
  • 网络fecal occult blood test;fobt
  1. 对绝经前妇女,大便隐血试验阳性需要全面分析,缺铁性贫血也一样。

    For premenopausal women , a positive FOBT requires full evaluation , as does iron deficiency anemia .

  2. 对无症状患者进行免疫化学大便隐血试验和全结肠镜检查的比较

    A comparison of the immunochemical fecal occult blood test and total colonoscopy in the asymptomatic population

  3. 大便隐血试验阳性35例(阳性率0.98%),复查检出7例良性大肠病变。

    Fecal occult blood test was positive in 35 persons ( 0.98 % ) . Benign lesions of large intestine were found in 7 patients by reexamination .

  4. 目的:用棉棒涂抹肛门方法代替大便隐血试验,不仅可以初筛大肠癌,还可以作为初筛肝胆胰腺癌的辅助手段。

    Objective : Using cotton swab anal smear instead of stool occult blood test , not only can be a mass screening method for colorectal cancer , but an auxiliary way to screen hepatobiliary pancreatic carcinoma .