
fǎ zhì
  • legality;legal system;legal institutions
法制 [fǎ zhì]
  • [legal system] 法令制度

法制[fǎ zhì]
  1. 优化课程设置,强化法制教学:重视心理教育,提升心理素质;

    Optimizing the arrangement of curriculum and enhancing education in legality ;

  2. 大学生法制观教育机制探究

    Exploration of educational mechanism of college students ' concept of legality

  3. 凡有法制伦理的国家都不该允许这种可怕的不公正行为。

    No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices .

  4. 民主是以法制为基础的。

    Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law .

  5. 把英国的法制与美国的加以对比很有意思。

    It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one .

  6. 他们正在设法制订出一个争执双方都可以接受的和平方案。

    They 're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute .

  7. 我也在急切地关注我们该如何加强法制。

    I am also looking urgently at how we can strengthen the law

  8. 经济全球化进程的加快要求我国健全经济法制,尽快制定反垄断法,对竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。

    The acceleration of economic globalization requires the formulation of the anti-monopoly law and regulations of competition .

  9. 木村教授的研究小组打算用形变回火法制成的钢来制造超高强度的零件,比如螺栓。

    Kimura 's team intends to use its tempformed steel to make ultra-high strength parts , such as bolts .

  10. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  11. 通过浸渍法制备镧和镧钛改性膨润土吸附剂,探讨了处理含磷废水的最佳条件

    Bentonite absorbent modified by La and La-Ti was prepared with maceration method .

  12. 探讨用反相乳化法制取金龙油的微小乳状液

    Making up miniemulsions of Long Oil with inversed phase emulsification is explored here .

  13. 接触法制硫酸的矿渣中含有铁矿。

    The cinder contains useful iron , down from producing sulphuric acid by contact process .

  14. 采取一系列措施旨在巩固民主和法制。

    A series of measures were designed to entrench democracy and the rule of law .

  15. 电弧法制备C(60)的工艺

    The Preparation of C _ ( 60 ) by Arc Method

  16. 热管炉加热气相还原法制备Fe/N超细粉末

    The Fe / N UFP Preparing by Vapour Phase Deoxidation of Pipe Heater Irradiation

  17. 硝酸盐分解法制备Al2O3弥散强化铜基复合材料的研究

    Al_2O_3 Dispersion Strengthened Copper Composite Manufactured by Decomposing of Nitrate

  18. WTO与国际投资法制

    WTO and the International Investment Law

  19. 离心-SHS法制备Al2O3复合陶瓷及耐磨性研究

    Study of Al_2O_3 Ceramic Composite by Centrifugation-SHS and Abradability

  20. 热蒸发法制备厘米级ZnO晶须及特性研究

    Properties of Centimeter-long ZnO Whiskers Prepared by Thermal Evaporation of ZnO Powders

  21. 利用真空蒸发法制备ZnO薄膜,衬底材料是镜面抛光石英片。

    The ZnO films were synthesized by vacuum evaporation on mirror-polished quartz substrates .

  22. Sol-Gel法制备纳米TiO2过程中水解pH值的影响及其性能表征

    The influence of pH to prepare TiO_2 by sol-gel and the characteristics

  23. 热分解法制备α-Al2O3超细粉末

    Preparation of α - Al_2O_3 Ultrafine Powder by Pyrolytic Process

  24. 方法采用薄膜-分散法制备普通DIP脂质体;

    Methods The regular DIP liposomes were prepared by film-scatter method .

  25. Sol-Gel法制备键合型有机/无机复合非线性光学材料

    Synthesis of bonded organic / inorganic nonlinear optical hybrid material by sol-gel technique

  26. 金属表面Sol-gel法制备耐腐蚀陶瓷涂层的研究进展

    Advances in Technology of Preparing Anti-corrosion Ceramic Coating on Metal Surface with Sol-gel Process

  27. Sol-Gel法制备全组分高温PTC陶瓷材料

    Sol Gel Preparation of Full composition High Temperature PTC Ceramics

  28. 由溶胶-凝胶法制备的La2NiO(4+δ)支撑透氧膜

    Dense Supported Oxygen Permeating Membrane of La_2NiO_ ( 4 + δ) Prepared by Sol-Gel Method

  29. 探讨以正庚烷/甲苯混合物为溶剂,采用共聚法制备EPDM接枝聚苯乙烯丙烯腈(EPDMgSAN)的反应条件。

    The copolymerization of EPDM-g-SAN using n - heptane / toluene as solvent was investigated .

  30. Sol-Gel法制备莫来石粉末的研究

    Preparation of Mullite Powder by Sol-Gel Process