
mó luò gē
  • Morocco
摩洛哥[mó luò gē]
  1. 摩洛哥队在一球未失的情况下连入四球,赢得了这场比赛。

    Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game .

  2. 摩洛哥的首都在独立前一直都拥挤不堪。

    Morocco 's capital , until independence , was badly overcrowded .

  3. 财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。

    The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan .

  4. 我们多少有点心血来潮,决定航海去摩洛哥。

    We decided , more or less on a whim , to sail to Morocco

  5. 他已经去过突尼斯了,还要去摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚。

    He 's already been to Tunisia , and is to go on to Morocco and Mauritania

  6. 那对夫妇8月从摩洛哥出发,驱车穿过撒哈拉大沙漠,游览了尼日利亚,正向津巴布韦进发。

    The couple set off in August from Morocco , drove through the Sahara , visited Nigeria and were heading for Zimbabwe .

  7. 设想一下你突然被带走丢到了摩洛哥。你能多好地适应那里的语言、天气和人等等?

    Imagine if you were suddenly swept up and deposited in Morocco . How well could you cope with the language , the weather , the people , and so on ?

  8. 摩洛哥是个有主权的独立君主国。

    Morocco is a sovereign independent monartery .

  9. 但挪威能否保持其生活水平,同时将其排放量削减到摩洛哥甚至埃塞俄比亚的水平?

    But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels ?

  10. 马克斯普朗克研究所的安德里亚·弗拉克发现,与只飞到摩洛哥北部并在那里的垃圾堆过冬的德囯白鹳相比,按照传统迁徙路线飞行的鸟儿死亡的可能性更大。

    Andrea Flack of the Max Planck Institute found that birds following traditional migration routes were more likely to die than German storks that flew only as far as northern Morocco , and spent the winter there on rubbish dumps .

  11. 他第一次入狱是在FoxRiver,之后,是在巴拿马那间令人恐惧、毫无法则可言的Sona监狱,而这一次,迈克被关在摩洛哥。

    First it was Fox River , then there was Sona - the ghastly , lawless prison in Panama - and now Michael ’ s incarcerated2 in Morocco .

  12. 广州恒大将参加下个月在摩洛哥举行的国际足联俱乐部世界杯(FIFAClubWorldCup)赛。

    Evergrande will compete in next month 's FIFA Club World Cup in Morocco .

  13. 6月15日伊朗VS摩洛哥

    Iran ( v Morocco ) , 15 June

  14. 他表示:通过购买(MG)在欧洲大陆和摩洛哥的权益,或多或少会迫使南汽妥协。

    By buying the rights to continental Europe and Morocco you more or less force Nanjing to make a deal , he said .

  15. 结论HEV摩洛哥株5′端有甲基化帽子结构。

    Conclusion The genome of HEV Morocco strain was a methylated cap structure .

  16. 他留着一个美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)式的发型,穿着修身西装,看起来就像摩洛哥的赌场管理员。

    And not just because , with his mad men hair cut and sharp suits , he looks the part of a Monaco croupier .

  17. 来自摩洛哥、现居法国的雅辛•泽尔迪(YacineZerkdi)为了在哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)攻读MBA在GoFundMe上发起了筹款,到目前为止已募得3万欧元。

    Yacine Zerkdi , who is from Morocco but lives in France , started a campaign on GoFundMe and has so far raised Euro30000 towards an MBA at Harvard Business School .

  18. 她招募了著名室内设计师比尔·威利斯(BillWillis)帮忙重建,然后去一家摩洛哥银行贷了一笔款。

    She enlisted noted interior designer Bill Willis to help restore it , and went to a Moroccan bank for a loan .

  19. 为了容纳被合并的DG,杜嘉班纳公司在意大利新造了两个工厂,尽管DG的生产基地大多在亚洲和中东国家,如摩洛哥和土耳其。

    The company expanded two of its Italian factories to accommodate D & G , even though most of the production was to take place in Asia and Mediterranean countries such as Morocco and Turkey .

  20. 你能在拉卡普里亚(LaCapria)酒店里找到这个季节中的最佳床铺。该酒店拥有20个房间,内配有融合了摩洛哥与地中海风情的家具,它还拥有自己25米高的帆船,这是为夏末阳光中的环岛游配备的。

    This season 's best beds are found at La Capria , a 20-room hotel with Moroccan-meets-Mediterranean furnishings and its own 25-meter gulet for island hopping in the late-summer sun .

  21. 方法使用基于RNA连接酶的cDNA末端快速扩增法(RLMRACE)扩增HEV摩洛哥株5′和3′端片段并测序。

    Methods A method of RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RLM-RACE ) was employed to obtain the 5 ′ - and 3 ′ - terminal sequences of HEV Morocco strain .

  22. 2007年,摩洛哥通过一项补贴机制设计和实施了一个供水和卫生OBA试验项目。

    In2007 , using a subsidy mechanism , Morocco designed and implemented a water supply and sanitation OBA pilot .

  23. HEV摩洛哥株5′端UTR有26个核苷酸,3′端polyA之前有65个核苷酸。

    The 5 ′ UTR of the Morocco strain has 26 nucleotides , and the 3 ′ UTR has 65 nucleotides upstream to the polyA .

  24. 摩洛哥Devic视神经脊髓炎:一项对9例患者的研究(法)

    Devic 's neuromyelitis optica in Morocco . A study of 9-cases ( Fren )

  25. 巴特菲尔德银行(英国)有限公司(ButterfieldBank(UK)Ltd.)的私人银行家尼奥&12539;丘吉尔(NealChurchill)表示:百慕大非常低调。丘吉尔曾经在这里居住过三年,目前又从摩洛哥返回百慕大游览。

    ' Bermuda is very unassuming , ' says Neal Churchill , a private banker with Butterfield Bank ( UK ) Ltd. , who lived here for three years and was back for a visit from Monaco .

  26. 阿曼沙漠马拉松赛是设立不久的赛事,首届赛事于2013年举办,与参赛者近1.5万人的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛(marathondessables)相比,实在是小巫见大巫。

    The Oman Desert Marathon is a relatively newcomer , first held in 2013 , and a low-key alternative to Morocco 's Marathon des Sables , which now attracts almost 1500 runners .

  27. 哥伦比亚对阵日本时,这位效力于摩洛哥俱乐部的球员下半场替补出场,再次代表国家队出战。那场比赛,他同样自己打进一球,也为队友杰克逊·马丁内斯(JacksonMartinez)创造了一次射门进球的机会。

    The Monaco man was at it again in the final group game against Japan , entering the fray as a second-half substitute , yet making time to create two goals for Jackson Martinez and score himself .

  28. 坎贝尔夫妇谈到了他们上个月的冒险之旅。当时,夫妇俩正准备在他们最近租的马拉喀什(Marrakesh)那套宽敞的庭院式住宅(riad,摩洛哥的一种传统建筑形式——译注)中安顿下来。

    The Campbells were discussing their adventures last month while settling into their latest home on the road , a spacious riad in Marrakesh .

  29. 他们在Epcot主题公园向其他游客开放前,在摩洛哥区、日本区和法国区拍了照。

    They were photographed in the Morocco , Japan and France areas of Epcot before it opened for other guests .

  30. 自从成为会员后,她交换过四次房子,其中有一次换到了位于摩洛哥马拉喀什(Marrakesh)的房子,业主是弗朗索瓦·列斐伏尔(FrançoiseLefebvre),她和戈列一样对美食感兴趣。

    She has made four swaps since becoming a member , including one in Marrakesh , Morocco , with Fran ç oise Lefebvre , who shares her interest in food .