
  1. 我参加过各种比赛,到现在还打遍天下无敌手。

    I 've entered all sorts of contests , even until now I 'm still unbeatable .

  2. 十年来打遍天下无敌手的国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫在与人工智能棋手“更深的蓝”的系列对抗赛中失利。

    For the undefeated International Chess champion , Kasparov , he suffered a defeat to the artificial intelligence chess program " Deep Blue " in a series of competitions .

  3. 伏地魔没有问问自己,你身上有什么素质使你的魔杖变得这么强大,你具备什么他所没有的天赋,而是想当然地去找那根魔杖,那根传说中打败天下无敌手的魔杖。

    So Voldemort , instead of asking himself what quality it was in you that had made your wand so strong , what gift you possessed that he did not , naturally set out to find the one wand that , they said , would beat any other .