
  • 网络university of hamburg;Hamburger University;Hamburg University
  1. 他们有一个很棒的汉堡大学项目

    you know they have a wonderful hamburger university program

  2. 严谨的「手册文化」和「汉堡大学」,是麦当劳激励不安定世代工作力的两大关键。

    The rigorous organization such as " Hamburger University " is the key to McDonald 's success in managing young and unstable employees .

  3. 16岁时,他就有资格进入汉堡大学。

    At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg

  4. 这篇论文是基于Ryan和NettaWeinstein的早期研究而作,NettaWeinstein,德国汉堡大学的心理学家,其他研究显示,当人们接触自然是会变的更有同情心,更大方。

    The paper builds on earlier research by Ryan , Netta Weinstein , a psychologist at the University of Hamburg , Germany , and others showing that people are more caring and generous when exposed to nature .

  5. 一张世界地图上标注着全球七所麦当劳汉堡大学。

    A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities .

  6. 现在汉堡大学改正了这个错误。

    Now the university has set right that wrong .

  7. 麦当劳表示,上海麦当劳汉堡大学投资为2.5亿元币(约合3660万美元)。

    The company said the Shanghai school represented an investment of250 million yuan ( $ 36.6 million ) .

  8. 泡利最终在汉堡大学,谋到了一个职位,他做的是大学的物理教授。

    He eventually got a position at the University of Hamburg where he was a Professor of Physics .

  9. 另外两个模型已经开发出来,一个在耶鲁大学,一个在汉堡大学,这两个模型各有各的优势。

    Two other models have been developed , one at Yale and the other at the University of Hamburg , with each having different strengths .

  10. 英格博特给他们留下了深刻的印象。周二,汉堡大学医学中心举行了一个特殊的仪式,授予她被纳粹偷走的博士学位。

    They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday , in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her .

  11. 上个月,三名汉堡大学医学系教授来到英格博特位于东柏林的家中,在客厅里对她战前做的研究工作进行考试。

    Three professors from Hamburg University 's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg 's sitting room in east Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany .

  12. 汉堡大学发给她的书面确认承认,如果不是适用的法律因希尔姆女士的血统禁止她参加博士答辩,她本应获得博士学位。

    She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms Syllm 's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry .

  13. 当德国汉堡大学的研究者们研究穴居的摩利鱼的性偏好时,他们发现这些摩利鱼和洞外的摩利鱼有相同的取向——雌性摩利偏爱体积更大的雄性鱼。

    When researchers at Hamburg University in Germany studied sexual preference in Mollies that lived in caves , they found the same pattern as in Mollies living outside caves - the females preferred the larger males .

  14. 汉堡大学发给她的书面确认承认,“如果不是适用的法律因希尔姆女士的血统禁止她参加博士答辩”,她本应获得博士学位。

    She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate " if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms Syllm 's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry " 。

  15. 8月19日,位于汉堡的美术大学向德国各地的申请者提供三个1600欧元(约合人民币1.3万元)的奖学金名额。

    The University of Fine Arts in Hamburg advertised three 1600 euros scholarship places on Wednesday to applicants from across Germany .

  16. 所有申请都将成为一项名为“无足轻重的学派:向着更好的生活”的展览的一部分,该展览将于11月在汉堡的美术大学开放。

    All applications will form part of an exhibition named The School of Inconsequentiality : Towards A Better Life , opening at the Hamburg university in November .