
  • 网络french guiana;Guyana
  1. 在法属圭亚那对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染和非HIV感染患者的皮肤利什曼病的对比性研究

    Comparative study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in human immunodeficiency virus ( HI V ) - infected patients and non-HIV-infected patients in French Guiana

  2. 阿丽亚娜5型火箭(ariane5)从法属圭亚那航天中心升空后不久爆炸,让他几乎立刻就面临了一场危机。

    Almost immediately , he faced a crisis after the explosion of an Ariane 5 rocket shortly after take-off from French Guiana .

  3. “我特别喜欢法属圭亚那人。”

    " I have a special love for the French Guianese people . "

  4. 法属圭亚那是法国的一个海外省,拥有800多万hm2热带森林资源,人均森林面积居世界前茅。

    Abstract French Guyana is an overseas province of France , with more than 800 hm 2 tropical forest resources , and the forest cover is over 90 % .

  5. 法属圭亚那热带雨林的经营与研究

    The Management and Research in Tropical Forest of French Guyana

  6. 多样的彩虹刺穿树林在法属圭亚那的雨林。

    Multiple rainbows pierce the trees of a rain forest in French Guiana .

  7. 法国还有4个海外省(法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪)。

    France has 4 overseas departments ( French Guiana , Guadeloupe , Martinique and Reunion ) .

  8. 最近的报告表明,巴西在与法属圭亚那接壤的地区可能首次发生布鲁里溃疡病地方性流行。

    Recent reports suggest , for the first time , that Brazil may be endemic in the areas bordering French Guyana .

  9. 其他国家如法属圭亚那和圭亚那最近已将黄热病预防接种纳入国家常规免疫接种规划。

    Other countries ( e. g. French Guiana and Guyana ) have recently included yellow fever vaccination in their national routine programme for immunization .

  10. 流经巴西、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、委内瑞拉、玻利维亚、秘鲁、苏里南、圭亚那和法属圭亚那,亚马逊河是最后的边界之一而且它正在以惊人的速度消亡。

    Spanning Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Venezuela , Bolivia , Peru , Suriname , Guyana and French Guiana , the Amazon is one of the last frontiers , and it 's disappearing at a staggering rate .

  11. 自然地理:苏里南位于南美洲东北部海岸,东接法属圭亚那,南邻巴西,西连圭亚那,北临大西洋。

    Location : Located on the northeast coast of South America , Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east , Brazil to the south , Guyana to the west , and the Atlantic Ocean to the north .

  12. 如果你喜欢独处,就要避开远东和西欧的大部分国家,考虑一下这10个人最少的地方:格陵兰、福克兰群岛、蒙古、西撒哈拉、纳米比亚、法属圭亚那、澳大利亚、冰岛、苏里南,和博茨瓦纳。

    If you like solitude , avoid most of the Far East and Western Europe , and consider one of the 10 least crowded places : Greenland , Falkland Islands , Mongolia , Western Sahara , Namibia , French Guiana , Australia , Iceland , Suriname , and Botswana .

  13. 一次,她和弗莱德到法属圭亚那西北部的边境小镇马罗尼河畔圣洛朗区旅行,只为探访法国殖民者监狱的废墟。这是因为让·热内曾经满怀敬畏地描写过这个地方,她想从这里带回几块石头送给他。

    She and Fred journeyed to St. - Laurent-du-Maroni , a small border town in northwest French Guiana so that she could visit the ruins of a French prison colony - because Genet had once written about the place with reverence , and she wanted to retrieve some stones from the site and deliver them to him .