
  • 网络University of Oregon;Lundquist;Oregon University
  1. 早年求学美国俄勒冈大学建筑系,并先后获得俄勒冈大学建筑学学士学位及俄勒冈大学建筑学硕士学位。

    He studied in the department of architecture in University of Oregon in the USA and got bachelor degree and master degree of architecture there .

  2. 20世纪70年代初期,俄勒冈大学的竞赛教练比尔鲍尔曼在他太太的比利时格子饼贴膜上加热聚氨酯,打造出第一个有软垫的鞋子中底,后来促成了NikeAir运动鞋的问世。

    University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman created the first cushioned mid-sole by heating polyure-thane on his wife 's waffle iron in the early70s , which later led to the creation of Nike Air .

  3. KayWesterfield是俄勒冈大学国际商务沟通项目主任。

    Kay Westerfield is director of the international business communication program at the University of Oregon .

  4. 过去已经向斯坦福大学和俄勒冈大学(UniversityofOregon)捐赠过大笔资金的奈特表示,他“热爱教育”,而且被亨尼西提出的培养一群精英以切实改变世界的愿景说服。

    Mr Knight , who had already given large amounts to Stanford and the University of Oregon , said he had a " soft spot for education " and been persuaded by Mr Hennessy 's vision of being able to train an elite group to make a real difference to the world .

  5. 但有效的沟通并不仅仅涉及语言,KayWesterfield是俄勒冈大学国际商务交流项目主任。

    This can be good advice even when writing for other native speakers . But effective communication involves more than just words . Kay Westerfield is director of the international business communication program at the University of Oregon .

  6. 论文牵头作者、俄勒冈大学(UniversityofOregon)心理学博士生艾丽丝·格雷厄姆(AliceGraham)说:“即便是在睡着的时候,婴儿对事物也是敏感的。认为在婴儿睡着时可以随心所欲的观点恐怕是不准确的。”

    Babies ' are still sensitive to things even when they 're asleep , ' says Alice Graham , a doctoral candidate in psychology at the University of Oregon and lead author of the study . ' The idea of it being a time to let loose when infants are asleep is probably not accurate . '

  7. 南加州(左)和俄勒冈大学啦啦队长。

    Southern California ( left ) and Oregon State University cheerleaders .

  8. 她和俄勒冈大学的艺术部有联系。

    She is affiliated with the art department at the University of Oregon .

  9. 他在俄勒冈大学当过田径运动员师从于传奇田径教练比尔.鲍尔曼

    He had run track for the University of Oregon under the legendary track coach , Bill Bowerman .

  10. 俄勒冈大学和辛辛那提大学的研究者给消费者一些已知品牌颜色的虚构商标。

    University of Oregon and University of Cincinnati gave shoppers a fictitious logo with a color of a known brand .

  11. 俄勒冈大学研究人员在昨天的科学杂志上公布的研究结果称找到了利他行为的生物学基础。

    University of Oregon researchers published a study yesterday in Science magazine that finds a biological basis for altruistic behavior .

  12. 这是为俄勒冈大学的学生们准备的,在那里尼嘉获得了富布莱特奖金。

    This is being prepared for the students of the University of Oregon , where Nigar has arrived as a Fulbright Scholar .

  13. 乔丹-贝尔身高6英尺9英寸,是来自俄勒冈大学的大三学生。在选秀夜被公牛队以第38顺位选中。

    Jordan Bell , a 6 '9 " junior out of Oregon , was taken 38th overall by the Bulls on draft night .

  14. 直到我上俄勒冈大学时,我才意识到无论我多么努力也无法正确拼写。

    By the time I got to the University of Oregon , I realized I couldn 't spell no matter how hard I tried .

  15. 我转到俄勒冈大学之后,我就选了生物化学为我的专业,主要是因为俄勒冈大学没有生物医学科学专业。

    After my transfer to University of Oregon ( UO ), I decided on biochemistry because UO doesn 't have a biomedical science major .

  16. 1997年吴彦祖从美国俄勒冈大学毕业后,在香港穷游了三个月。

    After Daniel Wu graduated from the University of Oregon in 1997 , he traveled around Hong Kong for three months on a limited budget .

  17. 这个早上,我在俄勒冈大学参加电子音乐的课程,这个学校是我见过风光最美的大学。

    In this morning , I got my first acoustic music course at Oregon of university which is the most beautiful college I never seen !

  18. 这个照片里可看到俄勒冈大学的三个科学楼。一般的科学专业课和实验室都在这几个楼里。

    A view of the Willamette , Klamath , and Onyx Bridge buildings – these are the buildings that house many of the science classes and laboratories .

  19. 第一个原因是因为俄勒冈大学只要求我的平均学分积。第二原因是我很喜欢俄勒冈的自然美景。

    I transferred to the University of Oregon because it only required my GPA and TOEFL scores and because I heard that Oregon is a very beautiful state .

  20. 再次,以俄勒冈大学、哈佛大学为实例,具体说明高校层面的大学生生涯信息服务体系的实施。

    After that , Oregon University and Harvard University selected as an example , the implementation of the college career information service is observed and discussed in detail .

  21. 这个休赛期,他们用第38顺位招到来自俄勒冈大学6英尺9英寸的全能悍将——乔丹-贝尔,这像是格林选秀时的重演。

    This offseason , in what may be a replay of the Draymond Green draft , they added 6-foot-9 all-everything dynamo Jordan Bell out of Oregon after he slipped to the 38th overall pick .

  22. 从刚进入联盟起,贝尔的防守能力就已锋芒毕露。他被视为来自俄勒冈大学的能够从一号位防到五号位的防守型球员。到目前为止,他的表现也对得起这样的称号。

    Bell 's defensive ability has stood out since he came into the league - he was viewed as a possible 1-through-5 defender coming out of Oregon and he 's so far lived up to the billing .

  23. 美国的俄勒冈大学社会学系最为杰出的教授约翰·贝拉米·福斯特秉承了马克思主义的基本精神,对人与自然之间的关系在新的历史条件下作了新的解读。

    John Bellamy Foster , the most eminent professor of the Department of Sociology , University of Oregon in the United States adhering to the basic spirit of Marxism in a new era under the conditions of the relationship between man and nature , society and nature interpretation .

  24. 俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员模仿此前对狗狗和婴儿的研究,对小猫咪也进行了一番研究,并得出结论:猫咪真的真的很爱主人——或者至少是把主人看做父母或“照顾者”。

    Oregon State University researchers concluded that cats really do actually love their humans — or at the very least , see them as parents or caregivers — after conducting a study on kittens , modeled after previous research on dogs and babies .

  25. 且听俄勒冈太平洋大学(PacificUniversity)视觉功能学院(VisionPerformanceInstitute)所长、视觉科学医生吉姆?希迪(JimSheedy)为我们揭示真相。

    Jim Sheedy , a doctor of vision science and director of the Vision Performance Institute at Oregon 's Pacific University , sets his sights on the truth .

  26. PaulJepson是俄勒冈州立大学综合植物保护中心的负责人。

    Paul Jepson heads the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University .

  27. 芭芭拉·菲克(BarbaraFick)是美国西北部的俄勒冈州立大学的一名推广员。

    Barbara Fick is an extension agent at Oregon State University in the northwestern United States .

  28. 俄勒冈州立大学研究人员LaurenceBecker表示,一些当地农民停止了耕作,导致产量下降,失业率上升。

    Researcher Laurence Becker of Oregon State University said some local farmers stopped farming . Food production fell and unemployment rose .

  29. 俄勒冈州立大学的植物学家steverenquist说,蓝莓植物可以种植在容器中,矮丛蓝莓就是一个不错的选择,该品种往往不到半米高。

    Plant expert Steve renquist at Oregon State University says blueberry plants can grow well in containers . He says dwarf varieties are a good choice . These plants are often less than half a meter tall .

  30. “这是朝着我们的目标迈出的重要一步,但是我们仍然需要一些改进。”俄勒冈州立大学的科学家、论文作者之一的FrankChaplen说。

    " This is an important step toward our goal , but we still need some improvements ," said Frank Chaplen , researcher at Oregon State University and one of the authors of the paper .