
dù bāng gōng sī
  • DuPont;E.I.Du Pont Company
杜邦公司[dù bāng gōng sī]
  1. 杜邦公司强烈建议太阳模拟器的批发商和油漆店

    Dupont strongly recommends Solar Simulator to its jobbers and paint shops .

  2. 为了帮助纺织品加工中各企业在激烈的市场竞争中生产出与众不同的弹性产品,杜邦公司启动了“莱卡R伙伴计划”。

    DuPont starts its " Lycra R Assured " campaign to help enterprises to manufacture unique elastic products in today 's fiercely competitive market .

  3. 关键路线法(CriticalPathMethod,简称CPM)是美国杜邦公司开发出来的一种网络计划技术。

    CPM ( Critical Path Method ) is a kind of PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique ), which was developed by American DuPont Company .

  4. 杜邦公司(DuPontCo.)就是一个例子,该基金从2006年起就持有该股票,但在2月份将其卖出。

    Take , for example , DuPont Co. , a stock the fund held since 2006 but sold in February .

  5. 数额第二大的拨款900万美元给了杜邦公司(DuPontCo.),用于生产一种从海藻中提取的生物燃料。

    The next biggest , at $ 9 million , went to DuPont Co. for the production of a biofuel derived from seaweed .

  6. 简要介绍了美国的道化学公司、杜邦公司,德国的巴斯夫公司开发的PVC清洁生产工艺技术,同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况。

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company , DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly . The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced .

  7. 美环境保护署(environmentalprotectionagency,epa)周四称,它正准备对杜邦公司(dupont)开出有史以来的数亿美元的最高罚款。

    The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is preparing to levy what could be its largest fine ever - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars - against the DuPont company .

  8. 例如,杜邦公司(dupont)正在开发的一种牛仔面料比普通牛仔面料轻15%。

    DuPont , for instance , is developing a denim that is 15 per cent lighter than normal .

  9. 杜邦公司(DUPONT)第二次出价,欲收购丹麦食物配料公司丹尼斯科公司(Danisco)。

    DuPont makes a second bid for Danish food ingredients company Danisco .

  10. 如果卡特•科尔坚持自己青少年时的梦想,这位35岁的Cinnabon总裁如今会是杜邦公司(DuPont)的一名律师。

    If Kat Cole had stuck to her teenage dreams , the 35-year-old Cinnabon president would today be an attorney at DuPont .

  11. 去年,联邦检察官首次通过联邦陪审团判定两名美国人和一家公司经济间谍罪名成立,涉及的行为是将杜邦公司(DuPont)的商业机密出售给了中国的一家国有企业。

    Last year , federal prosecutors achieved the first-ever federal jury conviction on economic espionage charges , against two Americans and a corporation accused of selling DuPont trade secrets to a state-owned company in China .

  12. 我对杜邦公司在PFOA主动减排和使用上所发挥的领先和表率作用表示赞赏,并且希望其它企业能够跟上。

    I would like to commend them for their leadership in moving to voluntarily reduce their emissions and uses of PFOA and I am hopeful that others will follow .

  13. 我查找了关于各国人色彩偏好的市场调研,还找到了杜邦公司(Dupont)发布的一份图表,该图表显示,在中国银色汽车最畅销,而非金色。

    I went looking for market research on national color preferences , and the closest thing I could find was a Dupont chart that showed that the best-selling automobile color in China was silver , not gold .

  14. 介绍了杜邦公司R407系列产品专利申请、授权和专利权有效期情况。

    Patent application , patent grant and patent term of Du-Pont R407 series products are analysed in this paper .

  15. 二维条形码很快还将出现在消费品上。杜邦公司(DuPont)上月决定,将开始为其消费者打印二维条形码。杜邦是瓶、罐和其它类型包装的供应商。

    The codes could also soon appear on consumer products after a decision last month by DuPont , which supplies bottles , cans and other types of packaging , to start offering to print the codes for its customers .

  16. 当华尔街分析师发布的杜邦公司收益估计高于Invesco团队的估计时,哈里斯和他的团队看到了警告信号。

    Mr. Harris and his team saw red flags when Wall Street analysts issued estimates of DuPont 's earnings that were higher than the Invesco team 's. '

  17. 如果对手的市场份额增加,它就会常常通过把技术许可卖给杜邦公司(DuPont)这样的主要对手(作为技术受让方,也是它最大客户之一)来赚钱。

    If rivals gain market share , it often makes money from the technology licenses it sells to , for example , DuPont DD - 0.18 % , its chief competitor ( and , as a licensee , one of its biggest customers ) .

  18. 安全已成为杜邦公司四大企业核心价值之一。

    Safety is now one of Dupont 's four core values .

  19. 在杜邦公司容器厂作膀胱癌筛检的创举

    Bladder Cancer Screening at the DuPont Chambers Works : A New Initiative

  20. 美国杜邦公司是世界上现存的历史最悠久的大型跨国公司。

    DuPont is the oldest big corporation in the world .

  21. 杜邦公司涤纶短纤维生产技术特点分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of Dupont PET staple technology

  22. 这一计算方法是由杜邦公司开发的。

    This method was developed by the E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company .

  23. 1957美国杜邦公司把这种方法应用于设备维修,把维修停工时间由125小时锐减为7小时;

    In 1957 Dupont Company of America had applied the method to equipment maintenance .

  24. 杜邦公司完全同意其结论。

    DuPont agrees fully with their conclusions .

  25. 例如杜邦公司,在发布了收入报告后股价上升,打破了华尔街的预期。

    Du Pont , for example rose after reporting incoming that beat Wall Street 's forecast .

  26. 互相作用的紧密转移发展到今天的杜邦公司。

    It is the interplay between these phases that has shaped today 's Du Pont Company .

  27. 杜邦公司享誉全球,您认为杜邦对皮革有什么独到的见解?

    DuPont Company is known the world over , what about your special views of the leather ?

  28. 稿美丽:美国杜邦公司出品的四色印于式打稿系统。

    Cromalin : A dry proofing system for process colour work manufactured by DuPont Company of America .

  29. 杜邦公司减少废物产生量

    Du Pont Reduces Wastes

  30. 两人被控以传统的方式窃取商业机密,即通过挖去杜邦公司的前员工。

    The two were charged with stealing trade secrets the old-fashioned way , by poaching former   DuPont employees .