
ào lín pǐ kè bó wù ɡuǎn
  • Olympic Museum
  1. 我们还将参观下坐落于洛桑这座山城的奥林匹克博物馆。

    And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne .

  2. 我们很高兴欢迎你光临私人奥林匹克博物馆并且邀请你沿着它的吸引力参予旅游。

    We are very pleased to welcome you to the private Olympic Museum and invite you to participate in a tour along its attractions .

  3. 2008年,和洛桑奥林匹克博物馆合作,建立虚拟奥林匹克博物馆。

    We plan to set up a virtual Olympic Museum in 2008 in cooperation with the Olympic Museum in Lausanne .

  4. 在瑞士洛桑奥林匹克博物馆的入口处,这三个标志汇集在一起欢迎来自世界各地的游客

    Outside the entrance to the Olympic Museum in Lausanne ( Switzerland ), the three symbols are brought together to welcome visitors from the around the world

  5. 我想以在报纸上看到的一个故事开始。三年前,一个中国作家参观了瑞士国际奥林匹克博物馆。

    I 'd like to begin my speech with a story I read from a newspaper . A chinese writer visited the International Olympic Museum in Switzerland three years ago .

  6. 文芳的“新金砖”近期在瑞士洛桑的奥林匹克博物馆展出,而且被位于北京著名的尤伦斯当代艺术中心所收藏。

    Wen Fang 's Golden Bricks have recently been exhibited by the Olympic Museum in Lausanne , Switzerland , and have recently been acquired by Ullens Center for Contemporary Art ( UCCA ) in Beijing .

  7. 尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们:我想以在报纸上看到的一个故事开始.三年前,一个中国作家参观了瑞士国际奥林匹克博物馆.

    Honorable judges , ladies and gentlemen : I 'd like to begin my speech with a story I read from a newspaper . A chinese writer visited the International Olympic Museum in Switzerland three years ago .

  8. 物质和精神这两者(的重大变化).以及提高自身的努力,无疑可以确实北京能够成功地举办奥运会,从而使新面貌的北京也拥有一张印有自己名字的票,在奥林匹克博物馆占有一席之地.

    both physical and mental , and the endeavor to improve themselves , no doubt , will ensure a successful hosting and will enable a new Beijing to have a ticket with her name inscribed in the Olympic Museum .

  9. 为向罗格表示敬意,奥林匹克大厦、奥林匹克博物馆和国际奥委会的所有属地都将连续五天降半旗。国际奥委会邀请所有国家奥委会和国际单项体育联合会加入这一缅怀纪念之举。

    As a mark of respect , the Olympic flag will be flown at half-mast for five days at Olympic House , at The Olympic Museum and at all IOC properties , and the IOC invites all National Olympic Committees and International Federations to join in this gesture of remembrance and honor .

  10. 除了伊斯兰艺术和现代阿拉伯艺术博物馆(目前它们均已被纳入QMA管辖范围),一座新的关于体育和奥林匹克的互动型博物馆正在缓慢成型,这是为了2022年将在卡塔尔举办的世界杯而修建。

    In addition to the Islamic and modern Arabic art museums , which now fall under the QMA , a new interactive museum of sport and the Olympics is slowly taking shape to coincide with Qatar 's hosting of the FIFA World Cup in 2022 .