
  • 网络Supermarket;Hypermarket;Super market;coles
  1. 大型超市是与居民日常生活最为紧密的大型业态,其登录上海之时曾给上海的居民带来耳目一新购物体验,也刺激了其他零售业态的改良和升级。

    Hypermarket is the large format which is the most closely with resident daily lives . It refreshed shopping experience of Shanghai residents and also stimulated other retailing format to upgrade when it landed in Shanghai .

  2. 根据市场研究公司EuromonitorInternational的最新数据,按市场份额计,沃尔玛是中国排名第三的大型超市运营商。

    The retailer is China 's No. 3 hypermarket / megamarket retailer by market share , according to the most recent data from market-research firm Euromonitor International .

  3. 但在其他商店纷纷关门倒闭之时,大型超市的强劲扩张势头却依旧不减。

    But as other shops fold , the march of the superstores continues

  4. 大型超市的掠夺性价格正威胁着小商店的生计。

    Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses .

  5. 该计划进展迅速,在今年上半年又增开了13家大型超市。

    The plan is proceeding apace , with another 13 superstores opened in the first half of this year .

  6. 一位现在拥有许多大型超市的著名商人年轻时经常背着衣服挨家挨户地卖。

    One famous businessman , who now owns many big supermarkets , used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young .

  7. BP神经网络在大型超市选址中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network to the Location of Large-Scale Supermarkets

  8. 引入BP神经网络,设计出了基于BP神经网络的大型超市选址分析模型。

    BP neural network is employed to design a location analysis model for large-scale supermarkets .

  9. 沃尔玛和target等大型超市的扩张,也是导致贫富间通胀差异的一个重要因素。

    The expansion of superstores such as Wal-Mart and target has also played an important role in accounting for the inflation differentials between rich and poor .

  10. 他们使用特制的Wal-MartToGo卡车,把当地大型超市的食品直接递送到顾客手中。

    Wal-Mart , which is testing online food delivery in San Jose and Denver , ships food directly from local superstores to customers using special Wal-Mart to go trucks .

  11. 1986年,汤姆•施滕贝格(TomStemberg)在美国马萨诸塞州开了第一家史泰博(Staples)大型超市。

    In 1986 , Tom Stemberg opened the first Staples superstore in Massachusetts .

  12. POP广告作为陈列于商业场所的售卖点促销广告,现已成为商家,特别是大型超市用来展示或推出新商品的直销式广告形式。

    POP advertising displays in commercial establishments as a point of sale promotions , has become a business , especially for large supermarkets to display or new product direct-style advertising .

  13. 居民抱怨这里还没有一个大型超市,但giant在这个地区提供送货到家服务,而且预计safeway将在今年晚些时候进驻。

    Residents complain that there is still no big supermarket but giant offers home delivery to the area and a Safeway is expected to move in later this year .

  14. 尤其是,光大通信已与美国沃尔玛(wal-mart)持有部分股权的大型超市连锁商好又多(trust-mart)展开合作,将在好又多店里开展业务。

    In particular , EBT has partnered with Trust-Mart , the hypermarket chain partly owned by Wal-Mart of the US , to open operations within Trust-Mart stores .

  15. Agrawal等人针对大型超市的销售数据库建立相联规则模型,并在此模型基础上设计出数据挖掘算法Apriori。

    For the sales database of supermarket , Agrawal has set up the model of association rule , and based on this model , proposed Apriori algorithm for data mining .

  16. 以上海某大型超市为例,应用DeST软件模拟和实际调研分析相结合的方法,对该大型超市的全年逐时能耗进行了模拟,并利用模拟结果分析了该大型超市的能耗现状和结构。

    With an example of such supermarket in Shanghai , by using the DeST software combined with survey analyses , simulates and analyses its energy consumption structure and status .

  17. 在好又多长达一年的拍卖过程中,沃尔玛超过了法国的家乐福(Carrefour)和一家中国企业,成为竞标中的领先者。好又多是中国大陆第二大外资大型超市连锁企业。

    The US retailer has emerged as the leading bidder in a year-long auction for Trust-Mart , the second biggest foreign hypermarket chain in China , edging ahead of bids from Carrefour of France and a Chinese company .

  18. 家乐福在中国37个城市拥有101家大型超市;沃尔玛有86家,并且正在收购多至100家好又多(Trust-Mart)旗下的门店。

    Carrefour has 101 hypermarkets in 37 cities , while Wal-Mart has 86 and is in the process of acquiring up to 100 stores belonging to the Trust-Mart chain .

  19. 施滕贝格目前是HighlandConsumerFund的合伙人,也是即将被私人股本公司收购的宠物产品零售商Petsmart(拥有1400家门店)、以及拥有140家二手汽车大型超市的连锁企业CarMax的董事。

    Mr Stemberg , now a partner with the Highland Consumer Fund , is a director of pet product retailer Petsmart ( 1400 stores ) , which is about to be taken over by private equity , and CarMax , the chain of 140 used-car superstores .

  20. 大型超市巨头E.Leclerc在最近因一则电视广告被药商告上法庭。在电视广告中,E.Leclerc声称,如果公司获得法律许可,他们便可销售更为便宜的家庭药物。

    E.Leclerc , a hypermarket giant , was recently taken to court by pharmacists for running a television advertisement claiming that it could sell household medicines a lot cheaper if it were allowed to .

  21. 用室内气候分析仪等仪器对哈尔滨市某大型超市夏季室内热环境参数进行了现场测试,详细介绍了现场采用的测试方法和测试仪器,对各楼层不同区域的PMV-PPD值进行了模拟计算和分析。

    Thermal environment parameters such as temperature , relative humidity , air velocity and radiant temperature were measured using indoor climate analyzer in a supermarket in Harbin during the summer of 2003 . PMV and PPD values were calculated for different areas of the supermarket .

  22. 上海市民大型超市购物行为特征研究

    The study on shopping behavior of Hypermarket Shoppers in Shanghai City

  23. 某大型超市轻钢加层结构设计

    The structural design of a large supermarket ′ s adding storey

  24. 大型超市防火疏散设计探讨

    Discussion on design of evacuation of fire prevention in large supermarket

  25. 大型超市客流量的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of consumer flow rate in a large supermarket

  26. 大型超市自身也应当在内部管理方面做出努力。

    Hypermarkets themselves should also make efforts in the internal management .

  27. 给出了大型超市人员密度的计算方法。

    Provides the calculation method of occupant density in large supermarkets .

  28. 大型超市楼面活荷载的调查与统计分析

    Investigation and statistical analysis on floor live loads of a supermarket

  29. 大型超市的顾客信任及其对顾客忠诚的影响研究

    Consumer Trust and Its Influence to Consumer Loyalty in Large Supermarket

  30. 一些大型超市连锁店正展开价格战。

    The major supermarket chains are involved in a price war .