
yíng shí
  • fluorite;fluorbaryt;cann;kann;cand
萤石[yíng shí]
  1. 晶核剂为萤石。

    The nucleating agent is fluorbaryt .

  2. 利用X射线粉晶衍射仪对不同产地的萤石矿物药进行全谱扫描。

    Fluorite mineral medicines from different origins were analyzed by X-ray power diffractometry .

  3. 玻璃熔融X射线荧光光谱法测定萤石中各组分

    Determination of the Component of Fluorite by XRF Method

  4. F型CeROx属于氧缺位萤石型结构。

    The F-CeRO , belongs to a fluorite - type structure with oxygen deficiency .

  5. Cu尾矿、萤石做复合矿化剂生产水泥熟料的探讨

    Study on producing cement Cu tailings and fluorite

  6. 新型捕收剂Hp浮选铅锌矿伴生萤石的研究

    Flotation separation of associated fluorite from lead-zinc ore with HP collector

  7. pH值调整剂对白钨矿与方解石和萤石分离的影响

    Eff ect of modifying agents for pH values on the separation of Scheelite from FLUORBARYT and calcite

  8. X射线荧光光谱法测定萤石中CaF2、SiO2、P和S

    Determination of CaF_2 , SiO_2 , P and S in Fluorite by X-ray Spectrofluorimetry

  9. XRD结果表明,160℃即完全形成立方萤石结构。

    XRD data showed that a complete cubic fluorite structure was formed at 160 ℃ .

  10. 贵州晴隆锑矿床中萤石的Sr同位素地球化学

    Strontium Isotope Geochemistry of Fluorites from Qinglong Antimony Deposit in Guizhou Province

  11. 辽西义县萤石矿床Sr同位素组成及成因

    Sr Isotopic Composition and Genesis in Yixian Fluorite Deposit

  12. XRD测试显示在不同温度预烧的粉体均成立方萤石结构。

    XRD patterns show that all SDC powders calcined at various temperatures have a cubic fluorite structure .

  13. EDTA容量法测定萤石中氟化钙

    Measurement of the Calcium Fluoride in Fluorite by EDTA Volumetric Method

  14. ICP-AES法测定萤石中的主次成分

    Determination of Major and Secondary Compounds in Fluorite by ICP-AES

  15. 萤石Sr、Nd同位素地球化学研究评述

    Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of fluorites-a review

  16. 面心立方萤石结构Ce(1-x)TbxO(2-δ)固溶体的氧缺欠研究

    Oxygen Deficiency in fcc Fluorite Ce_ ( 1-x ) Tb_xO_ ( 2 - δ) Solid Solutions

  17. 不同REE类型中的萤石稀土元素地球化学特征具有连续变化的规律。

    The REE geochemical features of the three types have continuous change regularities .

  18. EDTA滴定法测定萤石中的CaF2

    Determination of CaF2 in the Fluorite by EDTA Titrimetry

  19. 东风萤石公司防尘综合措施经济效益的灰色模型GM(1,1)分析

    Grey model GM ( 1,1 ) analysis of economic benefit of comprehensive measures of dust prevention in Dongfeng Fluorite Corporation

  20. 用差热分析、X射线衍射、透射电镜、扫描电镜研究了萤石含量对钨渣微晶玻璃性能的影响。

    The effect of the amount of nucleating agent on properties of wolfram tailing glass-ceramic were investigated by means of DTA , XRD , TEM and SEM .

  21. 研究了两性捕收剂的解离平衡与其捕收性能的关系。确定了无机抑制剂抑制萤石的最佳pH条件。

    The relationship between dissociation equilibrium of amphoteric collector and its collecting property as well as the optimal depressing condition of fluorite by inorganic depressant have also been determined .

  22. 结构研究表明:碱土双掺杂的CeO2呈立方萤石结构。

    Ceria with alkali earth double doped has a cubic fluorite structure .

  23. 本次研究测试了该矿床中与锡石硫化物共生的萤石的Sr和Nd同位素组成。

    In this study , Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of fluorites coexisting with cassiterite and sulfides from the ore veins were analyzed .

  24. 萤石中CaF2的分析

    Analysis on CaF_2 in Fluorspar

  25. 在Molleretal.的Tb/Ca-Tb/La图中,这类与花岗岩有关的萤石均落在热液区中间部位。

    On the Moller 's ' Tb / Ca-Tb / La diagram , fluorite from the granite falls into the hydrothermal field , whereas fluorite .

  26. H(p303)捕收剂浮选萤石的研究

    Study on h_ ( p303 ) as collector for floatation of fluorspar

  27. 针对这一问题,采用五种具有代表性的捕收剂,在pH调整剂、水玻璃作用下,对白钨矿、萤石、方解石和石英的浮选行为进行了研究。

    To solve this problem , five representative collectors were examined on the flotation behaviour of scheelite , fluorite , calcite and quartz with different pH regulators and depressant sodium silicate .

  28. 当取代量较大时(0.3≤x≤0.5),样品的晶体结构从纯立方焦绿石单相逐渐变化为立方焦绿石与立方萤石两相共存的复相结构。

    With increasing amount of ions substitution ( 0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 ), the crystal structure gradually transforms from pure cubic pyrochlore to a co_existing phase structure with cubic fluorite .

  29. 浮选试验结果表明,在自然pH条件下,SF8对石英和石榴子石具有较强捕收能力,而对萤石和赤铁矿捕收能力很弱;

    The results of flotation test show that at natural pH value , SF 8 has stronger collective power for quartz and garnet , but very weak power for fluor and hematite .

  30. XRD分析表明产物为萤石结构的立方相CeO2;TEM表明产物为球形,粒经分布范围窄;

    XRD analysis confirmed the cubic phase of ceria with fluorite structure and TEM analysis revealed spherical particles having a narrow size distribution .