
fǎ lǐ xué
  • jurisprudence;legal philosophy;philosophy of law;philosophical jurisprudence
  • jurisprudential
  1. 从法理学、姓名学、民族认同和法经济学等角度来看,赵C的名字都具有不合理性。

    From the jurisprudence , the name of science , national identity , Legal Economic point of view , the name of " Zhao C " is unreasonable .

  2. 威廉·艾伦(WilliamAllen)是密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)政治学教授,主要教研领域为政治哲学、美国政府学、法理学。

    W.B.Allen is a professor of political science at Michigan State University , specializing in political philosophy , American government , and jurisprudence .

  3. 回族习俗中的法理学思想探微

    On the Implication of Jurisprudence in the Custom of Hui people

  4. 解构亦或建构&后现代主义与法理学的发展

    Deconstruction Or Construction & Postmodernism and development of theory of law

  5. 在法理学中,法律形式主义一直是人们批判的对象。

    Legal formalism is always the target of criticism in jurisprudence .

  6. 重视法理学学习,提高法律综合素养

    Attach Importance to Legal Philosophy Study and Enhance Comprehensive Legal Quality

  7. 第三部分是介绍西方法理学教材。

    The third part focuses on introduction of western Jurisprudence textbooks .

  8. 我国制度性就业歧视的法理学分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis of Institutional Discrimination in Employment in Our Country

  9. 程序法与实体法关系的法理学评析

    Jurisprudential Analysis of Relationship between Procedural Law and Substantial Law

  10. 宪法价值与功能的法理学分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis of Value and Function of the Constitution

  11. 高职法理学课宏观教学模式探索

    On Macroscopic Teaching Mode of Jurisprudence in Higher Vocational College

  12. 现代化范式与中国法理学的理想图景

    On the Modernization Paradigm and the Ideal Prospect of China 's Jurisprudence

  13. 法理学的中国性、问题性与实践性

    Jurisprudence 's Chinese Nature , Issue Related Nature and Practicality

  14. 法理学本科课堂教学模式与方法改革新探

    On the Improvement of Teaching Models and Methods of Jurisprudence

  15. 权利冲突问题是法理学领域的一个重要课题。

    Conflict of rights matters a great deal in jurisprudence .

  16. 思想实验中的试错:法理学研究方法中的猜想与反驳

    Trial-and-Error Method in Thinking Experiment : Hypotheses and Refutation in Jurisprudential Studies

  17. 诉讼契约的法理学思考行政契约的司法救济

    Jurisprudential Thoughts on Litigation Contracts The way of action of administrative contract

  18. 但事实上,他对一些法理学方面的知识更感兴趣。

    But He is actually more interested in learning about legal philosophy .

  19. 专利权穷竭制度的构成及其法理学分析

    Components and Jurisprudential Analysis of the System of Patent Exhaustion

  20. 原始佛教正法律的法理学研究

    A Jurisprudential Study on the Right Dharma and Vinaya of Early Buddhism

  21. 第三,法理学学科本身具有很强的政治敏感性;

    Thirdly , legal science itself has a very strong political susceptivity .

  22. 中国法理学前进中的问题与对策

    Problem and Counter-measure on the Advancement of Jurisprudence in China

  23. 期待可能性的法理学根据:司法能动论;

    ( iii ) reason in jurisprudence : judicial activism ;

  24. 权利-权利法理学论纲&法律的一般理论模式建构

    Comments on The Right-Right Jurisprudence & The law sort theory pattern construction

  25. 二是法理学缺乏独立的学术品格;

    Secondly , jurisprudence lacks in independent academic character .

  26. 程序性制裁制度的法理学分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis on Procedural Sanction System PROGRAMMED REQUESTS

  27. 第一章在法理学范围内探讨法律对利益的平衡。

    In Chapter one , the balance of interest is researched in jurisprudence .

  28. 李达《法理学大纲》述评

    On LI Da 's The Outline of Legal Theory

  29. 试论警察院校法理学教学的重要性

    On the Importance of Jurisprudence Teaching of Police Colleges

  30. 行政知情权的法理学研究

    Jurisprudence Research on the Right to Know in Administration