
  • 网络Quinn;quine;W.V.O.Quine;QUEEN;quin
  1. 昨天早上天刚亮奎因就回来了。

    Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning .

  2. 奎因所交往的人都是最有名气的。

    Quinn 's connections are strictly A-list .

  3. 专门小组的所有作家一致认为奎因的书应该单独挑出来予以特别表扬。

    All the writers on the panel agreed Quinn 's book should be singled out for special praise

  4. 设计师的人选是来自3M公司(3M)的埃里克•奎因特。

    My pick for designer is Eric Quint from 3m ( MMM ) .

  5. NPR新闻,奎因·克兰费尔特底特律报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Quinn Klinefelter in Detroit .

  6. 奎因爷爷的寡居的妹妹哈里特·克雷林(HarrietCrellin)带着两个儿子和两个女儿移民到了美国。

    Grandpa Quine 's widowed sister Harriet Crellin immigrated and so did her two sons and two daughters .

  7. 但本月初,公司也遭遇了产品总监梅根•奎因的高调离职,她跳槽至凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)。

    But the company also suffered a high-profile defection earlier this month when Megan Quinn , its director of product , left to join venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  8. 7月底,弗雷迪斯从纽约的朋友帕特·奎因(PatQuinn)那里了解到了这项挑战活动。奎因也是一名ALS患者。弗雷迪斯想把这个潮流转变成一项针对ALS的募捐。

    In late July , Mr. Frates learned about the challenge from his friend Pat Quinn , a New Yorker who also has ALS , and wanted to turn the trend into a fund-raiser for the disease .

  9. 美国哲学家奎因(W.V.Quine)在《语词与对象》这部专著中最早提出了翻译的不确定性观点。

    W.V. Quine , an American philosopher , first put forward the indeterminacy of translation in his monograph Word and Object .

  10. 安妮Kyyrö奎因是英国首屈一指的纺织设计师之一,最近她一直在生产这些美丽的,有机形的,手工的内饰纺织品。

    Anne Kyyr ö Quinn is one of Britain 's leading textile designers , and lately she 's been producing these beautiful , organically shaped , handmade interior textiles .

  11. 你是帮奎因做家庭作业的那个画家。

    You 're the artist person helping Quinn with his homework .

  12. 噢,顺便告诉你,奎因刚打电话找你。

    Oh , by the way , Quinn called for you .

  13. 这个有12名成员的委员会将把自己听取的结果报告伊利诺伊州州长奎因。

    The12-member commission will deliver its findings to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn .

  14. 奎因,你测验拿了什么?

    Quinn , what did you get on the test ?

  15. 奎因说,这些证据已经包含在向社会公开的记录文档中。

    Mr. Quinn said the exhibits were already in the public record .

  16. 奎因的逻辑哲学思想探究

    Probe into Willard Van Orman Quine Thought on Logic Philosophy

  17. 她还可以把她的那个朋友带来,奎因。

    She could bring that friend of hers , quinn .

  18. 奎因的组合,由十八个自然的设计灵感。

    Quinn 's portfolio consists of eighteen nature inspired designs .

  19. 迪昂-奎因论点和科学理论检验的转换

    Duhem-Quine Thesis and the Shifts of Scientific Theory Test

  20. 奎因试验有菌生长;

    In Quinn test , there was bacteria growth .

  21. 解决迪昂&奎因问题的两种贝叶斯方案之比较

    The Comparison between Two Bayesian Solutions to Duhem-Quine Problem

  22. 奎因想离开公司自己创业。

    Quinn wanted to leave the company and branch out on his own .

  23. 奎因是真实的,而且他喜欢你。

    Quinn 's reai , and he likes you .

  24. 模态逻辑一经产生,就遭到奎因的质疑。

    As soon as modal logic came into being , Quine questioned it .

  25. 但是,州长奎因却无可置否。

    It needs the governor 's signature & but Pat Quinn is hedging .

  26. 喂,我找奎因。安德鲁斯。

    Heiio , I 'm Iooking for Quinn andrews .

  27. 奎因的计划帮忙过头了。

    Quinn 's pian to help helped too much .

  28. 对,她在奎因联合企业工作,叫费利西蒂·斯莫克。

    Yeah . She works at Queen Consolidated . Name 's Felicity Smoke .

  29. 奎因的语言哲学思想奎因的本体论许诺的判据

    Title on Quine 's Theories in Linguistic Philosophy Quine 's Criterion of Ontological Commitment

  30. 也许奎因和杰茜想要一起来。

    Maybe Quentin and Jessica could come along .