
  1. 汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。

    Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese ( Han-the predominant ethnic group of China ) .

  2. 这些政策包括按照汉人的喜好改变艺术风格,让人民说汉语、穿汉服。

    These policies included changing artistic styles to reflect Chinese preferences and forcing the population to speak the language and to wear Chinese clothes .

  3. 汉服作为汉族人的文化象征受到广泛关注,其本质就是人们通过服饰来寻求民族文化归属感。

    Han Fu as a symbol of widespread concern about the culture , its essence is that people seek cultural sense of belonging through clothing .

  4. 同样,汉服是华夏文明的重要有机组成部分,也是汉民族文化史上的一颗光辉璀璨的明珠。

    Meanwhile , " Hanfu " is an important part of Chinese civilization , and it is an effulgent pearl in the history of national culture .

  5. 秦汉服饰对后世服装形制发展的影响而和服与韩服都源于我们华夏民族的汉服。

    The influence of clothing form in the Qin and the Han Dynasties on the later centuries ; For their national costumes both come from China 's Han costume .

  6. 圣诞节第二天,身着汉服、手持福袋、慈眉善目、笑容可掬的“中华福爷爷”在北京太庙隆重问世。

    The kindly " Chinese Fortune Grandpa " wearing Han Chinese clothing and holding a fortune bag debuted at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after Christmas .

  7. 而且连汉服都没了,我看到个新闻说有个女的穿了汉服,却被中国人攻击,因为他们以为她穿的是日本的衣服。

    Even there 's no more Han Fu . I read a news and a woman who wore Han Fu was assaulted by Chinese as they thought it 's Japanese clothes .

  8. 因此,汉服的复兴,必定将鼓励公民走出被动的社会角色,自觉成为自己、国家和社会的主人。

    Therefore , the in-depth development of Hanfu Renaissance surely will encourage citizens in China to turn their roles to be the real masters of their country , society and themselves .

  9. 全国各地穿着汉服举行各种传统祭祀、传统节日等活动,全面宣传传统文化,形成了颇具规模的汉服复兴运动。

    Han Chinese clothing worn throughout the country held a variety of traditional religious , traditional festivals and other activities , a comprehensive promotion of traditional culture , and formed a scale of Chinese clothing renaissance .

  10. 作为研究服饰文化的研究生我们有责任和条件关注发生在中国当代社会中的任何一场服饰运动。而汉服运动正是一场当代社会方兴未艾并广受关注的服饰运动。

    As graduate students , we have the responsibility and advantage to focus any Apparel Movement in the present age of China , among which , Apparel Han Movement ( AHM ) is just unfolding and is attracting more attention .

  11. 从和服的别名吴服可知,早期和服深受传统汉族服装(即今天的汉服)的影响。早在5世纪,日本就开始大量吸收这种由遣唐使者带回的中国文化。

    As the kimono has another name gofuku , the earliest kimonos were heavily influenced by traditional Han Chinese clothing , known today as faanfu , through Japanese embassies to China which resulted in extensive Chinese culture adoptions by Japan , as early as the fifth century .