
  1. 大清银行载沣像兑换券的种类

    The types of exchange note with Zai feng 's portrait issued by TA Ching government bank

  2. 1909年成立的户部大清银行湖南分行是近代湖南建立的第一家新式银行,自此,湖南近代银行业开始兴起。

    Abstract The branch banks of Hunan which belongs to the Household sector of Great Qing Dynasty established in 1909 was the first new - type founded in the Modern of Hunan .

  3. 虽然中国通商银行与大清银行的出现填补了国内银行业发展的空缺,但官僚体制背景的银行管理制度并没有培养出真正意义上的现代银行家。

    Although the two banks appear to fill the vacancies in the development of the domestic banking sector , the modern bankers culture in the true sense of the local Chinese appear more sluggish .