
  • 网络Qetesh;arquette;Scrat;Kuat;Braun-Blanquet
  1. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)常务董事泽维尔‧莫斯奎特(XavierMosquet)表示,该公司的研究显示,中国将在15年内成为最大的自动驾驶车辆市场。

    Research done by the Boston Consulting Group suggests that within 15 years China will be the largest market for autonomous vehicles , said Xavier Mosquet , a managing director at the firm .

  2. 她和她的继任者迪安o巴奎特曾经委托以发行人苏兹伯格的儿子A.G.为首的一组记者为《纽约时报》制作一份《创新报告》。

    She and her successor , Dean Baquet , commissioned a team of journalists -- headed by Sulzberger 's son , A.G. -- to develop an Innovation Report for the Times .

  3. 但克莱德•发奎特说,要对抗这种病需要更多的资金。

    But Claude Fauquet says much more is needed to fight the disease .

  4. 这部冰原系列电影第三集中,鼠奎特还是一直追着橡实跑,每次结果都令人捧腹大笑。

    In this third film in the franchise , Scrat is still chasing his acorn with hilarious results .

  5. 正是由于巴斯奎特始终坚持以自我情感为中心进行创作,从而使他的作品非常具有人类本原性。

    Basquiat always concentrated on the self-emotion when he was creating , so his works were very human primitive .

  6. 2003年5月25日,一架注册编号为N844AA的波音727飞机,在安哥拉的奎特罗机场被偷。

    On May 25 , 2003 , a Boeing 727 , registered as N844AA , was stolen from Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Angola .

  7. 在新电影中,布里奇特并不清楚自己腹中孩子的亲生父亲到底是谁,究竟是多年旧爱变成前男友的马克·达西还是新欢奎特。

    In the new film , Bridget is unsure whether the father of her baby is longterm love turned ex Mark Darcy or newcomer Qwant .

  8. 2012年,他们因共同参演西区的喜剧《奎特梅因的任期》而结识,两个人的背景差异很大。

    The couple - who met in 2012 when they acted together in West End comedy Quatermaine 's Terms - come from very different backgrounds .

  9. 西达奎斯特若有所思地、满有兴味地冲着他的背影望望。

    Cedarquist looked after him with contemplative interest .

  10. 尽管这样做可以让巴菲特稍微松口气,但索科尔离职事件势必还会在奎斯特中心(QwestCenter)周六年会上被热议。届时巴菲特也将出席,并对其追随者发表演讲。

    The move could take some heat off Buffett , though the Sokol affair will still surely be the talk of the Qwest Center Saturday when Buffett addresses his acolytes .

  11. 在奥马哈的奎斯特中心(QwestCenter),巴菲特告诉股东在简要讨论业绩后,他将谈谈要事,即最近大卫•索科尔的辞职。

    Buffett told shareholders at the Qwest center in Omaha that after a brief discussion of the earnings he will turn to the main event , a discussion of the recent resignation of David Sokol .

  12. 高技术产业曼奎斯特指数研究

    Research on Malmquist 's Index in High Technology Industry

  13. 直接升力控制律的逆乃奎斯特阵列法设计

    An INA Design for Direct Lift Control Law

  14. 塔尔奎斯特血色标度绿色标签指进出口药用植物的绿色贸易标准。

    The Green Label is referred to the Green Trade Standards of Importing and Exporting Medicinal Plants and the Preparations .

  15. 哈伦&我也许没有我们这位朋友西达奎斯特那样眼光远大,可是一有了机会,我马上看得出来。

    Harran-i may not have so wide an outlook as our friend cedarquist , but I am quick to see my chance .

  16. 阿黛拉·奎斯特解读&《印度之行》妇女形象初探论华兹华斯的妇女观

    An Interpretation of Adele Quested & An Initial Discussion on the Feminine Characters in A Passage To India On Wordsworth 's Female Viewpoint

  17. 林德奎斯特还表示,奥尼尔现在是自由的,但要在本月迟些时候到法庭受审,这也是非暴力犯罪的标准程序。

    O'Neill is free , but due in court later this month , which is standard procedure for non-violent crimes , Lindquist said .

  18. 目前在压缩传感重构算法中利用图像的可稀疏性表示先验知识,从比奈奎斯特采样少得多的观测值中恢复原始图像。

    The current image compressed sensing algorithms can reconstruct the original image using the sparse prior of image from far fewer measurements than the Nyquist samples .

  19. 按照耐奎斯特空间采样定理,阵元间距超过半波长将会带来方位估计的周期性模糊。

    Extending the uniform intersensor spacing beyond a half-wavelength would lead to a set of cyclically ambiguous direction-of-arrival estimates , in accordance with the spatial Nyquist sampling theorem .

  20. 压缩感知理论是一种新的信息获取方法,能够以远低于耐奎斯特定律的采样速率对稀疏信号进行采样,并精确地进行重构。

    Compressed sensing ( CS ) is a new signal acquisition method . It enables signals to be sampled below the Nyquist rate given that the signal is sparse , with an accurate reconstruction .

  21. 本文从女性学角度出发,运用拉康,克里斯蒂娃的精神分析的理论,试图解读奎斯特小姐的形象背后所隐含的意义,揭示福斯特对女性世界的探索和他复杂的男性观。

    From the angle of femininology and with the application of Lacan and kristeva 's theory of psychoanalysis , this article attempts to interpret the underlying meaning behind Miss quested and reveal the exploration of the female world made by foster and his complicated outlook of masculinity .