
dà jiāng
  • great river;Changjiang River (Yangtze River)
大江 [dà jiāng]
  • (1) [great river]∶大的江

  • (2) [Changjiang River (Yangtze River)]∶中国的长江

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。--《念奴娇赤壁怀古》

  • 龟蛇锁大江。--毛泽东《菩萨蛮.黄鹤楼》

大江[dà jiāng]
  1. 现在QQ火炬点亮的活动已经传偏了中国大江两岸,为什么QQ火炬点亮活动会这么受到大家的追捧。

    The activity that at present QQ torch illumes has been passed slanted two sides of Chinese great river , why QQ torch illumes the activity is met so get of everybody chase after hold in both hands .

  2. 横跨大江的堤坝才是了不起的。

    A dam built across a great river is impressive .

  3. 狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。

    The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes

  4. 小溪在小山脚下并入大江。

    The stream joins the big river at the foot of a hill .

  5. 一桥跨越大江。

    A bridge straddles the river .

  6. 大江奔腾,一泻千里。

    The ( Changjiang ) River rolls and roars on and on for a thousand li .

  7. 三峡工程大江截流期降水预报方案研究(b)在裂纹尖端形成氢化物并长大:k)主裂纹沿氢化物扩展;

    Precipitation Forecasting during River Closure ( b ) precipitation of hydride ;

  8. 由于需要跨越大江大河和其它线路,所以预应力混凝土连续梁(PC连续梁)的修建需求也越来越大,其主跨跨径在变大,这就给该类型的桥梁施工技术带来更高的要求。

    To across rivers and other lines in traffic , more prestressed concrete continuous beam ( PC continuous girder ) bridges are required to be built and their main spans are longer and longer . That will bring higher construction technology requirements for them .

  9. 经方差分析和Duncan法多重比较,得出三者之间的诱食活性为:自配诱食剂>大江牌鱼饲料>新希望鱼饲料。

    Multiply-compared these data by variance analysis and Duncan law , the activity of these three forage is : selected stimulant bait > Dajiang fish forage > Xinxiwang fish forage .

  10. 总结了大江电厂首次采用500kV刀闸拉环流隔离故障断路器的操作情况和相应措施。

    The operating condition of adopting 500 kV switching-off circular current for isolated stoppage circuit breaker and some corresponding measure are summarized .

  11. 介绍葛洲坝大江电厂公用RTU功能改造设计的基本思想,包括控制操作功能,数据采集及处理功能,装置自诊断功能及设备调试环境。

    The basic thought of design on the function reform of public RTU is recommended . The function reform of public RTU includes the function of device control and operation , self diagnosis , data collecting and processing , environment of debugging .

  12. 三峡工程大江截流风险决策研究

    Research on Risk decision of River Closure for Three Gorges Project

  13. 第一部分,大江早期存在主义文学的产生背景。

    The first part has discussed the background of existentialism literature .

  14. 无人立尺测量技术在三峡大江截流中的应用

    Application of laser stage observation technique to river closure at TGP

  15. 大江截流及二期围堰实施阶段投资控制

    Investment Control over Phase - ⅱ Cofferdams and River Closure

  16. 仙人陂水电站二期截流工程设计与施工亭子口水利枢纽二期围堰与大江截流施工设计

    Design and construction of Xian Ren Bei hydroelectric station second-stage closure work

  17. 三峡工程大江截流计算机辅助决策支持系统

    The Design Support System in the River Closure of Three Gorge Project

  18. 大江大河污染示踪模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Water Pollution in Large River by Tracer Test

  19. 三峡工程大江截流中主要的技术问题

    Main technical problems in the river closure of the Three Gorges Project

  20. 测绘技术在大江截流及二期围堰的应用

    Application of New Survey Technique to Construction of Cofferdams

  21. 这些认识对深化大江大河的成因理论具有重要的意义。

    Those recognitions will make significance to deepen genetic theory on large river .

  22. 横跨大江建起了巨大的水坝。

    Huge dams have been build across the river .

  23. 他们公司已签约承建一座横跨大江的两用大桥。

    Their firm have contracted to build a double-purpose bridge across the river .

  24. 大江大河多断面水位实时预报的半自适应模型研究

    A Semi-Adaptive Model of Real Time Channel Flood Stage Forecasting for Large Rivers

  25. 第一章探讨了大江小说的第一人称叙事。

    The first chapter is about his first-person narrative .

  26. 三峡工程大江截流试验与实践

    Test on and practice of the river closure of the Three Gorges Project

  27. 他们在大江小河里用各种鱼网来捕鱼。

    They fish in all manner of waters with all manner of nets .

  28. 濒临海洋、大江(河)电厂循环水系统选择分析

    Circulating Water System Analysis for Power Plant on Sea and Great River Verges

  29. 大江截流,是三峡工程建设的重要环节。

    The closure work is the key link in the Three Gorges Project .

  30. 大江截流后的回顾与展望&三峡工程建设的第一阶段和第二阶段

    Review and prospects after the closure of Yangtze River