
  • Orleans;New Orleans;Orléans
  1. 去年夏天,布拉德皮特(bradpitt)与一非盈利组织“全球绿色”(globalgreen)合作,举行为纽奥尔良新建环保住宅的设计比赛。

    Last summer Brad Pitt teamed up with global green , a non-profit group , in a contest to design environmentally friendly homes for New Orleans .

  2. 这款产自新奥尔良的苦精有浓郁的茴香味道,它叫什么名字?

    This famous New Orleans bitters has a pronounced anise flavor .

  3. 爵士乐家威顿-马尔斯利是奥尔良土著。

    Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis is a native of New Orleans .

  4. 一个在旅行的寡妇,或者是奥尔良?

    A widow from tours , or was it orleans ?

  5. 1429年的今天,圣女贞德抵达并解了“奥尔良之围”。

    1429-Joan of Arc arrives to relieve the Siege of Orl é ans.

  6. 你对《奥尔良姑娘》满意吗?

    Are you satisfied with the maid of orleans ?

  7. 你既然这么霸道,你去解救奥尔良好吗?

    Well , will you save Orleans for us , with all your bullying ?

  8. 这个人是“现成摆着的”。他叫路易-菲力浦·德·奥尔良。

    This man was " already found . " His name was Louis Philippe d'Orleans .

  9. 他叫路易-菲力浦·德·奥尔良。

    His name was Louis Philippe d'Orleans .

  10. 奥尔良,我希望有机会再来一次,在晚上,夜游城市!

    I hope I will have another chance to be here again but at night .

  11. 免费巴士会在会展中心与奥尔良酒店之间整天穿梭。

    Free shuttle buses will run between the Convention Center and Orleans Hotel all day .

  12. 她的介绍人是奥尔良公爵。

    The Duc d'Orleans recommended her .

  13. 在奥尔良,英格兰的一个小镇,忏悔星期二通常是煎饼大赛日。

    At Olney , a small town in England , Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Race Day .

  14. 奥尔良公爵夫人于1840年将第一棵圣诞树引入法国。

    In France , the first Christmas tree was introduced in1840 by the duchess of Orleans .

  15. 四级(2005)重创新奥尔良海堤与税收的卡特里娜飓风的威力。

    Category Four ( 2005 ) Force of Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans ' seawalls and levies .

  16. 据说奥尔良大公在狱中就是通过跟爱妻写情书来倾诉自己的苦闷,获得安慰。

    It is believed that he sought solace from his confinement by writing love poems to his wife .

  17. 第一张真正的情人节卡是在1415年由奥尔良公爵查尔斯送给他的妻子的。

    The first true Valentine card was sent in1415 by Charles , duke of Orleans , to his wife .

  18. 法纳?托卡诺斯基出生于德国,目前是纽奥尔良爱乐交响乐团的指挥。

    Werner Torkanowsky was born in Germany and is now the conductor of the New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra .

  19. 1415年,奥尔良公爵查尔斯将第一张真正的情人节卡片送给了他的妻子。

    The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles , duke of Orleans , to his wife .

  20. 所以,奥尔良的源头是法国,有着法国的文化、饮食习惯、语言和生活方式。

    So in New Orleans , we have a French beginning , with French culture , food , language and lifestyle .

  21. 一些法国波旁王朝在奥尔良分支的支持者,这个分支源于路易斯的一个弟弟。

    A supporter of the Orleans branch of the French Bourbons that was descended from a younger brother of Louis xiv .

  22. 纳金在接近中午时分时抵达监狱,奥尔良电视台的画面显示,这位前市长和他的家人拥抱在一起。

    Nagin arrived that facility just before a noon with Orleans TV state showing the former Mayer embracing his family members .

  23. 据说,有历史记录的第一张情人节卡片是在1415年,由身陷囹圄的奥尔良大公寄出的。

    It is said that the first recorded Valentine 's card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415 .

  24. 在不同的城市也孕育出不同的爵士风格,像是纽奥尔良、芝加哥、纽约和坎萨斯市。

    Different styles of jazz developed in different cities , such as New Orleans , Chicago , New York and Kansas City .

  25. 二十年来,直到今天,奥尔良铁路的起点站便建在这老郊区的旁边,对它产生影响。

    For the last twenty years the station of the Orleans railway has stood beside the old faubourg and distracted it , as it does to-day .

  26. 给我一支军队,送我到奥尔良去,那麽我将向你证明我是被派遣到这儿来的。

    Joan of Arc : Give me an army , send me to Orlean , and I will show you the sign I was sent to make .

  27. 他14岁在奥尔良的时候改变了信仰。当时处在战时,他的家人需要不时地借用一家天主教家庭的防空洞。

    The moment of conversion came at14 , in Orl é ans , where his family had taken sporadic shelter in a Catholic household during the war .

  28. 作者查理考夫曼和导演斯派克琼兹,这个戏剧讽刺故事讲述了苏珊奥尔良,斯特里普扮演的记者。

    Written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Spike Jonze , this drama-satire tells the story of Susan Orlean , played by Streep , a journalist for the .

  29. 在2005年飓风重创新奥尔良市之后,就有人呼吁放弃重建低洼区域,而是将其作为洪水的天然缓冲带。

    After the 2005 hurricane that wrecked much of New Orleans , there were calls for low-lying areas not to be rebuilt , but instead left as a natural buffer against floods .