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  • amnesty;pardon;general pardon;amnesty general
大赦 [dà shè]
  • [amnesty general;pardon] 由国家政权或国家元首发布命令对所有罪犯免刑或减刑的措施

大赦[dà shè]
  1. 他定期向大赦国际捐款。

    He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International .

  2. 下诏大赦天下。

    An imperial edict was given for a general amnesty .

  3. 总统大赦了所有的政治犯。

    The president granted a general amnesty for all political prisoners .

  4. 文帝初立,大赦天下。

    When Emperor Wen first came to the throne , a general amnesty was proclaimed to the empire .

  5. 7.amnestyn.大赦新皇帝宣布大赦天下。

    The new emperor declared a total amnesty .

  6. 他指责为泰党用“选举糖果”包装大赦,包括承诺为每个学童购买ipad,以及为贫困农民和毕业生加薪。

    He accused puea Thai of wrapping the amnesty in election goodies , including a pledge to buy an iPad for every schoolchild and to increase wages for poor farmers and graduates alike .

  7. 如同罗马人在大赦年

    The Romans , too , in the year of the Jubilee

  8. 特赦造反的人经大赦释放回家。

    The rebels returned home under a general amnesty .

  9. 他还呼吁结束冲突,和一般的大赦。

    He also called for an end to conflict and a general amnesty .

  10. 吉姆·吉尔克里斯特将合法化视为对违法者们的大赦。

    Jim Gilchrist views legalization as amnesty for law-breakers .

  11. 大赦中获释的原官员们已官复原职。

    The officials freed under the amnesty have been restored to their posts .

  12. 现在,他们竟还要求大赦并以此作为资助政府的条件,

    now they are demanding amnesty as a condition for funding the government ,

  13. 美国的大赦政策与居美的中国非法移民

    American Regularization Policies and Chinese Abnormal Immigrants in US

  14. 赦罪,赦免,大赦,特赦我请乔恩原谅我来迟了。

    I begged John 's pardon for arriving late .

  15. 我对舰队全部人类实行大赦。

    I am issuing a general pardon for every human being in this fleet .

  16. 普通大赦年每二十五年轮到一次。

    An ordinary jubilee occurs every twenty-five years .

  17. 许多保守派人士将那些非法进入这个国家的人视为大赦。

    Many conservatives see that as amnesty for those who entered the country illegally .

  18. 税收大赦与我国个人所得税制改革研究

    Tax Amnesty and the Research of the Reformation of the Chinese Personal Income Tax System

  19. 你就可以得到所有的总统大赦。

    You get a full presidential pardon .

  20. 无论最近的评论怎么说,这也不是什么大赦。

    And it 's certainly not amnesty , no matter how often the critics say it .

  21. 秩序已恢复,国王大赦曾阴谋反抗他的人。

    Order was restored and the king granted amnesty to those who had plotted against him .

  22. 汉代大赦是一种法律效力极为宽泛的赦免形式,从整体情况而言,赦免执行力度很大,然亦有执行不力情况的存在;

    General Pardon in the Han Dynasty was a mode of pardon with large force of law .

  23. 早期报道称,他信可能尝试从他妹妹英拉那里获得大赦而回国。

    Earlier there were reports that Thaksin might seek amnesty from his sister Yingluck for his return .

  24. 两年后古巴政府宣布大赦,释放了卡斯特罗和其它其他人。

    Two years later , the Cuban government issued an amnesty , freeing him and many others .

  25. 每个工会都有自己的年会或每二年一次的大会。普通大赦年每二十五年轮到一次。

    Every union has its own annual or biennial meeting . An ordinary jubilee occurs every twenty-five years .

  26. 前曾在二十世纪八十年代对非法徙入者的大赦并未在移民群体中被遗忘。

    The previous major amnesty of illegal entrants in the1980 's was not forgotten in the immigrant communities .

  27. 尽管大赦已成为唐代政治生活的重要内容之一,其执行情况并不理想。

    Though it was an important part of political lives , the enforcement of the amnesties was not perfect .

  28. 有一件事情总动并不支持,那就是对于已经进入美国的非法移民的大赦。

    One thing the president does not support is amnesty for a illegal immigrants already in the United states .

  29. 有人猜测大赦法是为准备索契冬奥会而进行的一种公关行为。

    There has been speculation that the amnesty law is a public relations move in advance of Sochi Olympics .

  30. 她在地狱走一遭,变得更坚强了。就如同“大赦”和“特赦”,我们出生的那天,这些词就消失了。

    As the " amnesty " and " amnesty , " the day we were born , these words will disappear .