
  • 网络china law;China Legal Science
  1. 沉默权析出中国法学的弱点

    Analyzing the Weakness of China law from the Privilege of Silence

  2. 商事主体的多元化&中国法学会商法学研究会2006年年会综述

    Diversification of Commercial Subject : Summary of 2006 Annual Seminar of Commercial Law Research Society of China Law Society

  3. 中国法学教育国际化的挑战及对策

    The Challenge of Internationalization of Chinese Jurisprudence Education and Its Countermeasure

  4. 中国法学本科教育的矛盾性展开与破解

    The Extension and Explanation of Contradictions of Law Education in China

  5. 现时的中国法学正行进在多元路向上。

    Chinese legal science is in a progress toward multi-way nowadays .

  6. 民间法研究之于中国法学:意义与方法启示

    Folk Method Research to Chinese Legal Science : Significance and Method Enlightenment

  7. 美国法学教育对中国法学教育改革的启示

    Enlightening of American Law Education on China 's Law Education

  8. 中国法学领域内硕士研究生教育之路

    Chinese Graduate Education in the Field of Science of Law

  9. 当下中国法学(法律)问题研究的基础理论工具

    The Basic Theoretical Tool of Research into Contemporary Chinese Law and Jurisprudence

  10. 五个主义的摒弃与中国法学的未来

    Eradication of Five Doctrines and the Future of Legal Scholarship in China

  11. 完善诉讼程序推进司法体制改革&中国法学会诉讼法学研究会2003年年会综述

    Perfecting the procedures of lawsuit and pushing on the reform of judicial system

  12. 关于中国法学研究定位的断思

    The Thinking of the Orientation of Chinese Legal Research

  13. 中国法学界研究冲突规范的路径

    The Chinese Scholars ' Route for Researching Conflict Rule

  14. 国外案例教学法与中国法学教育

    Overseas Case Teaching Method and Chinese Legal Education

  15. 北京大学法科是现代中国法学的发源地。

    Law Department of Peking University is an original place of Chinese modern jurisprudence .

  16. 中国法学教育沿革之研究

    Research on Evolution of Legal Education in China

  17. 《反思中国法学界的权利话语》之反思

    Review on the Reflection of " Discourse of Rights " in China 's Jurisprudence

  18. 说不尽的现代性&评《中国法学向何处去》

    Never-ending " Modernity " & A review on Jurisprudence of China : Where to Go ;

  19. 为适应这种挑战,中国法学教育必须走向国际化。

    In order to adapt to such challenges , Chinese legal education has to be internationalized .

  20. 中国法学教育百年回眸

    Recollection of Chinese 100-year Law Education

  21. 法律人:中国法学高等教育的人才目标新探

    Law People-A New Probe into the Talent Cultivation Objective of Higher Education of China 's Legal Science

  22. 浅谈中国法学教育教学方法&诊所式法律教育的启示

    Elementary discussion on the teaching methods of legal education in China & Enlightenment of clinical legal education

  23. 2001年11月,中国法学会商法学研究会正式成立。

    In November , 2001 , the Chinese commercial legal science research board had been established officially .

  24. 支配、正当性与法律理想图景&读《中国法学向何处去》

    Control , Justice and Ideal Legal Picture & Comments on Chinese law : Where to go ;

  25. 中国法学会成立以后,上海市法学会成为其团体会员,在业务上开始接受中国法学会的指导。

    After the founding of CHINA LAW SOCIETY , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY became one of its members .

  26. 无问而问与不答之答&读邓正来《中国法学向何处去》

    Question of No-question and Answer of No-answer & After reading Jurisprudence of China : Where to go ;

  27. 中国法学在概念分析上有着自己独特的中国性质、中国品格和中国逻辑。

    The jurisprudence in China has its own unique Chinese quality , character and logic in the concept .

  28. 中国法学教育的特点与大陆法系国家接近,实行统一司法考试制度更使得中国的法学教育与法律职业培训近似于大陆法系国家的体制。

    Similar to those civil law countries , China adopts the system of national unified examination for judicial qualifications .

  29. 第三部分分析了苏联法学教育模式对新中国法学教育的具体影响;

    In Chapter 3 , it describes the concrete influences , which referred to law educational model from the Soviet Union .

  30. 中国法学界对在汉语中到底是使用法学方法还是法律方法存在着争议。

    Chinese jurists have dissenting opinions on whether they should use methodology of the science of law or legal method in Chinese .