
  • 网络Quayle;Guell;Quelle;Dan Quayle;Anthony Quayle
  1. 布什总统和奎尔的得票数约3900万。

    President Bush and Mr. Quayle had about 39 million votes .

  2. 听母亲说,爸爸为一家奎尔电力煤气公司转包了不少合同。

    According to mother , daddy has been doing quite a lot of subcontracting for a company called Quayle electrical and gas .

  3. 电话公司奎尔通讯(Qualcomm)与美国航空公司联合提供卫星传导的空地手提电话服务。

    Cell phone company Qualcomm ( QCOM ) has teamed with American Airlines ( AMR ) to develop satellite-based air-to-ground cellular service .

  4. 但医生们倾向于拒之于千里之外,因为“我们不知道这到底是怎么一回事”,罗切斯特大学医学中心(UniversityofRochesterMedicalCenter)的姑息医疗专家蒂莫西·E·奎尔(TimothyE.Quill)博士说。

    But doctors tend to give them a wide berth because " we don 't know what the hell they are , " said Dr. Timothy E. Quill , an expert on palliative care medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center .

  5. 美国军事学院的性侵犯案件有所下降。数据由五角大楼公布。据NRP新闻的奎尔·劳伦斯报道,在三所主要军事学院中,有两所学院的性侵犯案件减少。

    Reports of sexual assault are down to US military academies . That 's according to the Pentagon . NPR 's Quil Lawrence reports two of the three lead academies saw a decrease .

  6. 奎尔梯博士坐在他书桌的边角上。

    Dr quilty perched on the corner of his desk .

  7. 他还建造了神奇的奎尔公园。

    He also built the fantastic Park quell .

  8. “我想她大概也在那里。”奎尔谱说,仍然是完全无动于衷的样子。

    " She was there too , I think ," said quilp , still perfectly unmoved .

  9. 你今天找过埃斯奎尔吗?

    You talk to Esquire today ?

  10. 奎尔博士不赞同这种观点,称这些人是“临终关怀浪漫主义者”。

    Dr. Quill , who calls people with such views " hospice romantics , " disagreed .

  11. 总之,这个事件极大地影响了布什-奎尔竞选集团的选票,于是克林顿-戈尔集团赢了选举。

    The incident seriously damaged the Bush-Quayle presidential ticket and Clinton-Gore went on to win the election .

  12. 奎尔博士说,他相信,这些研究将会帮助持怀疑态度的医生更好地了解患者的此类经验。

    Dr. Quill said he believed the studies would help make these experiences more accessible to skeptical doctors .

  13. 上星期,美国航空和奎尔通讯的行政人员在西德克撒斯州上空在一架飞机里用他们的手提电话进行通讯。

    Last week , American and Qualcomm officials circled over West Texas in a jetliner making calls from their cell phones .

  14. 看着这服务器的进展,真应该为他们迄今为夺回奎尔丹纳斯岛所达到的成就,而对所有的普罗德摩尔玩家大声喝彩!

    Watching the realm progress and wanted to give a shout out to all the Proudmoorians and their success thus far in taking back Quel'Danas !

  15. 一九八八年,在共和党全国代表大会上,似乎名不见经传的奎尔被布什挑中,成了其竞选伙伴。从那以后,奎尔便一直是被人们取笑和批评的对象。

    Quayle has been the object of jokes and criticism ever since Bush chose him , seemingly from out of nowhere , as his running mate at the1988 Publican Convention .

  16. 许婧跳马直体奎尔沃腾越运动学分析自由体操前手翻动作技术教法探析

    Kinematic analysis of the Technique of Handspring Forward 1 / 2 Turn and Hollow-back Somersault in Vaulting Horse by Xu Jing The Teaching Method of Forward Handspring Technology in the Floor Exercise

  17. 这档节目由西蒙•里默、凯特•奎尔顿和演员亚当•皮尔逊主持。皮尔逊患有多发性神经纤维瘤,这导致他的脸部长有许多良性肿瘤。

    The show is presented by Simon Rimmer , Kate Quilton and actor Adam Pearson , who suffers from neurofibromatosis , which has left his face covered in dozens of non-cancerous tumours .

  18. 现在,教室的墙上贴满了竞选标语口号,都是几年前甚至几十年前的:“布什/奎尔1992年”,“选多尔当总统”,“爱尔兰裔美国人支持克里/爱德华兹”。

    Now , those walls are plastered with campaign signs , many years or decades old : Bush / Quayle " 92 , Dole for President , Irish Americans for Kerry / Edwards .

  19. 奎尔是个亦正亦邪的家伙,他在五颜六色的烟雾中战斗、开玩笑,片中有很多“山达尔人”、“魔拉格星”和“神族(令人敬畏)头颅”之类字眼。

    Quill is a good and a sometimes bad guy who fights and jokes amid swirling , polychromatic smoke and cascading words like Xandarians , Morag and the Celestial ( and awesome ) Head .

  20. 那时奎尔一家人暂时凑合着住在候诊室里,他们的遭遇引起了一位护士的同情。

    While the Quills camped out in a waiting room , the family caught the attention and sympathy of a nurse named Laura Danis who had been caring for James since the heart attack .

  21. 两人都属于奎尔,他告诉那个头发凌乱、近乎赤裸地走进来的姑娘,他忘记了她还在这儿——这显示出这部影片虽然可能有着未来主义风格,但片中的性政治和世界观还是老一套

    Both belong to Quill - he tells the chick , who enters with bed hair and not much else , that he forgot she was even there - and they suggest that however futuristic the movie may be , its sexual politics and worldview are antediluvian .