
  • 网络After Dark
  1. 他们天黑以后才到达边境。

    They didn 't reach the border until after dark .

  2. 他现在将躲起来,等明天天黑以后再动身。

    He 'll hole up now and move again tomorrow , after dark .

  3. 他们避免在天黑以后独自外出。

    They avoid going out alone after dark .

  4. 他是天黑以后到达的。

    He arrived after dark .

  5. 冬季的白天短暂,通常意味着我们能出去锻炼的唯一时间是天黑以后。

    Short winter days often mean the only time we can escape for exercise is after dark .

  6. 天黑以后,有些人会在光线周围看到光环或光点。

    With some seeing halos or starbursts around lights after dark .

  7. 天黑以后孩子们回家。

    After it gets dark , the children go back home .

  8. 天黑以后,要是不到草地上去,就没有一丝凉气。

    There was no coolness after dark unless on the grass .

  9. 受害人受到了惊吓,天黑以后不敢出门。

    The victim is too scared to go out after dark .

  10. 告诉孩子们,天黑以后不可呆在外面。

    Tell the children they mustn 't stay out after dark .

  11. 天黑以后独自在这条街上走是危险的。

    It 's dangerous to walk this street along after dark .

  12. 她天黑以后不敢出门。

    She did not dare ( to ) go out after dark .

  13. 我不习惯于天黑以后出门。

    I 'm not accustomed to going out after dark .

  14. 座城市天黑以后便热闹起来。

    The city starts to come alive after dark .

  15. 他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。

    He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns .

  16. 女孩子天黑以后单独出门是危险的。

    It 's dangerous for grils to go out alone in the dark .

  17. 天黑以后,无论多么大的诱惑也无法吸引这个孩子再走出家门。

    Hardly any temptation could persuade the boy to stir abroad after nightfall .

  18. 天黑以后不许在此停留。

    No one is allowed here after dark .

  19. 路太不好走,他们天黑以后不出去。

    The roads were so bad that they didn 't go out after dark .

  20. 学校里的学生天黑以后不允许外出。

    The students in the school are not allowed to go out after dark .

  21. 天黑以后,这条街变得冷冷清清的。

    The street became lonesome after dark .

  22. 我们将在天黑以后回来。

    We 'll be back after dark .

  23. 天黑以后咱们去试试。

    We might try that after dark .

  24. 常常在天黑以后,还有另一个人在博士房屋前面独自走着。

    Often after dark , one other figure walked alone before the Doctor 's house .

  25. 天黑以后未经允许不准入内!有。18岁以下的未成年人不准入内。

    No unauthorized entry after dark ! Yes , minors under eighteen are not allowed .

  26. 只有在天黑以后,她才会出来,到树林里和田野上走走。

    She only went out after dark , to walk in the woods and the fields .

  27. 天黑以后未经允许不准入内!

    No unauthorized entry after dark !

  28. 天黑以后,你绝不能单独外出,就是乘出租车也不行。

    You must on no account go out alone after dark , not even in a taxi .

  29. 天黑以后,她就到牧师家去了,在大门附近她遇见了牧师。

    She went to the parson 's house after dark , and met him near his gate .

  30. 天黑以后,他又跳下水,泅向海岸,在离勃朗岬不远的地方上了岸。

    At night he swam off again , and reached the shore a little way from Cape Brun .