
  • 网络Russian Bank;Bank Rossiya;Rossiya Bank
  1. 信用评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoors)上周警告称,(俄罗斯银行的)不良贷款率可能高达38%。

    Standard Poors , the credit ratings agency , warned last week that problem loans could reach as high as 38 per cent .

  2. 今年发行点心债券的4家俄罗斯银行之一俄罗斯外贸银行(vtb)上月表示,计划减少美元债券发行量,并寻求通过以亚洲货币发债,拓展其投资者基础。

    VTB bank , one of the four Russian banks to issue a dim sum bond this year , said last month it planned to cut its dollar bond issuance and look to diversify its investor base through Asian currency issues .

  3. 俄罗斯银行太多,大多数资本不足。

    There are too many banks ; most are undercapitalised .

  4. 报纸在报道俄罗斯银行危机的时候用到了这个短语。

    Newspaper reports about a banking crisis in Russia used that expression .

  5. 他表示,该俄罗斯银行此前只是利用了有利的市场形势。

    He said the bank had taken advantage of favourable market conditions .

  6. 问:您对俄罗斯银行业看法如何?

    Q : what is your view of the Russian banking sector ?

  7. 但自1999年以来,俄罗斯银行和企业的国际借贷也增长了4600亿美元。

    Yet from 1999 Russian banks and companies increased their international borrowing by $ 460bn .

  8. 他表示,政府正在努力确保俄罗斯银行系统的流动性,并且致力于经济改革。

    He said the government will safeguard liquidity in the banking system and pledged his commitment to economic reforms .

  9. 外资银行立即停手,但俄罗斯银行仍在利用附属机构卖出卢布。

    Foreign banks stopped immediately , but Russian banks used affiliated parties to trade against the rouble , he said .

  10. 布斯辩驳称,俄罗斯银行体系监管不力,银行数量过多,因此单个银行可能会有风险。

    Mr Booth counters that the Russian banking system is poorly regulated and over-banked so individual banks can appear risky .

  11. 2009年,一个俄罗斯银行职员被一个女人催眠,并将80000美元的现金交给了这个女人。

    In 2009 a Russian bank employee gave over $ 80 , 000 of cash to a woman who apparently hypnotised her .

  12. 一位驻中国的顾问回忆自己曾经指出,如果他的金融业客户公司里谁也不会讲俄语,那么收购一家俄罗斯银行可能很有挑战。

    One adviser based in China recalls pointing out that if his financial client had nobody who spoke Russian , acquiring a Russian bank might prove challenging .

  13. 央行还增加了俄罗斯银行系统的美元拨款,以提供购买卢布的资金,作为稳定货币努力的一部分。

    The central bank also increased allotments of dollars to the Russian banking system , to finance the purchase of rubles as part of the effort to stabilize the currency .

  14. 相比俄罗斯银行和企业在2015年底前必须偿还的1340亿美元外债(主要是向美国和欧洲的银行),中资银行对俄放贷总额相形见绌。

    The numbers pale in comparison to the $ 134bn in external debt that Russian banks and corporates have to repay by the end of 2015 , largely to US and European banks .

  15. 俄罗斯银行没有击垮美国和西欧银行那样的美国次贷相关不良资产,它们也没有盲目效仿中欧银行,投放巨额的外币贷款。

    Russian banks do not have the same US subprime-related toxic assets that laid low US and West European counterparts and did not ape the huge foreign currency lending of Central European banks .

  16. 一年前,由于石油价格下跌和市场对俄罗斯银行体系的担忧,卢布一度暴跌。但现在卢布走势大逆转,自9月初以来,卢布已成为对美元表现最好的主要货币。

    In a stark reversal of the sharp sell-off in the rouble a year ago triggered by falling oil prices and worries over Russia 's banking system , the rouble has become the best performing major currency against the dollar since the start of September .

  17. 报道俄罗斯银行危机的报纸就用了这个短语,称政府出手是因为担心危机会引发银行挤兑。”

    Newspaper reports about a banking crisis in Russia used that expression . They said the government acted because of fears that the crisis would cause a run on the banks . " When a run on the banks was starting , there was not much they could do , " said a banking expert .

  18. 50万美元的费用克林顿迄今得到的最高额演讲费之一是与克里姆林宫有关的俄罗斯投资银行复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)支付的。

    The $ 500,000 fee among Clinton 's highest was paid by Renaissance Capital , a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin .

  19. 这笔交易是与俄罗斯外贸银行(vtb)合作达成的,中投在该银行也持有股份。

    The deal was struck alongside local bank VTB , in which CIC also has a stake .

  20. 当时,此举被视为莫斯科方面安抚国内反西方情绪、回应欧美制裁的政治信号。此前,美国和欧盟(EU)的制裁措施导致俄罗斯的银行和企业无法从全球资本市场中融资。

    At the time , the decision was seen as a political message aimed at mollifying anti-western sentiment and demonstrating that Moscow was responding to sanctions imposed by the US and the EU , which have crippled Russian banks and corporates in their ability to access global capital markets .

  21. 该公司还应于10月份前偿还俄罗斯国有银行俄罗斯对外贸易银行(VEB)的45亿美元债务,但该公司坚称,它相信这笔债务将会展期。

    It may also have to pay $ 4.5bn to VEB , the state-owned Russian bank , in October but the company insists it believes the tenure of the debt will be extended .

  22. 俄罗斯中央银行的主席SergeiIgnatyev周三说,银行在过去的两个月里已经花费了570亿美元来弥补卢布贬值,而卢布的价值已经降到了2006年4月以来的最低点。

    On Wednesday , Russian Central Bank Chairman Sergei Ignatyev said the institution spent more than $ 57 billion in the last two months to support the declining market value of the ruble , which has dropped to its lowest level since April 2006 .

  23. 公开募股:俄罗斯国有银行的新起点

    IPO : New Start for Russian State-owned Bank

  24. 除了俄罗斯零售银行业务,欧智华并未明确表示会关闭哪些业务。

    Aside from Russian retail banking , Mr Gulliver did not specify which operations would close .

  25. 去年,该机构提供了几笔担保,支持乌克兰和俄罗斯的银行发放贷款。

    Last year it issued several guarantees in support of loans to banks in Ukraine and the Russian Federation .

  26. 博格斯表示,莫斯科银行救助行动引发了人们对于俄罗斯整个银行业的关联方贷款问题的“严重担忧”。

    Mr Borges said the bail-out raised " serious concerns " about related party lending throughout the Russian banking sector .

  27. 银行间货币市场利率攀升至11%,达到自2004年夏季俄罗斯小型银行危机以来的最高水平。

    Interbank money market rates climbed to 11 per cent , their highest since a mini-banking crisis in summer 2004 .

  28. 目标、机构与职能的组合设计:俄罗斯中央银行监管的实证分析

    The Consistency of the Target , Institution and Function : An Empirical Study on the Regulation of Russian Central Bank

  29. 上述人士表示,现在,大部分交易资金通过俄罗斯的银行转给德黑兰,这些银行从交易中抽取高额佣金。

    Instead , much of the money is transferred to Tehran through Russian banks , which take large commissions on the transactions , the people said .

  30. 不过,俄罗斯各银行需要以贷款,减税和延期缴税的形式支付高达1300亿美元的一揽子交易。

    This comes on top of a $ 130 billion package doled out to Russian banks in the form of loans , tax cuts and delayed tax payments .