
fǎ lǜ zhì dù
  • legal system;system of law;regime of law
  1. 他们的法律制度与我们的相似。

    Their legal system parallels our own .

  2. 虽然华尔街高管利用收费高昂的律师来确保他们的团队不用对2008年金融危机所揭示的不当行为负责,但这些银行滥用我们的法律制度,取消抵押贷款的赎回权,驱逐房客,其中一些房客甚至并不欠钱。

    While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .

  3. Internet这一新兴技术给相对稳定的传统法律制度提出了极大的挑战。

    Internet , a new technology , challenges enormously traditional law system .

  4. WTO反补贴法律制度的演进思考

    Pondering on Evolution of WTO Countervailing Law System

  5. 加入WTO,给我国刑事诉讼法律制度改革提供了新的动力和压力。

    China 's accession to WTO presents motivation and pressure for the reform of criminal procedure in China .

  6. 但是我国现有的税收法律制度却难以适应这种要求,造成了与WTO规则的冲突。

    But the existing legal system of tax revenue of our country is difficult to meet the needs of this kind .

  7. 第3章为WTO航运投资法律制度,分析了叮法中与航运投资相关的法律制度,对于某些规定提出了自己的见解。

    In chapter III , the author analyses legal system of WTO laws connecting with investments in shipping industry , and gives his opinions on some clauses .

  8. 公司登记(CompanyRegistration)作为登记的一种类型,是措公司登记机关根据登记申请人的申请,经依法审核,将法定应予以登记的事项登载于公司登记簿上并予以公示的法律制度。

    Company registration means the legal mechanism according to which the registration agency registers the statutory items on the registry book on the application of the registration applicant after strict examination .

  9. 现在,中国已经成功地加入了WTO,而外资税收优惠法律制度的改革也应在这一伟大历史变革的推动下逐步实施。

    As China has been a member of WTO , the reform of foreign-invested enterprises preferential tax laws should be put into action gradually under such a historic condition .

  10. 我国于2001年10月对《商标法》进行了修改,使之基本符合了TRIPS协议的要求,进一步完善了我国的商标法律制度。

    The Chinese Trademark Law has been revised in October 2001 to make it agree to TRIPS improving China 's trademark law system .

  11. 作为一种多边贸易法律制度,WTO法是国际法的重要组成部分,WTO法律责任是成员方违反WTO义务应当承担的否定性法律后果。

    The responsibility of WTO law is too . The nature of WTO responsibility system is a special international responsibility system , and is the central component of WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

  12. 随着市场经济的发展和我国加入WTO后国际经济交往的逐步扩大,作为市场经济法制建设重要环节的破产法律制度面临着诸多挑战。

    With the development of market economy and gradually extending international economic co-operation , the legal system of bankruptcy acting as an important part of market economic system faces a lot of challenge .

  13. 入世对中国而言,最重要的是对中国法律制度的冲击,即中国法律面临着与WTO规则接轨的问题。

    To be admitted into WTO , the most important is the impact that the law system of China is given . So China 's law system must be in keeping with the rule of WTO .

  14. 加入WTO后,中国经济的发展将不可避免地融入经济全球化的浪潮。经济全球化也必将给法律制度的发展带来深刻的影响。

    After the entry of WTO , China 's economy is inevitably to integrate with economic globalization , which , in return , is bound to exert a tremendous influence upon the development of legal system .

  15. 其中有关农业发展法律制度的协调和应对,必须充分利用WTO《农业协议》的调整空间,大力加强我国的农业支持力度,切实增强我国农业的综合生产和竞争能力,保护农民的根本利益。

    As to the innovation and adjustment to the agricultural laws , rules and policies , we should strengthen our agricultural support in accordance with the rules of Agreement on Agriculture of WTO to build up our agricultural overall production and competition ability .

  16. 积极利用WTO规则及其争端解决机制以及强化贸易与环境执法,才能使我国的环境保护与自由贸易法律制度与国际市场全面接轨。

    Actively use WTO regular and its dispute to solve mechanism as well as reinforce trading and environmental law enforcement , then they can make international market and the legal system of free trade and the environmental protection of our country in conformity all-sidedly .

  17. 特别是加入我国加入WTO之后,面对国际上激烈的竞争如何在保障消费者生命、财产安全的同时,又保持我国经济市场化建设的快速步伐,是我国产品责任法律制度的特殊立法背景。

    Especially after entering WTO , facing on keen international competition , it is our country 's special legislation background of our product liability law that how to safeguard the security of consumers'life and property , also maintain the fast step of market economy construction .

  18. 文章认为,加入WTO以后,我国现行的仲裁法律制度必须从以下五个方面进行改革:1促进和维护仲裁价值观念的实现;

    In this article , the authors put forward a suggestion that after China 's accession to WTO , the currently arbitration legal system should reform in the following aspects : ( 1 ) to promote and to safeguard the realization of the value of arbitration system ;

  19. 把这些法律制度称作经济监管法律制度。

    These legal system are called the economic regulation law system .

  20. 其中,政治法律制度是核心。

    Among them , the political law system is a core .

  21. 论法律制度安排与法律实施成本

    Research on the Legal System Arrangement and the Law Enforcement Costs

  22. 信托是一种起源于西方的财产法律制度。

    Trust is an property legal system originated from western countries .

  23. 我国农地法律制度重构及其分析

    A New Law Frame of China 's Farmland System and Analysis

  24. 浅议我国外资税收优惠法律制度的完善

    On Perfection of the Legal System about Our Foreign Tax Preferences

  25. 中央银行货币政策独立性及其法律制度研究

    Central Bank : Monetary Policy , Independence and Legal System

  26. 改革现有的金融法律制度促进西部开发

    Reform the Existing Financial Law System to Promote Western Development

  27. 出口信用保险;法律制度;国际贸易。

    Export credit insurance ; Legal system ; International trade .

  28. 知识产权法律制度史初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Legal History of Intellectual Property

  29. 社会保障法律制度建设应处理好的五个关系

    The Legal System of Social Security Should be Dealt with Five Relations

  30. 因此,建立完善的信息披露法律制度是非常重要的。

    Therefore , it is important to establish perfect information disclosure system .