
  • 网络great thinkers;big thinker
  1. 大思想家狄德罗说:“不读书的人,思想就会停止。”

    Great thinkers Diderot said : " The people who do not read , thinking it will stop . "

  2. 我们经常得到社会上大思想家们的告诫,他们敦促我们“停下来去闻闻玫瑰花的香味”。

    We are inundated by warnings from great thinkers in our society encouraging us to'stop and smell the roses ' .

  3. 1987年的股灾之后,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)在其头版为“放肆的镀金时代”祭上了一篇讣告,文章援引大思想家的话,预言肆无忌惮的自利行为行将在美国消亡。

    After the 1987 stock market crash , the New York Times offered up a page-one obituary for a " gilded , impudent age , " quoting great minds who predicted the demise of unbridled self-interest in America .

  4. 卷心菜富含维他命C和其他营养物质,两千年前的罗马大思想家大加图赞美了它的医学价值,他建议生吃时可蘸点醋。

    Cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients . Cato the Elder , an influential Roman thinker two thousand years ago , praised its medical value . If you eat it raw , he suggested dipping it in vinegar .

  5. 20世纪中国的大思想家与大学问家

    The Famous Chinese Ideologists and Scholars in 20th Century

  6. 孔子是中国春秋末期的大思想家和教育家。

    Confucius was a great thinker and educationist in late Spring and Autun Period .

  7. 那麽,若志不在成为大思想家,为什麽要学哲学?

    Why someone who doesn 't want to be a great thinker has to learn philosophy ?

  8. 政治经济学的批判性理论起点浅谈马克思对斯密和李嘉图的批判论清初三大思想家对李贽的批判兼谈早期启蒙思想问题

    Critical Political Economy Theory of the Starting Point & On Marx 's Criticism of Smith and Ricardo

  9. 我们经常得到社会上大思想家们的告诫,他们敦促我们停下来去闻闻玫瑰花的香味。

    We are inundated by warnings from great thinkers in our society encouraging us to stop and smell the roses .

  10. 他们的主要思想都指向了自由,并且在此后没有大思想家对此进行有建构性的反思。

    They all point to the main idea of " freedom ", and since then has carried out no major thinkers have constructive reflection .

  11. 过去和现在的大思想家的思想都随手可及,供我们分析、理解和批评。

    And thoughts of great thinkers , past and present , are available and accessible here for US to analyze and understand and criticize .

  12. 尼采是人类思想史上最有影响力的大思想家之一,他对文艺领域的影响尤其深远。

    Nietzsche is one of the most influential and big thinkers of human history of thought , and he influences literature realm particularly profoundly .

  13. 作为一位视野宏阔、勇于开拓的大思想家,维柯在哲学与社会科学诸多领域都取得了斐然的成就。

    As a thinker with a wide view and great mind , Vico has acquired abundant achievements in the fields of philosophy and other social sciences .

  14. 晚年的赵氏专注于古代思想文化史的研究,尤其侧重于对清初三大思想家的研究。

    In the old age , Zhao focused on the study of ancient thought and culture , with particular emphasis on the research of The Three thinkers .

  15. 与此相应,关于艺术处境的问题,这儿位大思想家也在不同程度上涉及和思考到了。

    Corresponding to this , the situation on the art of the problem , which is also some great thinkers and thinking involved to varying degrees , to the .

  16. 《道德经》传入西方后,也深为西方大思想家如黑格尔、海德格尔等所推崇,被世界公认为影响最大的中国古代哲理经典。

    The tao-te into western , also deeply western thinkers like Hegel , heidegger , such highly recognized as the world 's biggest influence of classical Chinese ancient philosophy .

  17. 论文的第一部分概述了孔子与苏格拉底的生平以及他们个人经历的共同点。孔子与苏格拉底是东西方的大思想家和教育家,是东西方教育源头的两大巨人。

    Confucius and Socrates are the great thinkers and educationists of the East and the West , and two major giants of the educational source of the East and the West .

  18. 而中国虽然从古代开始,教育的发展便生生不息,甚至出现了在世界上极富影响力的大思想家、大教育家。

    In the other side of the world , The development of education keeps growing since the ancient China , and even came out world extremely influential thinkers and excellent educators .

  19. 看到中国两千多年前的大思想家和教育家孔子的雕像矗立在与中国万里之遥的伦敦大学国王学院的校园中,我感到很高兴,也很感慨。

    It was both pleasing and touching to see the statue of the great philosopher , statesman and educator standing in the campus of King 's College , thousands of miles away from China .

  20. 3月初,在中国东部的山东省曲阜市,也就是孔子的故乡发起了一项活动,游客们将评选出大思想家、教育家孔子的卡通形象。

    Tourists will vote on cartoon depictions of thinker and educator Confucius , in a campaign that was launched at the beginning of this month in Qufu City , hometown of Confucius in east China 's Shandong Province .

  21. 明清之际三大启蒙思想家的社会安定思想

    The Thoughts about Social Steadiness of the Three Famous Thinkers between Ming and Qing

  22. 我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。

    This is true of the working people as well as of the great statesmen and great thinkers in our history .