spend $ 40 billion by 2030 to build electrified versions of its 300-plus global models .