
  • 网络large community;Great Community
  1. 加强社区建设的理论建设,树立大社区意识;

    Strengthen the theory building of community construction , and set up great community concept .

  2. 代表60万平方米大社区的创新欲望。

    Third , the large community of600,000 square meters innovative desires .

  3. 这些项目有助于学生们理解他们对更大社区的责任。

    These projects help students understand their responsibility to the larger community .

  4. 在这,我只是这个大社区的一份子。

    Here I was just one person in this large community .

  5. 然而,它们的限制使其无法满足那些有着更多需求的大社区。

    However , their constraints have left the larger community wanting more .

  6. 哈哈,大家好,很高兴来到这个大社区。

    Hello , everybody , so nice to know the web and know new friends .

  7. 创建大社区是中国城市社区发展与制度创新的战略选择

    Establishment of Large Community is Strategic Choice in Urban Community Development and System Innovation in China

  8. 这一次的焦点是秘鲁,那里有一些日本和中国移民组成的充满多样性的大社区。

    This time , the spotlight is on Peru , with its large and diverse communities of Japanese and Chinese immigrants .

  9. 同时,借鉴欧美国家发展社区就业的有益经验,有针对性地提出了发展鞍山市社区就业的一系列基本原则和策略:更新观念、拓宽思路,树立大社区服务的思想;

    At last , this paper investigated community employment in Europe and America and provided several principle and strategy for community employment in AnShan .

  10. 本论文笔者把上海市嘉定区作为大社区范畴进行研究,重点探索嘉定区社区外来务工人员公共教育的现状、问题及其管理对策。

    This dissertation emphatically studies the present condition , managerial problems and countermeasures of community education for migrant workers in Jiading District of Shanghai .

  11. 方法采用本市几大社区自然人群高血压糖尿病普查资料(35~74岁),共3700人,分析高血压与糖尿病在人群中不同性别、不同年龄组分布情况。

    Methods Adopts 3700 peoples in 35 ~ 74 years old of several big communities natural crowd . Analysis it in different sex and age set .

  12. 在大社区居住的居民表现出抑郁和孤独无归属感等心理疾病的可能性,要远小于那些在小社区居住的居民。

    Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation , a feeling of not belonging , than are residents of smaller communities .

  13. 他对当地媒体《尤马县太阳报》说:这里不是一个小牧场而是一个大社区,我们在很多方面都起着代表作用,必须做好充分准备。

    ' We are not a little ranch , we are a large community . We represent a lot and need to be prepared , ' he told the Yuma Sun newspaper .

  14. 学校地处风景优美的蓝湖郡大社区,有着丰富的社区活动资源和对教育支持理解的家长团队。

    It is located in the communities of Blue Lake County , which is rich in the resources of community activities and parents who are supporting and understanding our school 's education .

  15. 他们不是普通人,而是在那里寻找神秘,是那种抵制社会,在自己的世界中寻找自己道路的人,他们建立了大社区,把那些同社会格格不入的局外人聚集在一起。

    They didn 't seem like regular people but figures out of myth , characters who had bucked society to find their own way in their own world , forming a grand community of outsiders , together .

  16. 明确了社区体育服务的范围和定义,确定了社区体育服务的对象,并根据其服务对象的特点和现状提出了面向社区的三大社区体育服务体育,指出了社区体育服务的社会功能。

    It has defined the scope and the definition about it . According to the features and current situation of the object , the author has put forward three community sports service systems facing all population and discussed the social function of the community sports service .

  17. 当前似乎只有一个公司支持Pulse,为了吸引更大的社区,他们可能必须更开放。

    Pulse seems to be backed by only one company currently and to appeal to the greater community , they may have to open up more .

  18. 一项大样本社区研究中的鱼类摄取与年龄相关认知功能下降的关系

    Fish consumption and cognitive decline with age in a large community study

  19. 大的社区拥有令人难以置信的强大的商业和社会环境,建立它们是极为重要,而且最终很有价值的工作。

    Building them is important and ultimately very valuable work .

  20. 大城市社区巴士的公共交通新选择

    New Choice of the Public Transportation to the Community Bus in Big Cities

  21. 大城市社区失业状况分析及促进就业对策研究&以上海市为例

    The analysis of City Community Unemployment and Research on Employment Policies & take Shanghai for example

  22. 同时还因为有机会去一个更大的社区汲取更多的文化。

    but also to the larger community , which affords the chance to soak up the surrounding culture .

  23. 目前学者们对大城市社区情感的研究较多,忽略了对中小城市社区情感的关注。

    At present scholars took more study on large cities , less on small and medium-sized city community emotions .

  24. 农村的城市化并非通过把农村并入城市就可以完成,而是要通过重组把小的社区变成大的社区。

    Citification of countryside does not incorporate countryside into city but turn small community into big one by regrouping .

  25. 由于投资者再次担心美国经济进一步衰退,道琼斯工业指数下跌5%以上。【大耳朵社区】

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell more than five percent because of renewed concerns over a deep recession in the United States .

  26. 我认为这工作非常重要,不与更大的社区交流会不利于我们的发展。

    While I think these spaces are incredibly important , we are at risk of never moving beyond them to participation in the broader community .

  27. 那就是我们在这里试图要做的,在更大的社区里你会有更多的条件来同时行动和无行动。

    And that 's what we are trying to do here , and in the bigger commune you will have more facilities to be active and inactive together .

  28. 所以我希望他们能做一个好的游戏,把两个社区统一起来成为一个更大的社区。

    However we know that UMX is a really good team , and I hope both teams will play a good game so the community can enjoy the game .

  29. 此时,您还要感谢社区成员的参与,不管是主动还是被动参与,祝贺他们曾经让社区繁荣并将他们带到更大的社区中。

    Thank your members for their participation , whether passive or active , congratulate them on a community well lived , and offer to merge them upstream to your greater community .

  30. 第二步则是扩展项目规模,吸引更多人参与其中。这一步将会在今年晚些时候进行,夫妇二人届时会在福建省会福州市建立一个更大的社区。

    The second , to expand the project 's scale with more people , will come later this year when the couple build a larger community in Fuzhou , the capital of Fujian Province .