
fǎ jiā
  • Legalists
法家 [fǎ jiā]
  • (1) [Legalists]

  • (2) 先秦的一个思想流派,以申不害、商鞅、韩非为代表,主张法制,反对礼治

  • (3) 有法度的世臣

  • 入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。--《孟子.告子下》

法家[fǎ jiā]
  1. 法家有其独特的重刑思想的逻辑。

    The Legalists ' severe punishment thoughts has its special logic .

  2. 试论先秦法家社会整合思想

    On the Social Conformity Thoughts of Legalists in Pre - Qin

  3. 《韩非子》集法家思想之大成。

    In Han Fei Zi all previous teachings of the legalist thinkers were synthesized and brought to their highest development .

  4. 同时,我特别地感谢犹太教律法家Shmuley,感谢您十一年来在牛津所做的工作。

    I also want to express a special thanks to you Shmuley , who for11 years served as Rabbi here at Oxford .

  5. 中国法家道德法律化研究

    The Study on Legislation of the Ethic of Ancient Chinese Jurist

  6. 法家主张植树造林并依法管理;

    Legalist claims afforestation and its management according to law ;

  7. 先秦法家的法律起源思想评论

    On the Legal Origin Thought of the Pre - Qin Legalists ′

  8. 从法家重刑看现代轻刑化潮流

    Considering on modern lightly punishing trend from legalists heavy punishment

  9. 法家重刑思想的逻辑分析

    An Analysis on the Logic of the Legaists ' Severe Punishment Thoughts

  10. 秦始皇以法家学说治国。

    Qin Shi Huang ruled through the principle of legalism .

  11. 财政管理方面,法家的观点主要有三点。

    On financial management , Legalists had three main opinions .

  12. 这一理论,在很大程度上代表了法家对于理想政治制度的设计。

    This theory represented the ideal projects of political in the Legalists .

  13. 先秦法家人性论的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Theory of Human Nature of the Pre-Qin 's Legalists

  14. 法家哲学智慧与企业经营谋略

    The Philosophy Wisdom of Legalists and Business Strategies of Enterprise

  15. 先秦法家人物个人悲剧原因考

    A Research into the Reason of Personal Tragedy of Legalists in Pre-Qin Period

  16. 齐与晋秦法家思想之差异

    The Difference of Legalists Thoughts among Qi Dynasty and Jin & Qin Dynasty

  17. 略论法家、儒家对合法性的诉求

    On Legalist School and Confucian School Running for Legitimacy

  18. 法家思想有着重要的现实意义,东国法家的财政思想使齐国国力大振、国富兵强;

    Legalists ' financial thinkings had great practical significance .

  19. 谈法家沈括的海陆变迁思想

    On the legalist Shen kuo 's thought of alternation of land and sea

  20. 法家学派的由来及其界限

    Origin of the Legalist School and Its Difference from Other Schools of Thought

  21. 法家思想衰亡原因的法理学思考

    The Reasons of the Decline of the Legalism Ideology in Terms of Jurisprudence

  22. 儒家思想与法家思想是最初的世界政治思想精华。

    Confucianism and legalism are responsible for creating the world 's first meritocracy .

  23. 论先秦法家的人性理论与领导心理思想

    On the legalist 's theory of human nature & leadership in pre-Qin days

  24. 法家是反映新兴地主阶级利益的思想流派。

    The thought of Legists reflected the interests of the emerging landlord class .

  25. 先秦法家从商鞅到韩非经历了从重“法”到重“术”的转变。

    Pre-Qin legalists , who had emphasized law , changed to value tactics .

  26. 论先秦法家的缘起及法家学说的文化价值

    Origin and Cultural Values of Pre-Qin Legalists ' Doctrines

  27. 法家路线对我国古代蚕业科技的贡献

    Contributions of the legalist line to the development of sericulture in ancient China

  28. 关于法家道德思想研究的几个问题

    Issues in Study of Moral Thoughts of Legalists

  29. 法家刑事政策思想研究

    Research on Thoughts of Criminal Policy of Legalists

  30. 先秦儒、墨、道、法家君臣关系理论浅析

    The Study on the Theory of Relationship Between Rulers and Ministers of Pre-Qin Dynasty