
  • 网络law review
  1. 他也是哈佛法学评论中唯一一位非洲裔美国籍总统。

    At Harvard , he became the first African — American president of the Harvard Law Review .

  2. 因此,他进入哈佛法学院(HarvardLawSchool)就读,并成为著名的《哈佛法学评论》(HarvardLawReview)杂志社社长,他也是该杂志社的第一位黑人社长。

    Accordingly , he attended Harvard Law School , where he distinguished himself by being elected the first black president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review and graduating magna cum laude in1991 .

  3. 不要让我开始评论他法学文章和评论的素质!

    Don 't get me started on the quality of his legal writings and commentaries !