
fǎ lán xī
  • France;French
法兰西[fǎ lán xī]
  1. 他获准加入法兰西厨艺学会。

    He was admitted to the Academie Culinaire de France

  2. 图书馆里有法兰西史文献汇编。

    Documentary history of France is available in the library .

  3. 法兰西帝国的扩张主要靠军事征服。

    The French empire had expanded largely through military conquest .

  4. 戴高乐在他的回忆录中写道,他怀着拯救法兰西民族的坚定信念来到了伦敦。

    In his memoirs , De Gaulle wrote that he had come to London determined to save the French nation .

  5. 这些当地居民现在不得不把传统自给自足的狩猎生活方式与现代法兰西共和国所提供的生活方式相平衡,这一方面带来了必要的国家福利,另一方面也带来了酗酒、背叛甚至自杀。

    These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic , which brings with it not only necessary state welfare , but also alcoholism , betrayal and even suicide .

  6. 一群群队伍在带领下正穿过英格兰,期待与苏格兰和法兰西开战

    Musters were being taken through England in view of wars with Scotland and France .

  7. Paul被任命为南法兰西文化事务部理事

    Paul has been appointed Cultural Affairs Commissioner for the South of France .

  8. 这座步行桥连接法兰西学会(InstitutdeFrance)和卢浮宫(PalaisduLouvre)中央广场。

    The pedestrian bridge connects the Institut de France and the central square of the Palais du Louvre .

  9. n.富裕;丰富狄更斯比较法兰西贵族的富裕与其农民的贫困。vt.垂涎;

    opulence Dickens contrasts the opulence of France 's nobility with the indigence of her peasants .

  10. 几十年来,当地的共和国广场(PlacedelaRépublique)是一个大型环岛,矗立着脏脏的法兰西共和国象征玛丽安娜(Marianne)的旧雕像,是巴黎最没有生气的广场。

    The local Place de la R é publique , for decades a big roundabout with a dirty old statue of Marianne , symbol of the republic , was Paris 's drabbest square .

  11. 在“小法兰西”(PetiteFrance)社区走过姜饼屋风格的房屋,你会自觉身处格林童话《亨舍尔与格雷琴》(HanselandGretel)的场景中,暗中期待亨舍尔与格雷琴在卵石小道匆匆跑过。

    Strolling past gingerbread-style mansions in the Petite France neighborhood , you half expect to glimpse Hansel and Gretel scurrying across the cobblestones .

  12. 真实情况并非如此,法兰西共和国的信用评级仍然是AAA,且评级展望为稳定。这一事故与我们任何的评级监控活动都没有联系。

    This is not the case : the ratings of Republic of France remain triple A with a stable outlook and this incident is not related to any ratings surveillance activity .

  13. L'Academiefrancaise的荣誉终身秘书长--也就是法兰西学院

    the Honorary Perpetual Secretary of L'Academie francaise , the French Academy .

  14. 如果你想在老城区小法兰西入住一家华丽高档酒店,请到金盾温泉酒店(HôtelLeBouclierd’Or&Spa;1,rueduBouclier,33-3-88-13-73-55;lebouclierdor.com)。

    For stately , aristocratic ambience in the historical Petite France neighborhood , H ô tel Le Bouclier d'Or & Spa ( 1 , rue du Bouclier , 33-3-88-13-73-55 ; lebouclierdor . com ) is a two-year-old addition .

  15. Mesamis(译注:法语“我的朋友”),让我们花点时间,来哈哈法国吧。不过在此之前,我要声明一下,曾经有一段时间,我的法兰西之恋中断过。

    Mes amis let us take a moment and go francophile . But first let me preface this by acknowledging that there was in fact a time when my love affair with France hit a dark spot .

  16. 但他们更像导游而不是老师,特别是她的爱人艾赫维(Hervé),周末总是带她去参观“亲爱的法兰西”。

    But they 're more guides than teachers , especially her love , Herv é , who shows her " douce France " on weekends .

  17. 法兰西岛包括巴黎市及周边地区,排在我们榜单上第42位。今年1月,新开幕的巴黎爱乐音乐厅(PhilharmoniedeParis)给这里增添了活力。该音乐厅由让·努韦尔(JeanNouvel)设计,有2400个座位。

    No. 42 on our list , the Î le-de-France - the district that encompasses the city and its outskirts - received a boost in January with the opening of the Philharmonie de Paris , the 2400-seat concert hall designed by Jean Nouvel .

  18. 他的子孙capetian,valois和波旁王朝统治法国直到1792年,当时,法国大革命建立了法兰西第一共和国。

    His descendants , the Capetian , Valois and Bourbon dynasties , ruled France until 1792 , when the French revolution established the French First Republic .

  19. 巴黎法兰西学院皮埃尔-吉勒·德燃纳(PierreGillesdeGennes)教授以其在液晶基础研究的杰出贡献荣获1991年诺贝尔物理奖.本文从历史的角度简介他的获奖成就。

    Pierre Gilles de Gennes at the College of France has been awarded the 1991 Nobel prize in physics for his outstanding contribution to fundamental research in liquid crystals . A brief introduction including a historic view point to his achievement is given .

  20. 法兰西第二共和国普选制的社会政治作用

    Effecfs of the Universal Suffrage in the Second Republic of France

  21. 法兰西,用剑宣誓我爱你。

    France , make vow I love you with the sword .

  22. 统冶法兰西的欧洲皇室中的成员。

    A member of the European royal family that ruled france .

  23. 法兰西说:“有些东西在动我的窗帘。”

    Frances said ," There is something moving the curtains . "

  24. 法兰西海岸,灯火闪烁;

    On the French coast the light gleams and is gone ;

  25. 魏刚将军所说的法兰西之战已告结束。

    What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over .

  26. 1756年的今天,在英格兰向法兰西宣战后,“七年战争”开战。

    1756-The Seven Years'War begins when England declares war on France .

  27. 我想要和个法兰西的情人来次外遇。

    I want to have an affair with a French lover .

  28. 我决不相信法兰西的灵魂已经死亡!

    Never will I believe that the soul of France is dead !

  29. 科西嘉。一个使法兰西变得相当伟大的小岛。

    Corsica , a little island which has rendered France very great .

  30. 毕竟,《法兰西晚报》以报道耸人听闻的消息著称。

    After all , France-Soir is known for aggressive reporting .