
  • 网络atlanticism;Atlanticist
  1. 而现在,德国似乎正悄悄放弃欧洲主义和大西洋主义这两个原则。

    Now , Berlin seems to be quietly slipping the twin anchors of Europeanism and Atlanticism .

  2. 只要所谓特殊关系延续下去,大西洋主义就不会是欧洲主义的一个替代选项。

    As far as the so-called special relationship goes , Atlanticism is not an alternative to Europeanism .

  3. 如今华盛顿已经拥有了安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)和尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)这两位奉行大西洋主义的领导人,法国也重新加入了北约(NATO)的军事框架。

    Washington now has in Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy two Atlanticist leaders , and France has rejoined Nato 's military structure .

  4. 首先,美国致力于重新建立与欧洲大陆的外交联系,其次涌现出更多如法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)和德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)这样的大西洋主义领导人。

    First , the US made an effort to re - engage diplomatically with the continent ; then more Atlanticist leaders emerged such as President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany .

  5. 以立陶宛人的标准来看,她并不是一个真正的大西洋主义者。

    By Lithuanian standards , she is not a great Atlanticist .

  6. 布莱尔是英国最铁杆的大西洋主义者和最亲欧盟的首相;

    Mr Blair was both Britain 's most Atlanticist and most Europhile prime minister ;

  7. 这种态度让德国持大西洋主义立场的外交政策当局及东部邻国感到警惕。

    That attitude alarms Germany 's Atlanticist foreign-policy establishment , as well as its eastern neighbours .

  8. 他是一个大西洋主义者,尽管不是那么激情四射,同时他还是一个温和的自由市场主义者。

    He is an Atlanticist , though not a passionate one , and a gentle free-marketeer .

  9. 新首相是一位大西洋主义者,但对鼓吹英美特殊关系并不那么热衷。

    The prime minister is an Atlanticist , but a less than devoted spokesman for a special relationship with Washington .

  10. 萨尔科齐先生的大西洋主义倾向名不副实地抬高了华盛顿和伦敦的期望,这确实差不多是个危险。

    Indeed there is almost a danger that Mr Sarkozy 's Atlanticist leanings have raised expectations unrealistically high in Washington and London .

  11. 战后德国与法国达成的协定为欧洲一体化提供了动力,而德国本能的大西洋主义又抵消了法国对美国力量的怨恨。

    Its postwar bargain with France provided the motor for European integration . Its instinctive Atlanticism served as a counterweight to French resentment of us power .

  12. 美国力图在新大西洋主义框架上建立欧洲秩序和结构,保持乃至加强美国在欧洲事务中的主导地位;

    The U.S.aims at establishing an European order and structure within the framework of New Atlanticismin order to maintain and strengthen its leadership role in European affairs .

  13. 然而,如果英国退出,欧盟可能变得虚弱,同时欧洲也不那么可能与美国坦诚相见因为英国在欧盟的成员国资格,被视为有利于促进经济开放和更有力的大西洋主义外交政策。

    However , the EU is likely to be weaker if Britain leaves and Europe is also less likely to see eye-to-eye with America since a British presence in Brussels is seen as promoting economic openness and a more robust and Atlanticist foreign policy .