  • firefly;glow-worm;lightning bug
  • 〔~火虫〕昆虫,黄褐色,尾部有发光器。

  • 〔~石〕矿物。具有玻璃光泽,受光或受热后常能变色,亦称“氟石”。

  • (螢)

  1. 萤仅自照,雁不孤行。

    A firefly brightens itself , a wild goose does not fly lonely .

  2. 土萤在灰尘里探索时从来不知道天空里有星星。

    The glow-worm while exploring the dust never knows that stars are in the sky .

  3. 利用海萤荧光素及其类似物作荧光探针来标记细胞或DNA,直接监控活体细胞内的细胞活动和基因活动,这一方面的理论研究还是一个崭新的研究课题。

    Using Cypridina luciferin analogues to label cell nucleus or DNA as probe and monitor living cell and gene activity is a new research subject .

  4. 结果表明:该区农业土壤中的PAH以3环和4环为主,单个PAH以萘、菲、荧蒽和苯并[b]萤蒽为主;

    PAH in soils was dominated by three-ring and four-ring PAH and the dominant individual PAH was naphthalene , phenanthrene , fluoranthene and beozo [ b ] fluornthene .

  5. 白榆优良无性系65212对榆毛胸萤叶甲的抗虫性研究

    Study on the Resistance of Siberian Elm Clone 65212 to Beetle

  6. 携带闪着微光的如萤清梦。

    Brings to dodge the glimmer spot spot glimmer clear dream .

  7. 湿度对褐背小萤叶甲生长发育的影响

    Influence of relative humidity on the development of Galerucella grisescens

  8. 温度是影响菱角小萤叶甲种群数量消长的关键因子;

    Temperature was the key factor affecting population dynamics of G.

  9. 新囊萤新映雪新群贤&厦门大学漳州新校区主楼群设计理念及表达

    Design concept and expression for main buildings in Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University

  10. 结果表明:胸窗萤具有复杂的多重防卫行为策略。

    P.pectoralis was discovered to possess complex , multiple and effective defensive behavior .

  11. 天海萤是经营天海侦探社的女侦探。

    Hotaru Amami is a private investigator , also manages her own office .

  12. 介绍了傅立叶交换光萤光谱测试的基本原理;

    The basic principle of Fourier Transform photoluminescence test is introduced in this paper .

  13. 狂风在我的绿发上荡秋千,闪电在我的周遭萤流。

    Fierce wind swings over my green hair , and lightning floats around me .

  14. 异质结构材料的傅立叶变换光萤光谱的测试与分析

    The Test and Analysis of the Fourier Transform Photoluminescence Spectrum for the Heterostructure Materials

  15. 空旷的广场闪烁如萤虫。

    And glimmers in the empty square .

  16. 行为学实验发现,胸窗萤血液对蚂蚁具有非常有效的拒避作用。

    Behavioral experiments confirmed that the blood of P.pectoralis is very effectively repellent to ants .

  17. 土萤虫在泥土中摸索着

    The glow worm while exploring the dust

  18. 对于我来说,黄昏的天,像一扇萤窗。

    The evening sky to me is like a window , and a lighted lamp .

  19. 天海萤是一名利用法律知识和诱人身段作武器的女侦探。

    Hotaru Amami is a female investigator who has wisdom of law and a beautiful figure .

  20. 雄萤发出求偶信号0.22s后,雌萤发出两个连续的回应信号。

    About 0.22 s after male advertising signal , female adults respond with two flash signals .

  21. 这个过程是基于化学发光法,相同的化学反应使的火萤发光。

    This process is based on bioluminescence , the same chemical reaction that makes fireflies glow .

  22. 报道了用PL6120设备测得的一些典型的异质结构材料光萤光谱;

    The photoluminescence spectrum of some typical heterostructure materials measured by the PL 6120 equipment is reported .

  23. 褐背小萤叶甲对寄主植物选择特性的研究

    Host Selection of Galerucella grisescens

  24. 褐背小萤叶甲是烟田蓼科杂草的重要天敌,对蓼科杂草具有良好的自然控制作用。

    Galerucella grisescens is an important natural enemy which could significantly control Polygonaceae weeds in tobacco fields .

  25. 因为经萤这家公司几年来一值亏损,所以它们只好把它买掉。

    They had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the red .

  26. 在听说浑水的报告后,谢东萤当即召集了董事会紧急会议。

    Mr Hsieh called an emergency board meeting as soon as he heard of the muddy waters report .

  27. 用最适抽样方式定点取样,记录三星黄萤叶甲成虫数量,分析其空间分布型。

    Spatial distribution pattern was analyzed by recording the number of P.angulicollis Motschulsky adult using the best sampling method .

  28. 斑蝥:西班牙芜菁一种亮绿色芜菁(西班牙绿芜菁或芜菁花萤属),产于欧洲中部和南部。

    Cantharis : a brilliant green blister beetle ( Lytta vesicatoria or Cantharis vesicatoria ) of central and southern Europe .

  29. 本文首次构建了22,25,28,31,34℃恒温条件下菱角萤叶甲的实验种群生命表和实验种群繁殖特征生命表。

    The life tables and the reproductive characteristic life table of experimental population of water chestnut beetle were studied at different temperatures .

  30. 研究结果说明,苍耳属植物可能是广聚萤叶甲除豚草外的另一潜在寄主植物。

    It was suggested that X.sibiricum could be a suboptimal host plant as an alternative to optimal A.artemisiifolia for the leaf beetle O.communa .