
tiān fāng
  • Tianfang;Arabia;Arab countries
天方 [tiān fāng]
  • [Arabia] 我国古时指阿拉伯

  • 《天方夜谭》

天方[tiān fāng]
  1. 国内中高风险地区及全域实行封闭管理的人员,原则上不能进京。国内其他口岸入境人员满21天方可进京。

    Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas , while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing .

  2. 基于CorelDraw的旅游规划图设计与制作&以天方富硒村旅游度假区为例

    Designing and Making Tourism Plan Map Bassed on CorelDraw

  3. 经葛根素治疗后血浆ET及RA、AT-Ⅱ在3天内恢复至正常,而经极化液治疗组血浆RA及AT-Ⅱ于7天方恢复接近正常,ET在14天才降至正常。

    After treatment with puerarin , plasma levels of ET , RA and AT - ⅱ were recovered to normal in 3 days , but these data recovered to nearly normal until 7 ~ 14 days in group with GIK treatment .

  4. 中国内地其他口岸入境人员,自入境之日起满21天方可进京。

    Inbound passengers entering Beijing from other ports should stay outside the city for twenty-one days .

  5. 然后再不兵该版用烘版机烘烤一下,这样,补缀的不天方不离不会不沉易零落了,耐印力大大调低。

    And then this function drying Edition machine bakeout , this place would not be easily exuvaite , plates increased substantially .

  6. 她给苏丹讲的故事,现在就叫做《天方夜谈》,或者叫做《一千零一夜》。

    Now the stories she told to the Sultan were called Stories from the Arabian Nights , or The Thousand and One Nights .

  7. 与对照组比较,心肌胶原容积分数于术后14天方明显增加,并持续增高。

    Compared with control group , the cardiac collagen volume fraction ( CVF ) did not increased until day 14th and developed continuously afterward .

  8. 土楼是闽南文化的奇葩,从其生成原因到民俗学原理的影响都值得研究,但毕竟土楼离大城市有段路,必须专门腾出一天方可到达目的。

    Tulou is the masterpiece of the Southern Fujian culture , on which a lot of researches have been made from its formation to its influence on the folklore .

  9. 兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。

    Lancashire hotpot is a dish consisting essentially of meat , onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat .

  10. 正如天方明珠在玫瑰琼浆消融,晚霞与葡萄红酒般的大海相混;埃及黑夜女皇举杯一饮而尽,亲爱的,把你的掌心贴着我的掌心。

    Now in the sea 's red vintage melts the sun , As Egypt 's pearl dissolved in rosy wine , And Cleopatra Night drinks all . " Tis done , Love , lay thine hand in mine . Come forth , sweet stars , and comfort heaven 's heart ;