
  • 网络legal person property right
  1. 国有企业改革思路分析&兼论法人财产权

    An Analysis on Thoughts about State-owned Enterprise Reform And A Discussion Legal Person Property Right

  2. 企业法人财产权质疑

    Discussion on the Property Rights of Corporation ENTERPRISE Business Data

  3. 论公司人格否认制试论公司制企业法人财产权

    On the Property Right of the Corporate Juridical Person

  4. 企业法人财产权之非物权性透析

    The Analysis of Property Right of Enterprise Legal Person Which is Not Real Right

  5. 三是企业应当拥有独立于投资所有权的法人财产权。

    Enterprises should own corporate property rights that are independent of investors ' ownership .

  6. 农民专业合作社有其独立的财产,享有法人财产权。

    It has the property right as a legal person over the its own property .

  7. 法人财产权,是独立学院独立办学最基本的制度保障。

    The property right of corporation is the basic system insurance of the independent college .

  8. 《物权法》视角下高校法人财产权的反思与重构

    Reflection and Construction of Property Right of College Legal Persons from the Perspective of Property Law

  9. 论法人财产权的性质

    The Quality of Corporation Property Right

  10. 结合法学与经济学的基本理论,应把企业的财产权进一步细化为所有者终极所有权和法人财产权。

    There are owner 's final ownership and the legal person 's ownership in the state enterprises .

  11. 确立法人财产权,理顺产权关系;

    We should establish the equity right of the juridical persons and clarify the relationship of property rights .

  12. 至今,法人财产权不明晰严重阻碍了我国民办高校法人治理结构的完善。

    So far , no clear legal property rights seriously hampered non-governmental colleges improve the corporate governance structure .

  13. 股东对公司出资后形成了公司的法人财产权,股东享有平等的股东权。

    After capital contribution , corporation forms property rights of legal person , while shareholders enjoy equal shareholders ' rights .

  14. 公司制企业的产权关系表现为股权与法人财产权。

    The property interests in corporate enterprises are expressed in the forms of equity interest and the legal persons ' property rights .

  15. 董事会作为代表公司行使其法人财产权的必要会议体机关,处于公司内部治理结构的核心。

    As essential organ of conference exerting corporate property rights by representing corporation , Board of directors is the core of corporate governance structure .

  16. 其次,从法人财产权的核心&财权出发对企业集团的财务监控模式进行探讨。企业集团财务监控有三种模式:集权制、分权制、集权与分权结合制;

    Secondly , from the core of the property rights of the corporation-financial control rights , the paper discusses the financial supervision and control model .

  17. 公司享有法人财产权,具有独立承担责任的能力,公司捐赠法律责任的承担主体是公司。

    Companies have corporate property rights and have an independent ability to assume responsibility , so the company is the main legal responsibility of corporate donation .

  18. 首先,对股东、出资、公司;资本、资产、财产;产权、股权、法人财产权等三组概念进行认知和辨析。

    First , discuss three groups of definitions of shareholders , investment , company ; capital , assets , property ; property rights , equity , corporate person .

  19. 本文从我国公司立法出发,论述了公司法人财产权诸问题,认为公司法人财产权是民事权利;

    This article discusses some problems of the legal person 's financial right in a company , and argues that the financial right belongs to a civil one .

  20. 社会对于民办高校主要是投资办学,投资的寻利性是民办高校法人财产权难以落实的重要原因。

    At the present stage , social investment for the private college education is mainly investment-profit-seeking private colleges legal property rights is difficult to implement the important reasons .

  21. 通过对法人财产权的探析,旨在说明法人财产权的内涵、特征和法人财产权对现代企业制度的意义。

    This paper mainly interprets , by probing into the property right of the legal person , its connotation , features and its significance for establishing modern enterprise system .

  22. 在出资者所有权和法人财产权相分离的现代企业制度下,建立在资金运动论基础之上的现有财务风险管理理论和方法已不能很好地满足出资者和经营者对财务风险管理的不同需要。

    Under modern enterprise system , current financial risk management theory and methods on the basis of fund movement theory , cannot meet the demands of investors and managers .

  23. 股权与公司法人财产权相结合便形成了公司权利结构,并成为公司治理结构的理论前提。

    The combination of stock holders ' right and corporate legal person 's property right is the corporate right structure . And this become the theory premise of the administration of the company .

  24. 民办学校对举办者投入民办学校的资产、国有资产、受赠的财产以及办学积累,享有法人财产权。

    A privately-run school has the property right as a legal person over the assets in which the sponsor has inputted capital , state-owned assets , donated property and the accumulated assets through school running .

  25. 董事会处于现代公司决策和控制系统的最高层,代表公司行使法人财产权,是公司内部治理结构的核心。

    Board of directors , the highest level in the decision and control system of modern companies , which exercising corporate property rights in the name of company , is the core of corporate governance structure .

  26. 有了股东的出资才会有最终的控制权;控制权的分配要以出资比例来决定;有了董事会的法人财产权,才会有其经营决策权。

    Shareholders will have the final controlling right , and the distribution of the right bases on the ratio of funds . The right of business decisions depends on rights of corporate property which come from the Board .

  27. 国有企业(上市公司)存在的问题如上市公司不规范、法人财产权难以落实、资本功能残缺、内部人控制等是由各种原因促成的。

    There exist various reasons for the problems of the state owned enterprises ( listed companies ) such as the unqualification of the listed companies , the unsettlement of corporate property rights , the incompleteness of capital function and the unfair inside manipulation .

  28. 而以法人财产权为基础构造的公司人格体制,因为法人组织体缺乏独立的财产所有权,在现实的运作过程中,还存在一些制度缺憾。

    But there still exist some system defects in the corporation personality system that takes " legal man 's property right " as the foundation because the legal man organization body is short of independent property ownership right in the course of present operation .

  29. 民办高校产权是制约民办高校发展的瓶颈,在确定民办高校法人财产权的基础上,正确理解其收益和建立合理的分配机制是民办高校产权建设的重要方面。

    The undefined ownership of non-governmental university or college constrains their development . On the basis of the property of a legal person , the correct understanding of profit distribution system is the key to establishing property ownership of non-governmental institution of higher learning .

  30. 在对产权、产权制度、教育产权、学校法人财产权等概念进行界定的基础上,提出了引入产权经济学相关理论对独立学院的产权关系与产权制度功能进行分析。

    Based on the definitions of property right , property right system , educational property right , and the property right of artificial person , the paper applies some theories about property economics to analyze property right relations and property right system function of independent institutions .